
CRank: 13Score: 98630

pissed off dude.

5951d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

to who ever said this was CG, because it's not. This is all in engine with the Unreal Engine 3 and is clearly visable it's in game. So epic fail to the hater.

5952d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

came to the PS2 because it had the largest user base, not because Sony was hand helping all the developers. In fact it's well known fact that the PS2 was hard to develop for as well, but they did it because they wanted to sell games to the biggest audience. The Dreamcast was dead and the install base for the PS2 was HUGE -- thus it was natural for everyone to bring their game to the PS2, it was dumb not to.

5952d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

for being a huge hardcore RPG guy, and I'm sure that SONY is paying SE something for FFXIII to be on the PS3. But it sure doesn't stop SE from bringing an offshoot to the Xbox 360, after all the dev tools are all the same now. You think they just did that for the fun of it? think not.

It's to get the most out of their games. SE is money hungry lately and who can blame them, God only knows how much they've spent on FFXIII and VS development.

5952d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

for this years 360 lineup. I know it's coming to the PS3 sometime next year and thats great news for PS3 only owners. Just surprised at all of the 360 games coming out THIS year.

5952d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

he brought up the "sony brand" everyone knows that the 360 hardware reliability wise is a joke. There's no if ands or buts about it. But to comes to Sony's quality of all their products it's no where enar as good as it used to be. Talking PS3 it's been made remarkably well, considering that most thought it was going to have a lot of problems. Although this is more and more the occasion that once again it stops reading any blu-ray disk.

I think the 360 cpu and gpu wise w...

5952d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

This game is looking amazing, I can't believe this is running on Unreal engine 3, sweet moses these visuals are insane! Can't wait for this one. It's funny how now all of a sudden it was supposed to be the year of the PS3 with MGS4 and LBP but now out of no where the 360's line up has gotten a hell of a boost. I mean this, Tales, Gears 2, Fable 2, Too Human, Infinite Undiscovery and NG2 which I'm currently playing -- man so much good stuff.

5952d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

is guessing at TGS Square announces a FF game for the 360, not FFXIII but an offshoot.

5952d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

and hug my Xbox, thanks. I'm just waiting now for a FF game to come to the console.

5952d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

hell of a joke considering how wide spread PSone and PS2 problems were. PS2's were known for stopping reading disks all the time and Sony TV's sure as hell are not up to the quality standard they were in the late 80's and early 90's. Which is why companies like Samsung and Pioneer are now the kings of the HDTV market.

5953d ago 10 agree14 disagreeView comment

how many millions of Jrpg's has the PS3 sold so far?

5953d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

no one in Japan cares about the PS3, it's Wii nation.

5953d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

It also has a mess load of Opteron processers, it's a mix of a whole mess of cpu's.

5953d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

this doesn't sell consoles in Japan it's more games for everyone else that owns a 360. It's nice to see so much variety on the console.

5953d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

bluray is so awesome, thats why you need several installs throughout 1 game just to run right. Sorry fail.

5954d ago 7 agree27 disagreeView comment

360 for one with a brd in it.

5954d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

huge @sshole!!!

5955d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I knew it was Pokemon Snap!!! Could be fun I guess but not for $60 bucks.

5959d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

be wary of this service. It may start to make you pay if you want demos, videos and anything else which is already free.

5959d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

they can kiss my @ss because I will get DSL with the quickness.

5959d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment