
CRank: 5Score: 41130

wtf .its so crazy .whats going on in that studio .

1548d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

its not the 90s crap .its a serious shit.its like watching a vr movie but to be able to move around and walk there.its gonna change movie industry but not sure about games .there will always be graphics but this tech is a game changer .

1548d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

they cancelled the game for now .wtf is going on with crytek?

1548d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

u know this gen something crazy may happen.that volumetric video technology may become reality so we will be able to film and walk and game in the real scenes .so realistic graphics may become pointless,just film the enviornment and jump in it .its closer than we think

1548d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

i think they r not bluffing.there has been great advancements in software aspect of this new gen even more than hardware aspect .the gpu of ps5 is around five times better than ps4 but these crazy software advancements can make it even 20 times better maybe .

1548d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

its so damn fake .tomorrow we will see the real crysis remastered and the true power of crytek mode on .

1549d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

i hope this is a fake trailer . and i like it if fake trailers become regular thing its kinda cool

1549d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

its just listed for xbox one at the end of video .so its defo fake .crytek wont make such bs trailer they will highlight the enhancements for sure .nobody even says whats the source of this video .ign says a twitter user released it .its fake 100 percent and we will see something serious tomorrow

1549d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

yeah seems like a joke .and it released before the promised day maybe its a joke .esp the stupid screenshots .i still hope they blow my mind tomorrow with crazy graphics of the remastered version .i bet u its a joke the trailer is so stupiddd and everything is fishy

1549d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

they even promised a remaster with ray tracing .its the first time a remaster includes ray tracing .so this is gonna be the best remastered game yet

1549d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment
whats this then?!

1550d ago 1 agree10 disagreeView comment

minecraft path tracing is the heaviest game right now .gtx 1080 ti at 1080 p only renders it with 9 frames .its a beast but xbox series x runs it with 30 fps.thats what ps5 cant do or its rayracing performance is not even close to that i guess.

1550d ago 1 agree30 disagreeView comment

u have a kind heart like spongebob.the truth is not what u think

1550d ago 0 agree15 disagreeView comment

microsoft played minecraft with pathtracing on its console and its performance was awesome they had nothing to hide ..but sony raytracing performance is so unclear to me even after those shows .in ratchet and clank there was only ray traced reflections on clank in a cut scene.or gran turismo 7 had it in cutscene but for the gameplay it was so hard to detect it .ue5 demo was just a tech demo and that lumen tech was a hybrid tech not raytraced global illumination .they really hadnt show us anyt...

1550d ago 3 agree36 disagreeView comment

im really worried about ps5 ray tracing power .i hope it doesnt fail. why they dont show us its raytracing performance as xbox did with minecraft path tracing.

1550d ago 6 agree48 disagreeView comment
1550d ago Show

yeah ill buy it on ps5 .and there will be enhancements as the last of us remastered .ill try to ignore the stupid story and just try to enjoy the gameplay and zombie killing with that insane graphics.

1558d ago 1 agree9 disagreeView comment

it was like season 8 of walking dead .the awesome zombie story of first season lost its steam and became so mediocre in the last of us 2 .other aspects of game was so good and esp artists have made this game with heart .ill buy this game on ps5 only for graphics itself

1558d ago 0 agree16 disagreeView comment

xbox one was big and ugly and weak and a 920p game was a disaster.this gen ps5 is 1.8 teraflops weaker than xbox x as i know and ive heard worse ray tracing power than xbox x .damn i hope ps5 doesnt struggle this gen.

1560d ago 8 agree12 disagreeView comment

this gen is awesome.i guess nobody expected ray tracing on consoles .its even so new on pc .ray tracing +12 teraflops gpu power +1 terabyte ssd was so unexpected for even experts .we r gonna see a huge graphical leap like ps2 to ps3 .just wow

1563d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment