7ero H3LL

CRank: 5Score: 25570

i think it's kinda dumb and all that sony owns the IP to HS. the game soled like sh!t and the developers don't want to make an other one, it's a dead IP. and worst of all ninja theory don't want to make exclusives any more.

worst money invested on a VG project, at least ms likes to explore a franchise to it's fullest......if they're paying for it.

5509d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

you forgot me.

5509d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

this is bullsh#t the article is submittable worthy.

ps3 gamers are becoming overly sensitive about what the media says.

both good and bad things of both consoles are allowed to be submitted here.

5510d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

"HDR lighting + Anti-aliasing. - care? GT5 still looks better."

ok, it doesn't have HDR lighting, it's anti-aliasing is half of forza3's, and it's polygon models are 1/4th to 1/5th the amount of polys in forza3.

so how is it better looking?

"gt5 has car customisations"

we're talking about custom parts and paint jobs here, not just performance tweaks.

5512d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

"Car Damage
GT5 - Limited But Realistic "

limited yes. realistic.....how?

if 8 cars piled up on each other and only your car suffers from doors opening and bumpers dismounting how is that realistic?

oh you for got a few,

Customizing your car

Forza3, yes :)

Movie Editing

GT5, no
Forza3, yes

Rewind gameplay

GT5, no ...

5512d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

there's more to do in Forza3 than in gt5 period. watch, when gt5 comes out you guys are going to still be here in the forums, bored as hell.

halo3's already got over 20 millon hrs of online gameplay, killzone2's barely even got 1 millon. (why? cause ps3 fanboys are too busy talking about gaming and having superior games, than really gaming)

5512d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

look at that, you guys are getting hyped over updated pre-rendered media, the vice president of Naughty Dog openly states it's movies are "in engine" pre-rendered.

5514d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment
5514d ago

hands down the definitive racing game.

and that's how it goes.

5514d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

at least i now know the truth that it's all realtime. (unlike uncharted where they chose to do it's cutscenes pre-rendered style)

" That includes all our game data, sounds, 7 spoken languages and 102 minutes of movie.

Talking about movies, I wanted to mention they are pre-render using our engine "


the 360 arcade is still the cheapest, you can buy an arcade with bioshock for $230 (you get a deal right there, it's the best version of the two console versions and the game doesn't need online or any mandatory installations)

can't find a deal make one.

5514d ago 4 agree11 disagreeView comment

it's slightly smaller, and it's now got a matte paint job.



to me it feels kinda soon for a new ps3 design, i think they could have had the same price drop with the same old ps3 d...

5514d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

a much better trailer than the other trailers i saw before but it's no psychological thriller killer. the story of this one man isn't what heavy rain is about.

heavy rain's about 4 people, http://www.blogcdn.com/www....

the last story to be revealed i'm guessing is this guy.

"if the price cut and slim come
PS3 will be dominating xbox 360 for a while like what happend in 2007"

that's like saying that 360 will beat wii with it's arcade.

my friend the past few years of sony's new ps3 just hasn't been all that bright.

5519d ago 9 agree6 disagreeView comment


yes gears 2 is coming to ps3, some time soon you can be sure of that, lol.

but like all 360 to ps3 ports it will just make you want to own a 360 even more. (seriously would you really want to pay top day one release price on something that's sub hd and requires an hdd)

5519d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i think people here remember that, not a single 360 game really requires a fvcking hdd, (installing games is optional) so those who just want to game can get straight to the action. and unless you really want 360's online service extremely bad, you will need an hdd.

360 arcade is cheaper than a wii, and it's got no HDD just like a fvcking wii, and you get a fvcking power house for less than a wii, so the deal still has it's advantages.

the primary objective of th...

5519d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment


5519d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

i don't even know why uncharted was hyped as "the best looking game to date" it's cutscenes weren't even realtime.

"We fill the disc at 91 percent and it's optimized, meaning we don't duplicate any data. That includes all our game data, sounds, 7 spoken languages and 102 minutes of movie.

Talking about movies, I wanted to mention they are pre-render using our engine"



5529d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment