What is a pirate's favourite way to play games? In 4K HD ARRRRR!!!


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PC Gamer said it was devoid of life and quite dull. Another site said the combat was repetitive. One man's meat and all that.

553d ago 5 agree11 disagreeView comment

Does anyone remember the Dark Sorcerer demo from E3 2014.


554d ago 19 agree0 disagreeView comment

A new Killzone game on PS5 would murder COD as the better game. But the sales numbers might not match it unless it was on PS4 and PS5 with PSVR 2 support. It's certainly a system seller.

555d ago 4 agree27 disagreeView comment

@SullysCigar (eww btw) Either I forgot about this game or it's a new one to me thanks. It almost looks like it was developed for Quest 2 initially? It's available now on Steam I can see. Not much fanfare surrounding it. Reminds me more of LONN than LOW-Fi.

555d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

This release will be most welcome on PSVR 2 with nothing else like it planned for this year or next.

555d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am lost, Atomic Heart is a spiritual successor to which game? And please don't say Bioshock (Infinite).

556d ago 22 agree7 disagreeView comment

Can either the Xbox, PS5 do the Merengue or cha-cha? That is the important question.

556d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Elite Dangerous/Horizons/Odyssey is pretty decent but much more sim-like.

557d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Metal Gear Solid was not awash with the numerous gadgets the article alludes to, although who could forget the usefulness of chaff grenades! MGS also became classic with all those codec conversations, cutscenes and goofy Kojima moments like putting the gamepad on the floor and having Mantis move it with his l337 skillz. IIRC, Tenchu was much less about the sword based combat, and much more panther stealth with fun tools. It also offered open sandbox type maps which MGS games didn't reall...

557d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Which makes it even harder to believe the 100 million development cost for Forspoken.

557d ago 10 agree4 disagreeView comment

Paul, much like Guile has always had stupid looking hair from day one. This current hairstyle is no different.

564d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

Seems like it could even be staged.

564d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

Case in point, my folks and siblings know what a Playstation or Xbox is, they have even tried VR. If I ask them what a Playstation VR 2 is, they be like. What?

566d ago 7 agree11 disagreeView comment

People are talking about it, just not so much outside of media and gaming circles. Also VR isn't a new thing with the arrival of PSVR 2. So there is no revolution in discussion about it and rightly so especially with the high price of entry VR has as a whole.

567d ago 14 agree35 disagreeView comment
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567d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Kinda obvious why given the clout the game has outside of specialist gaming circles ($$$$$)

568d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Haha, you forget HipHopGamer days then. Whatabout Angry Joe etc.

568d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was also meaning the Quest 2 VR Link Cable which although is wired, means you can then play the Steam VR games that AShadow was talking about. I appreciate the experience won't be as good as native PSVR 2 gaming, but at least the library is there for the taking unlike SONY's walled-garden approach.

568d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment