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CRank: 5Score: 137270

That is like saying I have Crysis 2 for the PC and the X360.

Guess wich one I'm enjoying more....

4935d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

I agree the 3DS is no match for the iDevices.

4935d ago 0 agree10 disagreeView comment

Been shooting and blowing up men for years in games, I dont want to go out in RL and do that.

About time we get to capture some wommen in a game....and yeah..slapping them around to!

4935d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

I just loved Heavy Rain, it is one of the most emotional games I have played in years, if not my entire life!

Just love that some developers takes the chance to make something so different then all the recycled games out there.

But I would gues that most young gamers would find Heavy Rain boring and silly since they like fast action 24/7. Me a old fart in the making like to take it slow sometimes with a story that thrills me...

Old fart signi...

4935d ago 10 agree3 disagreeView comment

Funny how the fanboys click Disagree. Boys wil be boys...heres hoping they grow up one day.

4936d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

There aint any Nintendo games I would like on the iPad...but there are alot of other games on the DS I would love on it.

Professor Layton would be perfect!

With so many good games on the iDevices Nintendo realy should be scared. I wil not be picking up a 3DS the 25th....its all about the iPad 2 for me.

4936d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Personaly I would like a hybrid of both controllers...both has its strenghts and weaknesses.

4936d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Glad they are true to the PC comunity. At the same time im hoping this game wil make it's way over to consoles.

4937d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Faith restored and THEN some! Crysis 2 is now a day 1 buy.

4938d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not much im looking forward to getting on that list...

4938d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

It wil be a while before the next gen comes...so dont hold your breath people.

4939d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

From what I have seen on the console versions the gfx is realy muddy. But I wil be picking this up to regardless.

But one would think that when a company chances on a new IP they would do a better job.

4939d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Would like to get a clip up that is from the PS3 version...but this actualy looked realy good on the X360.

4941d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment

A picture says more then a 1000 words...the pictures dont lie people. But ofc the build could be old...but then Crytek must realy be stupid to give the public a old ulgy build the week before launch....and I dont think the people over at Crytek are that stupid.

If you ask me it is Crytek that should be embarressed...not IGN.

4941d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Everyone downloads stuff, either it be tv series,movies,music or games.

Just because some of you are fanatic fanboys dont mean you represent everyone.

So stuff it!

EDIT: And just to have it clear and you would know if you read the entire post you troll. Is that I usaly never download games you troll.

I have probably over 60 PS3 games and God knows how many Pc games now...so stuff it you troll. Read what people write before t...

4942d ago 1 agree8 disagreeView comment

I like to play singleplayer games on the PS3, but multiplayer on the PC becaus of the controllers and friends playing online.

I usaly never download games, since I respect the makers of the game I want to play. I have no respect for Crytek anymore, they are a joke in my eyes.

So I wil probably pirate it.

And going all high and mighty about piracy is just bull.

Edit: You dont know me so dont even try to act smart about that. ...

4942d ago 4 agree13 disagreeView comment

This is just sad Crytek, I was gonna play the singleplayer on the PS3 and the multiplayer on the PC.

But now...now im just gonna put on me pirate boots and shiver me timbers there she blows!

If you get my drift...

4942d ago 3 agree15 disagreeView comment

On that picture there realy aint any diffrences...on other pictures there are BIG diffrences. Just a few mom ago Crytek released a PS3 Demo video and it looks beutiful!!

But it aint like that in the PS3 demo! So what the hell is going on Crytek? Are you on drugs over at the office?

Watch the clip and judge for youself..is it like this on your PS3? Sure as hell aint on mine...

4942d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Nathan Camarillo is a fucking moron.

4942d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

It aint the PC community that is raging about the PS3 version...it IS the PS3 community.

Crytek has for a long long time been saying that the PS3 is beeing pushed to the limits with Crysis 2 and that it wil perform slightly better then the X360 version.

The demo as wil reflect the main product is looking like shit on the PS3 and performing wel..like shit. The X360 version aint perfect either but it is looking better AND performing better.


4943d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment