
CRank: 8Score: 141310

I'm not interested in MAG. In fact, I'm pretty damn worried about its success/quality.

From what I've heard it's quite a standard FPS... with 256 players.

Hopefully Zipper can pull it off. And yes, it does seem to resemble something like Battlefield with it's huge maps and # of players.

I really think 256 is too much. It takes the personal feel out of a game and I worry about people not following any orders.

Anyways, let's see how it turns o...

5421d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

just more waste of money. Though I do think it's nice how the main menu is designed in the NXE. The avatars are just eh, and I don't why anybody would actually pay for clothes.

But to each his own.

5421d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I want to also add the works of Team ICO.

Shadow of the Colossus is a remarkable example of a story that is so deep, so intriguing, so mysterious, so engaging, so emotional, and so beautiful, yet not only is there absolutely no English language used, but the amount of dialogue is minuscule.

Yet Team ICO pulled off a masterpiece that is imprinted forever on my gaming soul.

So it may not have the complexity of a Metal Gear Solid game but it sure as hell is...

5422d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

that's not actually news but still gets approved.

Like any games that's even half-popular some guys comes along posing the question if it's overhyped. I really don't think MW2 is overhyped at all.

It received FAR too much hate and STILL does for it to be considered overrated. If anything, this game can be considered under appreciated, but not really, the sales speak for itself. The game is clearly loved and I'm sure it's because people are finding it fun.

5422d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

I'm worried about the ambitiousness of MAG but I know I can be overconfident in a Socom sequel (and a REAL one for this generation this time from the looks at how Confrontation was handled)

5422d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

that a game like this is not bashed for being a rehash when it's pretty much the exact same thing, yet MW2 gets bashed for being a rehash.

Of course, I find nothing wrong with MW2 and BC2 borrowing the gameplay from its predecessors (hence the reason why its called a sequel).

The beta is great. I actually have an additional code by luck. The graphics are pretty underwhelming though, but this is a beta and I'm sure it will polish up.

This is nothing like ...

5423d ago 8 agree17 disagreeView comment

I never owned an Xbox.

Besides, the PC version was great. If the Xbox version was better (which it was) I can't imagine how much fun I would have.

Halo was such a revolutionary game for online console games. One of the most fun I've had in a Multiplayer game. CTF was so freaking intense.

I still wish I had bought a 360 for Halo 3, but I'm satisfied with my PS3... But one day, I'll play Halo again.

5423d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Ok there buddy.

The fact that you ignore the fact that the PC is miles ahead in userbase over the PS3 and miles ahead in general usage over a gaming system makes your post look discreditable.

"there's no need to buy a pc if you can get all the app from a pc to your ps3. it's just like buying a computer"


5423d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

There is no real right answer, though there is popular consensus and general agreements.

Here are my top games in no order:

-Shadow of the Colossus (PS2)
-Dark Cloud 2 (PS2)
-GTA III-San Andreas (SA being my favorite)
-Jak 2 (PS2)
-Resident Evil 4 (PS2)
-Smackdown Here Comes The Pain (PS2)
-Smackdown vs. Raw 2006 (PS2)
-Power Stone 2 (DC)
-Sonic Adventure 2 (DC)
-Pokemon Gold (GBC)
-Pokemon Yellow (GB)

5423d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Please source me a link to your claims.

5423d ago 5 agree7 disagreeView comment

It's just a bunch of fanboys (in this case PS3) that see something that makes their console look good so they approve it. They have no real grounds to validate these "articles" nor do they seem to understand the process.

5423d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

How the hell does this crap get approved!?

There's a crapload of rumors but its pure speculation.

Anyone can say anything about the PS4, it's a hell of a long way to come so there's so much speculation as to what MS, Nintendo, and Sony can do.

I swear that fanboys on this thread approve absolutely anything that promotes their system in any way. This is ridiculous and is not news.

5423d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

Failure rate is the biggest problem. Sony nickels and dimes too, How does that make them any less successful?

And there are more exclusives on the 360 than PS3-- just because the biggest ones are Halo and Gears doesn't mean that's all they have. That's pretty fallacious reasoning.

Anyway, the 360 has been highly successful regardless. Great games, better multiplatforms for the most part (though the majority of them are better only by a minor edge), more exclusives, ...

5424d ago 7 agree10 disagreeView comment

I really don't get why Sony didn't allow Sackboys to be the characters in the game.

I mean, Sackboy is a great mascot not only for the PS3, but for the Play.Create.Share concept Sony is pushing.

It would have been great if Media Molecule/Sony allowed/implemented this.

The characters are what makes the game charming and LBP is a charming game, Sackboy is a charming character.

That's why games like Mario are so great-- half the work is the gam...

5424d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

The whole thing is petty anyway and they need an excuse to showcase a new featured article/video.

Jesus, any one thing somebody does and they get bashed for it.

What are you trying to imply anyway?

Besides, they did one back in 2007. Also, each console has specific teams. They each do their own thing and the 360 team decided to showcase the 360 for its birthday.

Gotta love conspiracy theories.

5424d ago 6 agree5 disagreeView comment

Really? That's whats keeping you back? Everybody "gimps" games.

Besides, we are talking about the 360 as a console. It's a pretty damn successful console with things like LIVE, Halo, and Gears going for them.

5424d ago 3 agree10 disagreeView comment

The thumbs mean nothing-- a monkey can sit on a computer handing out thumbs ratings, but it takes someone with intellect to actually challenge a comment. Of course, no one likes to do that, they all like to hide and spam the thumbs down button.

5424d ago 3 agree9 disagreeView comment

Lulz. You can have Quantum Theory. It's a horrible Gears rip off.


But M.E for QT? Sure, no problem :P

5424d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

If LIVE Gold ever goes free PSN would be made obsolete in nearly every way. I don't get why MS doesn't do it. I guess they like the money.

But Sony is building up its online Services fast.

If anybody heard, Sony is planning to reinvent its online with a universal system for all its products. The PSN is going to get much better, though it will attach a subscription for premium service.

Anyways, the point is, LIVE is great, and this is a good way to recrui...

5424d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hey, Viva Pinata looked decent and got great scores.

Sure it was aimed at a younger audience, but it appealed to older gamers too... of course it was on the 360 which means the typical gamer was too busy trying to prove his manliness by playing Halo/Gears

5424d ago 13 agree8 disagreeView comment