
CRank: 5Score: 43470
1775d ago Show

Buy Square Enix and make Final Fantasy exclusive to Xbox.

1776d ago 12 agree51 disagreeView comment

Gamepass is the future. Why pay full price for games when you can just rent them for cheap. Hopefully this will finish off physical media once and for all and also end the need for $60 games. Microsoft has already won next gen and there is nothing Sony can release that can prevent that.

1777d ago 111 agree81 disagreeView comment

Hope Microsoft invest in more single player games not so many multiplayer games. Sony does it why can't Microsoft they would get more game and console sales if they did.

1778d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

For the people who hate Death Stranding why to you people feel you have to comment on every article? Can you just leave people who enjoy the game alone and stop attacking them.

1781d ago 26 agree4 disagreeView comment

Apocalypse Shadow excuse me but i am a long time fan and Gene Roddenberry would have no problem with Discovery he himself wrote in the novelization of the motion picture that the klingons have always looked like the way do and in TOS they're look was exaggerated by the federations perspective.

Just like the look of the sets in TOS according to him the way the enterprise looked in the movie is the way the ship should of looked in the series and told people that when they...

1782d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

The best recent game of Star Trek is Star Trek online and there has sadly only been a handful of what i would call good games like Star Trek Legacy, Bridge Crew, Klingon Academy and Bridge Commander the rest i didn't enjoy sadly.

It's hard to make a game based on a TV or Movie as i think everyone here would agree that most tv/movie games are terrible you would need a developer who is not only a fan of the show and understands what a trek game would play like but als...

1782d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If that was the case Godmars290 then why did they use footage from the original pilot episode the cage in S2? They used it in the previous on Star Trek segment of S2 E8 If Memory Serves where they went to Talos 4 which was the first planet shown in star trek.

None of what you said is true what you posted sounds like nonsense that midnight edge peddles to ...

1782d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Discovery is a great show it's just small minded people who hate it fortunately people who hate it make up a very small part of the fandom.

1782d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

PC version incoming.

1785d ago 1 agree43 disagreeView comment

Sorry but the line for outdated jokes is over ------>

You do realize there is more to the game then just walking right? You would know that if you actually watched the trailers but then to understand what the game is you actually need an attention span which you obviously lack.

1786d ago 8 agree10 disagreeView comment

Not when it's compared to PS4's 100 million and they launched only a week between them.

1787d ago 12 agree7 disagreeView comment

Awesome just means it's worth the 200 euros.

1789d ago 5 agree8 disagreeView comment

Sony have destroyed the gaming industry Microsoft are the only ones trying to save it.

1790d ago 0 agree15 disagreeView comment

Gears 5 looks 10 times better then God of War.

1790d ago 11 agree64 disagreeView comment

If Sony's own studios want their games on PC then their is no need to buy a PS5 or even any future Sony Console. Might as well go with PC only next gen.

1790d ago 8 agree27 disagreeView comment

Would love to play this game on Xbox One X running in real 4k with 60fps not the fake 4k that Sony peddle to fools.

1790d ago 10 agree60 disagreeView comment

No thanks. If this becomes the main way games are played then i will quit gaming.

1797d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wish this game had multiplayer to extend the life of the game. Single player only games are only good for a one time play.

1803d ago 0 agree13 disagreeView comment

I know they are as i have them but i want proper remasters and I'd prefer to play the games on Playstation the only games i like to buy for my Xbox One X are the exclusive games. When i buy 3rd party games i get them for my PS4 as i prefer that console.

1806d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment