
CRank: 13Score: 98630

to what they have to annoucement. I'm already hyped to see Reach and Fable III as I loved the Fable games. Damn so many great games for both of the HD twins this year. Killzone 3, Infamous 2, Motorstorm 3, Fable, Gears and Reach... damn it's a good time to be a gamer but a horrible time to be a wallet.

5222d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

all so very entertaining *grabs popcorn*

5223d ago 9 agree4 disagreeView comment

they're going the super casual route, RARE is effin Dead! Guess my dreams of a new Perfect Dark are dead as well.

5225d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

when your personal opinions are now facts. Damn.

5226d ago 8 agree3 disagreeView comment

indeed lead which will benefit both PS3 and X360 users as they'll get a better experience.

5226d ago 9 agree4 disagreeView comment

Reach is indeed 720p and using a good deal of interesting effects. We know for sure that motion blur, screen-space ambient occlusion and a new form of 2x AA is in the game. That's not including the new particle systems which are damn nice.

5232d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

a PS3 exclusive to this guy.

5256d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

got my CE paid off. Looking forward to this after the disappointment of Silent Hill Homecoming.

5257d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

is gonna be amazing. The campaign for 2 was one of the most fun games this generation and it looked pretty damn great to! I'd love to see how far they push their engine with the new lighting and other new additions. But I want some bosses in Horde mode, I've put tons of hours into Horde.

5281d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

that MS is going to have 2 events. One for hardcore games and one for Natal.

5299d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

it, honestly at this point the 360 needs all the exclusives it can get to try and keep their fanbase and userbase happy. With Sony busting out AMAZING exclusives that are really turning peoples heads... MS needs all the help it can get.

5327d ago 4 agree14 disagreeView comment

Talk about misinformation out the @ss. First of all, Infinite Undiscovery and Lost Odyssey are Microsoft owned IP's. So your statement of Lost Odyssey originally meant to be a multiplatform title is complete and utter trash. As Tordavis said, JRPG's on the whole worldwide sales wise are the decline. The reason that Square-Enix decided to produce titles like The Last Remnant and Star Ocean 4 on the 360 was because they wanted to try and touch a wider install base. This has been something that ...

5379d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Action adventure games while fun, and sell pretty good is no match for a big name shooter like Halo, even if its God of War. I hope I'm wrong, I'd love to see a PS3 exclusive really sell well. Sadly not even the amazing Uncharted 2, has sold that well in NA. I wish PS3 owners would buy more games, and support these first party Sony developers which are producing some of the best games I've ever seen.

5403d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Something tells me that things like cross game chat and other similar things PS3 owners have wanted are going to magically become "premium" services. That's screwed up if it happens.

5426d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

Too many amazing games early next year. I mean FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
Bayonetta, Dark Void, Mass Effect 2, God of War III, Dante's Inferno, Bad Company 2, MAG, Alan Wake and now Final Fantasy XIII holy crap. So much loove!!!

5432d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

makes MW2 look sad. Sorry but even Bad Company 1 with its faults keep me more hooked than MW. Bad Company 2 looks to push everything to the max and throw in an awesome campaign as well.

5475d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment

I'm excited to see more about Reach. But I was expecting more RPG's. Who knows perhaps they'll announce a few new titles, one can hope. Currently I'm playing Tales of Vesperia and its a great game. I hope PS3 owners pick it up when it releases on the PS3 soon.

5491d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

is pushing things to the casual side of gaming than the PS3 has been that since launch. People b*tch now that the 360 doesn't come with one but if anything the PS3 should have come with one even more so due to its BR player. Oh well an HDMI cable is like 3 dollars on monoprice. Fantastic cables and cheap.

5519d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

using the wands on the PSE will require some CPU and RAM overhead. Natal has it's own chipset in the camera itself, so the 360 isn't doing all the grunt work.


I can't find the video but it's been said in several places that Natal has it's own chipset in the camera itself which does all the work.

5572d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Me and a buddy of mine were talking about this a few days ago. How the 360 has the horse power for some amazing games, hell seeing FFXIII running on the system proves that but not many devs, even MS's first party have taken the time to build a custom engine pushing the system the way Sony's first party devs do. Look at games like Uncharted or even Heavenly Sword which still looks beautiful. All of those engines were custom made for the PS3 and it shows what the hardware is capable of if you p...

5573d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment