
CRank: 5Score: 43470

You should be grateful to Microsoft who allows you to play the game early not complaining about it.

1850d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

I hope if it is Outbreak 3 that they will allow players to play the game solo with the AI controlling the other characters.

1854d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's better then being a rightist cuck nutjob. Anyway i have the game for the ps3 so I'm going to wait for a sale on the remaster.

1854d ago 6 agree7 disagreeView comment

Give us newer games please like God of War. Also give us a better services like gamepass I'm tried of buying games and now only want to rent them.

1856d ago 5 agree97 disagreeView comment

Only for multiplayer titles the big games are staying exclusive.

1858d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Disney are the greedy ones in this stop blaming Sony for everything gone wrong in your life.

1862d ago 29 agree9 disagreeView comment

If this is their attitude i wouldn't waste my hard drive space with their game.

1863d ago 2 agree54 disagreeView comment

The only people who are mentally fucked are people who call gays and transsexuals that get out of the 1960s cave and embrace the present. The only way human civilization is going to survive is if we evolve from our bigoted ways of the past.

1863d ago 13 agree99 disagreeView comment
1863d ago Show

So all of you guys are saying that it's ok to be a racist and a bigot so i guess the America i know and love is dead because that America stood for equality and freedom from racist-ism and bigotry. A country where you could live free from hatred of being gay or transsexual. This really is Trumps America where all the values of this once great country is thrown in the bin.

1864d ago 2 agree21 disagreeView comment

Who cares about pc these games would be better on Switch.

1864d ago 5 agree28 disagreeView comment

And it's frightening that people believe that the right to free speech gives them the right to be a bigot.

1864d ago 10 agree65 disagreeView comment

Good there's no place in the world for bigots.

1864d ago 5 agree47 disagreeView comment

Sony should not be allowed to keep games exclusive to their console gamers worldwide should demand that they release all their first party games on Xbox.

1864d ago 1 agree42 disagreeView comment

Maybe they will finally release Horizon Zero Dawn on Xbox? It would look awesome on the X much better then it did on the pro.

1864d ago 8 agree18 disagreeView comment

I can't wait for this game it's going to be great. I even have the €200 collector's edition pre-ordered.

1867d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment


1867d ago 11 agree9 disagreeView comment

I hope not RE7 being 1st person is the reason why i still haven't played it yet. I bought it day one and it just sits on my shelf collecting dust and i just can't make myself play it.

1868d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

So your saying that US citizens need guns to fight against FBI, CIA, NSA, Homeland and all the other security force agents the country has if the government decides to take away your right to for example to criticize it? You do realize that is already happening right i mean the reason why grump call's the media the enemy is because they tell the truth about his lies. The man doesn't like it when he is criticized so he his trying to take that right from the citizens of this country sta...

1874d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment

Reminds me of RDR 2. The open world in that game was a borefest.

1877d ago 14 agree29 disagreeView comment