
CRank: 8Score: 141310

Yet ironically the 360 has been in second place for the majority of the time, and now that the RRoD ordeal is mostly over, you still have to cling on to it just to bash the 360 ;)

People buy faulty hardware all the time. The PS2 had DRE issues-- at least MS covered the 360 with a 3 yr warranty for RROD. In fact, thanks for bringing this point up because it says a lot about the consumers that choose to support a console when it is at its worst.

5415d ago 2 agree13 disagreeView comment

Also, though I'm happy there are ironing out the glitches and all, I am wondering if they are going to make any major changes.

I personally want Juggernaut back just because Stopping Power is incomparable, or at least Stopping Power to do less damage.

The game is great but I find dying/killing is much too easy and fast and it's usually due to the Stopping Power.

Also, Assault Rifles need to be toned down-- there needs to be some idle sway and more recoil...

5415d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

L4D2 sold THAT much on the 360 in JAPAN!??

Am I missing something here?

5415d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

But this is probably their best ad and I'll tell you why:

Incorporating Best Buy into the mix is pure genius. Not only does the PS3 look trendy, but Sony also showed off their Bravia.

The real beauty is the "take of $1100" bit which makes the deal look so much sweeter. It really is a bargain and BB and Sony are essentially killing two birds with 1 stone.

Excellent ad, Sony is going to have a great Christmas with the PS3.

5415d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

You guys are both using the same, demeaning logic to make the same nonsensical point.


Do you have proof people brought and returned Halo Wars because they were misinformed as to what the game was? It sounds like your just jealous of the sales. Halo Wars was a good game and though it wasn't as well-received as Halo 3, it was still a Halo game that sold because people LIKE Halo.

GT5 isn't even out yet so please stop hiding behind some made-up co...

5415d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Sorry, but your wrong. They are in every sense a game.

Also, both ODST and EFLC are STAND ALONE games. They do NOT need the original games to play them-- they are therefore by definition not an expansion pack, so you are completely wrong.

ODST features a different story, the same multiplayer with ALL MP content along with a new mode and three new maps. EFLC features two full fledged SP games with MP.

They are exclusives and they are games. And even if t...

5415d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yeah the list is incredibly stupid.

There's only one plain reason why people are enjoying one console over the other and it should be the exclusives.

If people choose to only have one console, it's always about the exclusives. Sony has more this gen, but MS has 4 great games that you can't get on the PS3 (but 1 is available on PC).

It's a great year for everybody, and even a greater year for PS3.

5415d ago 7 agree7 disagreeView comment

What do you mean "where are the games"?

Some people are acting as ignorant as 360 fanboys when the PS3 launched. Let's not exaggerate.

The 360 has:

-Forza 3
-Halo ODST
-Episodes From Libery City

All exclusive, all great games.

As well as:

-Left 4 Dead 2 which is not an exclusive but still a great game 360 owners can enjoy

5415d ago 4 agree11 disagreeView comment

If they can't even pull off a simple double XP weekend. :P

Just kidding, that was a poke to the "Some Definitive Racer Forza is if it doesn't have shift animation" comments. Feel the burn.

Oh by the way, The Fort map has a sweet sniper hall and a pretty cool lower level-- anybody else see the random airplane crash somewhere in the level?

5417d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

I don't really care about the leaderboards but the cheaters and hackers sure do so let's wipe them clean off of the network on PSN and XBL.

5417d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

When your a bad kid.

5417d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

And actually having better games.

Who the hell is Fishlabs to begin with, and secondly, again, the iPhone has more a ton more games.

Just because the Ericcson is more powerful doesn't make it "better".

Besides, the PSP beats the iPhone for core gaming anyway. Screw the phones.

5417d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

And I thought it was just a map!

AWESOME! Leaderboards were MUCH needed, and player cards sound awesome!

I have been begging for in-game stats on their forums and I'm glad they are delivering.

This is awesome stuff-- I hope ND continues to work on the game though, I REALLY REALLY REALLY want them to fix the quitting issue by allowing mid-game joins!

But of course that's all in due time, right now this is great stuff for this month.

5417d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

You are over exaggerating.

Not only has Demon's Souls succeeded beyond expectations both in sales and reviews here in America, but it has also been noted to be pretty popular in its motherland.

5417d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sure it's a great game but I think it achieved a great amount of popularity. It's not MW2-popular but who knew that a game like DS would become so popular today?

And it truly is a talked-about game. I don't consider it under-the-radar as much as I do consider it the total surprise hit of the year.

Now games like Flower, Shatter, 'Splosion Man, and that motorcycle stunt game on XBLA are the real under-the-radar titles that will be forever overlooked. But I think consi...

5417d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

FINALLY they are fixing it.

Online Create (they were talking about this before release, I was sure they were going to have it on release but it's finally coming!) increased profile space (good, much needed), improved networking (about time, there was so much lag and slow down when playing with other people), and better saving functionality (a lot of times, my PS3 would hard reset when I saved. It really scared me).

Anyways, I can't wait to play LBP again-- with these...

5417d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree that gaming-wise and JUST gaming-wise PSN is on par. However people love the extra features of LIVE and guess what? It's not a bad fee. $50 a year is really not much and people blow money on so many other things that are even worse. I'm sure we've all bought that expensive game that was never worth the price.

Now, the extra features of LIVE make LIVE the much more better, attractive, and cleaner product. Achievements from the beginning. In-game music being universal. Mics...

5418d ago 6 agree5 disagreeView comment

Sorry, didn't notice the site. I wasn't trying to accuse you or come off militant myself, but again, just wondering :)

5418d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm sure it's a daunting task. In fact, I wouldn't blame them for quitting. But by putting a lot of heart and effort into it they already show great characteristics of a quality developer.

I also think it's a bit sad that these guys are putting in the effort but that "certain other developer team" who is much more popular won't.

5418d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Revolutionized console online gaming, especially with games like Halo 1.

It's what the Sega Dreamcast 2 would have been. The Amazing Dreamcast even pioneered online and Xbox took it to the next level.

5418d ago 13 agree7 disagreeView comment