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You can only play so many games at a time. No need to have all types of subscriptions going at the same time. That's just pointless and a waste of money. But how they hope most will do as we are kinda lazy. Be smart and you'll save money by subscribing and playing games.

1921d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I know more then enough to know I should be onboard the hype train.

1922d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

For people playing Ubisoft games it has fantastic value. I play most of their games. And the ones that I do I buy Gold or Ultimate versions. So for me it's great.

1923d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Nonsense. The majority have a PS4. Millions on millions of gamers. So this is just nonsense.Besides there's loads of 1080p games on both the PS4Pro and XboxOneX. *shakes head' Nonsense.

1925d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

It’s improvements of what works and have so for decades on PC. You’d have to be absolutely nuts to want the old ways with idiotic architecture back.

1926d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Me and people I know that left WoW years ago are coming back for classic. Really looking forward to it.

1926d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hehe, yeah the jump in graphics from those days to now is just insane. I can only imagine how the flight simulator community is excited to get their hands on it.

1926d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It looks so good. I still remember playing some of the first games back in the day. It's gone from lines and jagged edges to photo realistic. Wild! And best thing about it. It's "free" and ready to download like so many other games via GamePass on launch.

1927d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

I know it's joint partnership. But Sony did it because they are not ready for what is coming and need not just the expertise but the infrastructure that Microsoft have. It is as you say that Sony has years of experience with this. And got some infrastructure when they bought Gaikai. But it's been pretty clear that it hasn't been good enough as the quality of NOW and this new partnership speaks for itself.

I do not think Sony is just sitting around sleeping on th...

1927d ago 2 agree14 disagreeView comment

Hard to disagree with that article. Xbox is pushing forward in a way PlayStation just isn't. So much that Sony went to Microsoft to get help with their streaming infrastructure. Something Sony as all the major players know will be big business sooner then later.

Thankfully PlayStation have their firstparty studios and the excellent games they make. But they need to up their game in all other departments. Hopefully they are fully aware of this and 2020 will be the start ...

1927d ago 3 agree18 disagreeView comment

Either way I cant wait to see all the chaos when hardware specs for both consoles are out. Allot of people are going to completely lose it and I cant wait to sit back and watch the show :D

1929d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

General Manager, Destiny. Mark Noseworthy had this to say on Twitter regarding this article:

"We’ve already mentioned that we’d love to bring cross play to Destiny 2. There’s no policy or technological barrier preventing us from including Stadia. We’d be looking to include every platform. This year though, we’re focused on delivering cross save to all platforms."

1929d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's confusing if your 10 years old.

1930d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yes of course. It's going to be interesting to see how gamers and non-gamers will handle this new way to get access to games. Seeing reactions with hands on time with xCloud and Stadia from E3 there's allot of positivity from people that didn't belive this would work. So doubters are becoming believers as they try.

But will enough want game streaming for it to be a viable business. That remains to be seen. Personally I think it will start of a bit slow and then...

1933d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hehe, what a load of horse s**t :D

1933d ago 5 agree17 disagreeView comment

It's true that game streaming requires more in terms of latency and a bit higher then what 4K HDR video streams require, but not by much. But if this wasn't viable then Sony, Microsoft, Google and Amazon wouldn't invest millions on millions of making this happen.

We may like it or not. But change is coming.

1933d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

There's a reason streaming has taken off be it movies,series or music. When millions of people pay for said subscription and some buy a physical or even digital copy because of it. There's a reason the gaming industry is also now going after streaming and subscription models like Game Pass and Uplay Plus and so on.

It's not about selling boxes anymore. It's about getting millions of people paying a monthly fee for as long a possible.

1934d ago 4 agree20 disagreeView comment

If you hate games or is a idiotic fanboy then yes Microsoft's E3 show was disappointing.

1934d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Physical media for the win? Lol...physical media is declining year by year at an alarming rate.

1939d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

No limits? Console gaming IS limits. Locked hardware profiles, variable resolution,frame rate and graphical settings. Stadia will deliver PC like graphics and performance.

1939d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment