
CRank: 5Score: 220

To be fair, the "who are these characters" defense is kind of... pointless. I remember very clearly when Ness was in the original SSB a ton of people didn't know who he was or what game he was from. And, if I remember correctly, Marth and Roy weren't all that known in the US when they showed up in Melee. It happened a little bit again when they put Lucas in Brawl, not many people actually knew what game he was from. Having little-known or even unknown characters is far from ...

4493d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

The wii's online was a mistake, yes, i'm definitely not saying they're perfect, I hated it with a passion. They had said again and again, that at that time they didn't care for online at all. They just rigged up some system that was obviously not thought out and called it good enough. Now that they know they were wrong, they want to dive into it more and try to offer a better experience.

I currently like the psn, and Live i'm somewhat indifferent about, al...

4500d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

ShinMaster, how far are you having to look down? Doesn't seem that bothersome to me. Honestly, it may just be the way I play or have my arms positioned, but my controllers are well within my field of view. Not exactly in focus, but easily able to see what i'm doing.

I would imagine, unless it's a mini-game or some puzzle, it would just take a quick glance to see what is needed and continue looking at the tv. I guess if someone plays with the controller super close...

4506d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

check it out. The game itself is fairly simple control-wise, and once you unlock megaman he's a bit overpowered in my opinion, but it shows he could work.

4506d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Agreed. I remember discussing who "won" the conferences with my friends, but that was all just good fun. It's going too far now, and unfortunately it's even getting into the minds of the companies themselves.

4506d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Anyone saying Nintendo doesn't have a clue when it comes to online doesn't have a clue themselves. They've been experimenting (far too much, i know, but what can you do?) with any and all online structures since the famicom came out when they, you know, essentially pioneered the whole "consoles having online functionality" thing.

They've finally realized that the online environment is an important one, and from everything I've read about the netw...

4506d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment