

CRank: 174Score: 8980130

I feel 'The Love' in this thread. If you people hate Shane Kim so much why comment at all? And no, I didn't click disagree. I don't see you same people complaining when I post PS3 news.

If you don't like it then why don't you guys post some articles yourself. And why does it bother you so much what Micro has in their pipeline for games?

I am sure some visitors to N4G will like this news.

5972d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

Looks like two top tier RPGs are coming to the 360 this year. Infinite Undiscovery and Fable 2, for those who didn't read the news this game is coming out in September.


I knew Microsoft had more surprises up their sleeve for their games lineup for this year. Hopefully E3 will reveal more.

5972d ago 12 agree8 disagreeView comment

does have a lot of variety in their lineup. They have games that cover most of the genres for both the casual and hardcore crowd. Plus they will probably be showing some more titles at E3.

Action = Ninja Gaiden 2
RPG = Fable 2
Shooter = Gears 2
Action/RPG = Too Human
Platformer = Banjo
Sim = Viva Pinata 2

Gears of War 2 will probably be one of the top sellers this Holiday Season. Well known IP's move consoles and I think that Ge...

5973d ago 15 agree18 disagreeView comment

Most of this thread is about people talking about Metal Gear Solid 4. The funniest thing about N4G is how 360 gamers in a '360' threads are trolls. N4G, your hypocracy never disappoints.


1.2 - "expect them to copy alot of mgs4 into conviction. for everyone tht ever said sam fisher was the spy of the decade....he just got owned by snake"

2.1 - " i wonder if someone from the gaming press that played MGS4 went back and told the...

5974d ago 9 agree13 disagreeView comment

because it is an Xbox 30 exclusive and that is proper N4G protocal.

5974d ago 7 agree18 disagreeView comment


5974d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

because Wii is the most popular console in Japan. Monster Hunter went to Wii, and also Dragon Quest went to the DS. It would be a smart move to put it on Wii, they will sell millions of copies.

Every time I see the top software sales charts for Japan the whole chart is pretty much dominated by Wii and DS games.

5975d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

you are such a marketing expert Action Bastard. Maybe Sony should hire you to improves the PS3 software attach rate. Or maybe you should send your resume in to Pachter, maybe his firm is hiring.

5975d ago 8 agree4 disagreeView comment

who don't know the pics in the article are links to the videos, just click on them. And I think the most impressive vid is the Super Metroid speed run.

That guy has some gaming skills.

5975d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The only ones shown at Gamers Day were the titles 'published' by Microsoft. So there is a possibility that most, if not all of these games will be out in '08.

Microsoft stated also that certain games 'were not ready to show' at gamers day. Maybe they just didn't have a good demo put together yet.

And N4G, you never disappoint. Typical haters whining about 'I can get most of these games on PC.' Well then go ahead. Chances are most of you are lying and don't even h...

5975d ago 22 agree8 disagreeView comment

And Fable 2 looks really impressive. LOL @ post 1 of course you don't like Molyneux, because he is part of Microsoft Games Studios. So naturally you can't say anything nice about him.

I saw the the latest trailer from gamers day and was really impressed.


Here is an older trailer..

2) This article has already been posted 'twice.'



Notice how the submission links to the 2nd page?


LOL, go ahead and give your six reasons. The Wii is outselling all the other consoles every month 'in every region.' Seems to me that 'somebody.' must like it. Wouldn't you think?

5976d ago 6 agree7 disagreeView comment

He didn't even have his own moveset. He was just a green ninja with both Scorpions and Subzeros moves.

He wasn't selectable either.

5976d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

if you click on the article(which most likely you didn't even read), the display image of Snake is the first picture they show.

Isn't that a more pluasible reason? Maybe you should start a petition against GameDaily for being biased against Snake and/or the PS3.


5977d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

looks really smooth. And the artwork is really beautiful. I used to be a big fan of JRPGs, but over time I grew tired of the spiky hair and cheesy dialogue.

I think that Western developers are truly getting the edge on RPG development now. With characters that evolve over time depending on the choices you make. Fable 2 even uses it to change the way your character looks.

This is going to be a huge game this year. After this I can't wait for Fallout 3.

5977d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

and found out the source that VG Chartz uses for their info.


Here's a little history if you aren't familiar.


5977d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

Mart is Apig posted that link as an alternative source. Too bad that story was published almost a year ago. Mart is APig is Nasim/TANOD/Shmee/Alexm/Zanbro ta/Larry007/Tidus007/Zimbo007/R IPHDDVD.

Nice to to see that you agree with Nasim, sixasis.

5977d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Have you forgotten where you are? I realize that Chart-Track and GfK are just like NPD, pretty much their European counterpart. But simple rules of logic and reason don't apply on N4G.

'It must all be lies.' LOL

5977d ago 18 agree13 disagreeView comment

"ok stop that. First the 360 is older, so more people have the console = more people buy softwares."

I'm not talking about that. Software attache rate is in reference to 'the amount of consoles in consumers hands' as compared to the 'amount of games sold.' It is a percentage. The numberof the install base has nothing to do with it.

5978d ago 12 agree13 disagreeView comment