
CRank: 8Score: 141310

That's what these guys are.

5418d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If PS3 is winning why are all the Nintendo products in bold?

I always thought the bold figures were the ones with most sales?

5418d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

And it's not like the 360 can't be open. In fact, MS has patented a super guide system that would allow people to take pictures, videos, and add voice commentary to make a game guide for the rest of the gamers to see/use.

I love third party themes on my PS3 though, that little browser does a lot.

5418d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

No,no , no. I was joking when I said they would make a spin off.

But I see the whole "move around on stage" thing way too gimmicky.

5418d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Whoever could pull of the coolest moves or something? Play the guitar upside down or something?

I suppose that would be cool, but really I'd consider it gimmicky. I'm expecting a lot of gimmicks on Natal (seeing as how the Wii turned out), but I'm just totally against Guitar Hero making more sequels. It's just gone on too long and I really thought they were done but now Natal opens up a new bag of tricks with the same old dog.

5418d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

At least it will be something different than the same garbage Activision has been feeding us for the past 5 installments.

Still, this sounds like the stupidest thing ever.

Hell I bet they would even do a spin off called "Air Guitar Hero" and make it look fresh.

God Activision, please offer something new. You made EA the lesser of two evils. Hell, EA is even acceptable since they offer new stuff like Dead Space.

If all you can do is...

5418d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

It's like the 360 fanboys that state Killzone 2 "fell off the map"

@SaaKing again

Then bash the dev, not the game. In the same way, PS3 fanboys hyped killzone 2 to the moon and back.

The sad thing is that K2 is a terrific game but some people overhyped it

5418d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment

Your right. Sony should offer a Premium service that doesn't have benefits.


Like it or not Sony is planning on having a premium service that offers exclusive features for people that pay. If they ever allow third party apps it would be a great reason to pay for PSN Premium.

5418d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Don't third party apps exist illegally? Or are they just making it legal now? I dont understand...

Oh, or is it just people making their own apps like the iPhone?

It would be a pretty good decision for third party apps. It would pretty much make the PSP the more hardcore version of the iPhone (assuming apps include games too)

It would be spectacular on the PS3. But Sony should make it ONLY accessible to Premium owners because it would make the value of ...

5418d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment

Those are good reasons not to buy a 360. The question is which console should people buy. In other words, your supposed to post positives for all consoles but I get that people are very militant towards other consoles other than the one they show an allegiance to.

Again, just because YOU don't want a 360 doesn't mean other people don't.

As for exclusives:

-Episodes from Liberty City (not an expansion pack since you dont need the original GTA IV)

5418d ago 1 agree10 disagreeView comment

I find the whole genre boring, but I recognize a good game/developer when I see one.


I don't really care for disagrees. They mean nothing unless someone challenges me in what I said. Any person can have an opinion but it only really matters when you can argue it.

Forza 3 is a great game, Turn 10 is a great developer group for MAKING the game.

Also, Being definitive is not defined by not having a shift animation anyway

5418d ago 5 agree12 disagreeView comment

Where does it say BEST system?

Judging from the title, it's asking what system you should buy.

The question itself is problematic since all fanboys are going to go with whatever console they already own.

5418d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

Your absolutely right, I DID just do that.


Ok, I edited it out :D, my bad.

5418d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

Nearly any article on GT5/Forza relates to someone eventually pulling a sucker punch until all hell breaks loose.

5418d ago 14 agree8 disagreeView comment

Turn 10 is pretty solid, great job guys.

5418d ago 26 agree28 disagreeView comment

The funny thin with 13 yr olds is that some of them are more mature than the "older" guys that play on PSN (Lol yeah right).

Immature players exist in all ages, so your completely wrong to say that all the 13 yr olds are on LIVE.

Besides PS3 gamers dont even all have mics so clearly people who buy them do it because they likely enjoy communication.

See? it's not that hard to think before you generalize ;)

5418d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment

Wow, talk about being an elitist.

People have the choice to choose between the 360 and PS3. Both are great consoles that have their ups and downs. No need to call someone a moron for wanting something you don't like. It's called an opinion, don't act like yours is the only one that counts SaaKing.


Again, stop asserting your opinion as better than others. Has it ever occurred to you that people have different tastes?

Sure PS3 is gr...

5418d ago 6 agree13 disagreeView comment

not really.

It would be weird to phrase it "Xbox, Wii, or PS3?"

It makes the title sound static and uninteresting. This way, it makes sound as if there are plentiful consoles to buy and it's hard to choose which one. It makes the reader think "oh wow, even a PS3! So many consoles! Which one to choose from? Well luckily, this guy may help me decide" and thus the reader reads the article.

It's much more catchy the way it is. I know ther...

5418d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

I'd buy a 360 because I already have a PS3.

5418d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

If they are trying to be funny or fanboyish.

They already did a top ten as a joke, but now they are doing it again?

Eh, whatever.

5418d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment