
CRank: 5Score: 7600

The thing about this E3 by Nintendo was the fact that it never ended for people who WEREN'T able to go to LA. That's why I really loved what they did. For some of the others, there was one press conference and then - that's it. That's all that their fans get this E3.

For me, I had an entire week where I could go on Twitch at (almost) any time and see some fresh, live gameplay from newly announced games. Combine that with the fact that they kind of had a press ...

3755d ago 14 agree0 disagreeView comment

The Demoman.

3873d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm Wii U/PC as well, and other than missing a few Sony exclusives, I think I'll be all set this generation!

4088d ago 20 agree4 disagreeView comment

I really want people to realize that Nintendo is constantly creating new IPs, but with the same characters. For example, Kirby's Return to Dreamland and Kirby's Epic Yard are two drastically different games - just because they both feature Kirby characters and story, they could easily be considered separate IPs. The same goes for Mario - you can't say that Mario Party, Mario Galaxy, Paper Mario, and New Super Mario Bros. are similar or redundant, even though they all feature Mario...

4131d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

While I certainly agree, give Wii U credit where it deserves it, my friend! AC3 and AC4 are both Wii U titles, and the off-TV play (which is featured in 3 and most likely in 4) is a little "Wii U difference" that I hope we can look forward to seeing more of in the future!

4145d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Go Ubisoft! Good for them for keeping the industry healthy. Even though I'm mainly a Nintendo guy, I support the decision to move Rayman Legends to all consoles, because it's better for the entire industry. I'm also so proud that Ubisoft is supporting Nintendo while EA is trying to bully them! Restores my faith in the industry.

4148d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

People who say Nintendo is dying are quite incorrect. Even if the Wii U isn't taking off, Nintendo is still doing great up there!
Here's to hoping all three companies do great in this upcoming generation. I, for one, am incredibly excited to be a gamer.

4230d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not sure how I feel about this article. I thought the Microsoft and Sony parts were great and very logical. However, I really didn't like that instead of saying what Nintendo would need to do to win, it instead stated all of its issues and faults. Rather biased, and very misleading title.

4269d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment