
CRank: 5Score: 41130

only unreal engine 5 demo has impressed me so far about this new gen .

1563d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

im just tired of these graphics.i need ps5 so badly.ps4 era took almost 8 years which in my opinion was more like ps 3.5 .life is short and ps5 and xbox series x are so seexy and fresh and i cant wait anymore.12 teraflops power can do magic i cant wait .

1564d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

killzone 3 full hd will be on par with god of war .u mean ps3 to ps4 was a huge graphical change?i think ps2 to ps3 was so big but ps3 to ps4 compared to that was really minor

1564d ago 1 agree11 disagreeView comment

killzone 2 and 3 battlefield 3 and 4 metro crysis 3 ....are still among the best looking games .

1564d ago 2 agree9 disagreeView comment

ps4 will go down in hostory as a full hd ps3 .it was more like a ps3 pro .i need a huge change in graphics

1564d ago 2 agree32 disagreeView comment

u dont like new experiences?u r not tired of those dated graphics???

1564d ago 6 agree5 disagreeView comment

fck ps4 .fck cross gen games.we had enough of ps4 .7 damn yrs .

1564d ago 2 agree12 disagreeView comment

damn.they really had to take ray tracing more seriously for this gen.metro exodus and control on pc with ray tracing will look better than all this next gen games .

1565d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

this gen only needs ray traced ambient occlusion to shine.its generatioal change

1565d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

i expected a truly next gen game too like that unreal engine 5 graphics and i was dissaponted too.but i think spider man has potential to be really next gen looking title.we didnt see much actually but the main character model was truly next gen.only ray traced reflections on buildings can make this game truly next gen title.imagine all those buildings with true reflections thats what i call next gen

1565d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

if the enhanced graphics means raytraced reflection on buildings then its truly next gen,

1567d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

the black version looks great. curvy futuristic and small

1568d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment

wtf was this|?
it was like ps4 reveal.there wasnt even a truly next gen game .
damn it was so stupid

1568d ago 6 agree18 disagreeView comment

this gen its about a giant graphical leap.its not like jump from ps3 to ps4 .its true next gen

1575d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

im 40 and im hyped for ps5 like a 14 yrs old boy .so excited for this new gen .cgi quality games just wowwww i cant wait for these games . its a dream come true at last .its just started for me .there has always been stupid limitations for graphics but this time games are so sexy and beautiful

1575d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

june is the month of e3 and its always so exciting to me .this year its one of my best junes though we dont have e3 but its full of games news .its a great june

1576d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

june is a very exciting month for games .im sure this june is so exciting too

1577d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

it keeps happening?what r u talking about?every 4 yrs u mean?people r living so peacefully in us from lots of races.i call what happened accident .george floyd was not that saint after all .maybe he had history with these policemen.a lot of black policemen insult or hurt white people .some poeple are racist but neither the law or media or governemt support racism .so its cultural problem not anybodys can decide to make a big story of these events or shrink a huge event .so they...

1578d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

us is the paradise for black people as i know .dont make a big story of this.he was just a bad police

1578d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

tanx man .

1578d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment