
CRank: 13Score: 44440

Just to make it more precise - navigation controller to move and wand for swordplay etc...

4907d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah, used to love all Team 17's stuff. Alien Breed was ace, Superfrog was decent but Arcade Pool was absolutely brilliant

4907d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Think there's loads of scope for quiz games - especially those where you have to do challenges or tasks. Anyone remember Generation Game?

4910d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yup - bring back Knightmare!!! Of all those on the list, I reckon this would be best suited to Kinect. And with today's graphics, it could be awesome!

4910d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I heard rumours that The Movies was being developed for Kinect http://www.megabitsofgaming...

4911d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

am pleased they seem to have given the weapons an overhaul as well - thought Gears 2 was a bit too similar to the original. As someone above says though, this will be around the same time as Uncharted 3... be interesting to see which one comes out on top!!??!

4911d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It does look awesome from the screenshots and videos - nice to see there's a bit more colour. Gears 2 was depressingly grey

4911d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

One million kills???? Seriously 2.0 was nigh on impossible

4911d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sounds like it's a major improvement over the second game. And it looks a lot nicer aesthetically too. Makes me feel even happier having bought Bulletstorm that I get access to this beta

4911d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

nice one - thanks for the heads up!

4923d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

These show what Kinect should be used for - much better than every game that's currently available.. they're pretty much ALL sports related and you can only play them for short periods before you start to feel crappy (and realise you're really unfit!)

4923d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Absolutely loved this game!

4923d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Always liked the idea of them - but thought that finding a decent clan was kind of tricky.

4923d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@Mr Dead - mmm, good point about the sad face - will bear that in mind for next time!!! The choice of Killzone 2 pic, however, was because it was one of the games listed in the article about "Big Gaming Disappointments" so it seemed wholly appropriate.

4935d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@ MrDead - lol, very well constructed argument. Well done you. It ain't about making money or getting clicks - it's about stimulating discussion. Not everyone will agree with all the choices but hey. And no kittens were harmed in the writing of this article!

4935d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yeah,agree. Black ops wasn't worth the hype imo... and I personally hated the plot

4936d ago 7 agree6 disagreeView comment

Don't think Rockstar submitted it - only category was the GAME award but Black Ops got it instead!

4943d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Was really disappointed with Black Ops - nothing has managed to beat CoD 4! The menu screen was one of the best ever though ;)

4943d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Surprised at F1 2010 too. IMO other winners should have included Limbo, Starcraft II and Dance Central

4943d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Heavy Rain wins big - shame about Limbo though!

4943d ago 10 agree0 disagreeView comment