7ero H3LL

CRank: 5Score: 25570

"Lets approve it for sh*ts and giggles."

i actually agree just for the sake of it.

so far this makes only one 7/10 out of....

5464d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

I'm not going to read them either, I'm just going be approving them.

5464d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

when actually examining the environments, forza3's got pretty decent foliage.....if I'm permitted to say.


5469d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

he was talking about bayonetta, and those games you mentioned don't run at 60 fps.

5475d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

showing a 1 minute clip doesn't mean that the whole demo is perfect. the people who made their assumptions of the ps3 build based it on not viewing a 1 minute clip, they made it by playing the whole demo.

5475d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

lost planet runs the MT engine (Multi-Thread) as did all of their games.

the Multi-Thread engine was originally made for 360's dual threaded multi core processors, back when the first lost planet came out on 360.

here's a comparison of those MT engine multiplats.

lost planet1


it's too late to say what is real-time and what isn't, the tribute video is neither gameplay and nor is it a realplay of gameplay. (cause we already know what GT5's reaplays looks like)

and the video doesn't even bare the GT5 logo in it in the first place.

it's too late to say what IS and what isn't, we've already seen gameplay footage of GT5. (both replay, gameplay, C0CKPIT mode, and 3rd person gameplay.)

and it's all scattered around the net by now. the vid is self explanatory it was a "tribute"

5479d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

come on guys, you think that was all real-time?

polyphony makes cgi movies too.(showing real life car damage)

and MGSR's right, no ware in the vid do you see them proclaiming that it was GT5 or that it was a replay taken from GT5.

and we've already seen game-play of GT5.

the only embarrassment here is you. now i have to show you that it was taken from gameplay.

there you go taken from the first few seconds of the this vid.

good, now we can mo...

5481d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

"That must be a real "gameplay" image, after all, everyone knows Forza 3 renders at 1440x900, and how silly we were to doubt that Forza 3 has 16x anti-aliasing and true HDR* despite the fact that the hardware was not designed to handle either in real games."

the game does use anti-aliasing, and that picture was a printscreen of a vid, as you can see the blockyness in the picture. (and that's what GUNS was saying "even in these shots which are bland lookin...

5481d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

oh yeah, absolutely i agree (jewls_4evr). the demo's coming out in 3 more days.

how in the hell do you have one bubble(JokesOnYou)?

give some bubble love
to him please.

5481d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

that veyron vid is no joke that shows the amount of polygons in their cars so whatever little blemishes you see they ain't going to be there.





5485d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

naive (droid and bot) and to all, not a single person here knows the right way how to count pixels.


ps3 version is 1024x576 with 2xaa, confirmed by the person who confirmed the resolutions of ninja gaiden2, halo3, haz...

5489d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

oh i like that MGSR.

yeah, if this what ff13's going to look like then mass effect wins.

5494d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment