
CRank: 8Score: 141310

This is what Sony needed all along. They need an income for PSN, and a subscription based one sounds fine. However this means it can end up live XBL were key features are charged for based on a sub, but the fact that you can play online regardless still makes it a better financial choice over XBL.

...This also means something like features like Cross Game Chat are only available for paying customers... or maybe they'd allow premium avatars, etc, all those neat little things.

5425d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment


Surely there are Brazilian gamers who have a PS3/360?

I mean, this is evil genius if they have never officially had a PS2. Genius, but evil.

5425d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I actually agree.

This is simply not newsworthy. Some guy is butthurt and has to make a whole new "news" piece for a topic already created. There is an article on the nominees for VGA. Just keep it in there instead of starting a new topic. It's clear this is only for hits, as is everything else. N4G is such a joke sometimes

5426d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Not my kind of game/genre, but it damn well better be amazing.

Forza 3 did a tremendous job succeeding and Turn 10 has put in a great amount of effort. It is by default the King of its Genre for now, but when GT5 comes out, we can finally get a clearer perspective. Of course both games are phenomenal and I'm sure GT5 will be just as great if not better (It practically has to be better at this point) but let's hope Forza 4 doesn't get announced before GT5.

5426d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

At least we know it wouldn't have won or anything.

If it was one of those cases then it would have been more shocking. It at least will be nominated for Shooter of the Year.

Still, a mention would have been nice VGA, what gives? :|

Anyways, all the money is on Uncharted 2 right now, so not much of a big deal.

5426d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

Hope this is true. Any form of communication anybody makes with other companies is good news.

Anyways, FF is great. My browser of choice, gotta love the community tools.

5426d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Gotta love the PS3 fans feeling insecure about God of War for absolutely no reason so they have to bash this game. How silly.

Bayonetta sounds great, may pick this one up eventually but too much to do and play atm.

5426d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don't understand why something like this is not posted in the forums?

Anyway, don't care for it at all. It looks stupid on the PS3 seeing that it can easily be accessed through the web browser anyway. Sure they linked your purchases/trophies to FB but who the hell does that?

FB on the 360 looks much, much better from what I saw. It's much better integrated onto the system.

But this is like arguing which peanut butter is smoother. Ultimately, I don't ca...

5427d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Glad to see Rockstar trying out some new stuff. GTA is great and all, but 4 was a disappointment. Of course, considering that it was the first game for the next gen it was understandable. I assure everybody that GTA will continue to evolve just like how San Andreas evolved so much from #3. It's all about getting experienced with the tech. GTA IV was much like GTA 3 in that it will pale in comparison in terms of the little things you can do as the series goes by.

I am fully expect...

5427d ago 10 agree2 disagreeView comment

I wasn't arguing the story mode, I was arguing for the MP and the inclusion of Co-Op.

And for the story, if it's a rehash because it takes real life movie cliches and ties them together, then you can add many other games that do the same to that list. If anything in terms of story, it's generic and cliche but what more does anyone expect from any other shooter story? I don't focus on stories in SP games in shooters. Sure it's no excuse, but why pick on MW2 when Killzone 2, Halo, ...

5428d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Hurray, let's scrutinize unnoticeable differences that can only be seen when comparing photos with a magnifying glass to start childish and petty fanboy wars.

Who honestly cares for this? The differences are often times so minimal that people have to argue which one looks BRIGHTER and whether BRIGHTNESS is a good/bad thing.

If any version is better it's the PS3 version (Oh yeah, I went there, bring it on) but not based on petty graphic differences, but based on the f...

5428d ago 9 agree2 disagreeView comment

Are you a PC Gamer? I understand your rage, but MW 2 is not a rehash. You seemed confused when I stated how much of a carbon copy WaW was, do you somehow find no fault at WaW being a rehash? WaW is the DEFINITION of a COD Rehash.

at least MW 2 improved MP, changed the gameplay, and refined it. OF COURSE it's SIMILAR to COD4, why the hell wouldn't it be? Are you expecting the game to have some massive change? It's a sequel to a game, does that make it a rehash?

5428d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

Less content? Then what? COD4? I hope you are joking. They did a much better job than Treyarch in terms of improving the gameplay and adding more.

5428d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment


Um, no.


I felt cheated with how similar WaW was to COD4. They improved on nothing in MP. Nothing.

5428d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

They honestly need to make it universal, but it's great that MW2 has it, seeing as its the most popular online game on the PS3 right now.

5428d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Why blame 360 fans? Why on earth would they hype up a PS3 firmware anyway? That makes no sense to me-- PS3 fans love to hype up firmwares, and it's completely natural. Sure they overhype ones like 3.0, but it's not like 360 fans are hyping it, come on now.

Everybody gets hyped for these firmwares, and most of the time, they end up disappointed and for good reason (but again, sometimes FW's become victims of hype).

5428d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Surely it can be pushed/promoted by Sony. Otherwise why even bother making it available??

It makes no sense, Sony really needs to push it. Especially to differentiate superior multiplatforms on their platform.

GT5 may have it, but that's a racing game, it's not a big surprise at all.

As for memory, I'm sure they can work around it/do SOMETHING.

5428d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment


I dont think they have in-game recording, do you mean in-game photo taking?

I know games like Echochrome have it (incredible game BTW), but it needs to be incorporated into more popular games. How great would it be for a game like COD or Killzone 2 to have it?

If Sony has it available then they need to PUSH IT!

They need to tell developers, help them, or pay them to do it. It's a competitive motivation that can make their games better....

5428d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

MAG looks uninspired and I fear that the # of players is just too much.

I understand that they are trying to set a standard for MP, but there is nothing wrong with 5 on 5 or 6 on 6. Sure fanboys LOVE to use big numbers to their advantage, but of course they would be easily impressed with something like that. Unfortunately it proves nothing. It's sad that games like Uncharted 2 MP or Gears 2 is disregarded by those people. As if more players= better game.

Anyways, MAG...

5428d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I think with Treyarch they do whatever Activision says.

Looking at how terrible and how much of a carbon copy WaW was, it's ridiculous that the game released at $60.

But I think it's Activision's call as to how to make the game, but if I'm wrong, which I hope I'm not, then Treyarch is just stupidly terrible at being original.

IW does so much more to improve over COD4/WaW yet they get trashed on more than Treyarch when they release MW2 for being a "r...

5428d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment