CRank: 5Score: 33370

It should've been this way for the past few months since it brought exclusives to the table, lol.

3475d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment


3475d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'd rather have games announced then hitting the date without delay. MS does this preferably. Lol, I honestly can't recall the opposite since being a fan of theirs', as far as Xbox is concerned.

3475d ago 3 agree21 disagreeView comment

It'll probably be years before it shows up on another console besides Xbox, just like Mass Effect. But then again, ive seen mentioned, the Dead Rising 3 type of deal might mean no other console will get it and you'll need to invest in a PC...

3477d ago 7 agree22 disagreeView comment

I'm sure you're not lying because there is nothing that makes me want to run out and grab one. I mean exclusives make me go and buy a console, not multiplats--theyre just icing. All Sony is telling me is that, I dont need a PS4 right now atm.

3480d ago 16 agree7 disagreeView comment

We're not arrogant, just not impressed by what Sony fans are hyping up in Sony's deliverance.

3480d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

Lol, Sony fans favorite game is...waiting...for downgrades.

3480d ago 17 agree10 disagreeView comment

Looks great.

3480d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its a downgrade no matter how you spin it.

3480d ago 46 agree62 disagreeView comment

These arent the same devs.

3485d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

This is great and all but we need to support new IPS like this also.

3492d ago 10 agree5 disagreeView comment

I read the xb1 review first then the PS4's and the latter's seemed like it was terrible but they say you should buy it, lol.

3493d ago 2 agree8 disagreeView comment

I'd like to know what exclusives for PS4 are people playing, indies included.

3493d ago 11 agree31 disagreeView comment

No, the ones that aren't coming to the Ps4...

Loyd, what exclusives have you all had in the past few months? The Xb1 has had D4, FH2, Sunset Overdrive and MCC. Go away, you look silly with your defense. My bad, that was a weak offense, I was confused for a sec. But then again, by all means, I'd love to see what your response will be.

3493d ago 7 agree5 disagreeView comment

AAA EXCLUSIVES!!! The past few months have been stellar and multiplats are just icing while the PS4 is essentially relying on multiplats and indies.

3493d ago 13 agree15 disagreeView comment

Maybe it just isn't for you. The Ps4 games you mentioned doesn't make me want to go out and buy especially with all the games out now exclusively for the Xb1. And let's not even talk about Quantum Break, Halo 5, Fable Legends, Rise of the Tomb Raider, which definitely tells me not to waste money on a PS4 when I have to buy those games for my Xb1. I more than confident in my Xb1 purchase.

3493d ago 16 agree7 disagreeView comment

The point is that, the Ps4 should be 100% better than the Xb1, but it isn't. When I say "100%" I mean the Xb1 should not be performing better at all--if we are to believe its competition is way more powerful.

3494d ago 12 agree25 disagreeView comment

I don't buy new hardware to wait on games. 😽

3495d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

They've released great games in the past few months for their console along with continuous improvement through updates and great games from 3rd party venues in which Stevie Wonder could see, not any of that dribble that you're spouting.

3495d ago 16 agree11 disagreeView comment

That's crazy.

3495d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment