
CRank: 5Score: 490

Interesting problem that sucks for PS3 owners, but this was such a poorly written article. I mean come on how old are you guys? It has no flow, reuses the same opening phrases, and is seriously lacking in the grammar department. Maybe that's cool for the kind of website/hobby that you've got going on, but if you want more people to take you seriously, you've got to at least finish high school I'd say.

4661d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment



While what he is saying is probably true, this is silly given he has no legitimate credentials. He's been accused multiple times of plagiarism and fraud, and from a financial standpoint,...

4866d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well written article that actually talks about things OTHER than PSN going down. If anyone noticed, this is actually an article about how Sony as a global brand seems to be going downhill compared to its glory days years ago, as opposed to some article that thinks Sony sucks because they failed with PSN. Maybe everyone should read the whole article and follow the author's logic before bashing the writer and his work...who also happens to be a well respected journalist, not some 18 year ol...

4900d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment