Waiting for feb 15 so I get my Ps Vita


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hummm they really lost halo after the first one .. the first one was a great game now is really going down ... is almost like soldier of fortune ...

i dont know if Microoft wants to make halo BIG again (yes i know it sold like damn hot cakes halo3) but every one knows 360 face is GEARs not halo.. maibe they want to make it again theyr ace but for sure aint gona be with HALO 3.5 here ..

and yes i got a 360 got it only for gears and thats why i posted what i did....

5829d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

hummm sounds kool.. but i think these game has to stay 2d .. reall 2d and be REALLY GOOD for me to go back to it love the one back on the megadrive .. forgot the name it had the guy with the stick and the other with the whip ...

it was the best one out of all of them .. if they do these really next gen .. they beter take their time and make it good

5829d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

ok now that is something KOOLL.. can you people really see what these can do for other games ??

ok so the kick ass news for Sony have started im waiting for the ress here lol..

5829d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

ok the trailer looks REALLLLYYYY KOOLLL.... dont know if im gona get the game but if id buy it JUST because of the trailer id be SOLD on it ...

5829d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yep your right .. its Thu 5:36 PM right now in Tokyo ... so lets see if they start it up ..

and home does look kool... if what he said did mean something maibe we will all be at HOME on the 24 .. add me on the ps3 so after we can go play some pool at HOME lol...

user BrunoM .. send a message saying its you lol.. get alot of random adds..

5829d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

looks kool... even tho i always like MUCH more Virtua Fighter than Tekken ... ..

so let me see if i got these Tekken 6 is 360 and the PS3 gets Tekeen 6 BLOOD LINE ?

o well kool wont be geting these one dont like it but good to see that the game looks kick ass

5829d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

i know what you man topnews lol.... damn i need to let off these games thing .. i think it would be cheaper to go for cocain .. damn lol

ooo well i love my video games ...

5829d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

YES STEVEN i wish that Skys Of Arcadia would make a come back .. but well not for now .. then again rpgs need some extra time ...

but what i really wanted was shenmue ..... humm and on that i think that YAKUZA3 even tho a good game on its on looking amasing is just a starting point for SHENMUE .. (i hope so so badlly lol...)

but all in all im happy with sega

5829d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Looks sexy .. o well to bad already got my Sony bluethooth head set .. it came with my SonyEricsson W910 .. and its DAMN great amasing sound..

5829d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well as long as it comes il be happy ...

I (and every other ps3 owner) have waited 2 years for these i dont see why any of us would die if we wait 1 or 2 more months ... is not like i wont be busy .. LBP R2 SvsR09 ETc...

5829d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

humm kooll... cant wait .. in another note TGS is going on on PS HOME RIGHT NOW and on that il say THAT THE WHY I WANT HOME SO BADLY .. being able to be at E3 TGS and all other game presses and shows none of us will ever be at .. and then again it will just be fun

here s pic of TGS at PS HOME: http://www.jp.playstation.c...
And The reall TGS:

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