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People aren't finishing video games? DUH!

I don't know about you but this is such a dumb and obvious thing. I read a couple of articles on some gaming sites that were talking about a study that said most people don't finish games. My answer is DUH! Of course most people don't finish games! Why? because too many games get released at the same time period among other reasons. Let me explain.

You see most video games publishers have certain periods where they release a ton of games within a week of each other, mainly during the pre and post holiday period. Look at this year alone, there's at least 8 must have games released in November alone and what are the odd people are going to finish them all before the next big must owns come out in January?. I am also guilty of not finishing games myself. My JRPG collection is mostly unfinished because new games come along and draw me away from them and they just sit there waiting for me to have the time to play them once again.

Then there's the fact that most modern gamers have a life outside of video games. These people just don't have as much free time to play as a guy like me who does nothing but play video games and my best mate is one of those kinds of people. He works 12 hours a day, 5 days a week and only has the weekends to himself and you know what he does? Sleeps most of it and spends time with friends and family. He has 34 games on PS3 and has only finished 7 of them... since he bought the PS3 on release!

Plus 2 out of every 10 gamers rent games and they usually don't re-rent them after that weekend they rented it for because they don't have the money or one of the previous 2 factors. Also don't forget the people who make the most of game retailers 7 days to return policy where you buy it and can bring it back within 7 days for a full refund or store credit(EB Games loves only giving you credit instead of cash).

When it comes to my game collection personally the only games I haven't finished are some JRPGs, some NES games, Mass Effect 2 and Dead Space 2. I'd say about 92% of my game collection has been finished so it's not too big a ratio for me but I'm sure we all have a pile of shame we're still working on during each video games drought. We'd probably be done now with our piles of shame if developers would stop repackaging games every year with a bigger number(*cough* MW3 *cough* Battlefield 3 *cough* sports games period *cough!*) or at least give their franchise a break for 2 or 3 years(looking at you Ubisoft and Assassin's Creed)!

rattlesnake254777d ago

true! its hard to finish the games. good article

xX-StolenSoul-Xx4777d ago (Edited 4777d ago )

Simple, just don't buy another game till you finish the one your playing now.

Kee4777d ago

That is my philosophy for this autumn. It's gonna save me so much money. I'll just get all the other games after I've finished dark souls and skyrim. Should give the other games enough time to drop in price.

BiggCMan4777d ago

I finish all of my games, 100% of the time. I guess i'm just different. I'm plenty busy just like the rest, i'm in college studying and doing school work. I don't have a job just yet, but i'm still fairly busy and I still find time to beat all of my games, even rentals from Gamefly.

MidnytRain4777d ago

I only buy games roughly every two to three months. I do so because I don't like having games stacking up and feeling pressured to give them the time they deserve.

JasonBloodbourne4777d ago

i fall into the same boat! never finished Resistance or Resistance 2. sometimes i get fed up with them as well i got about 5hrs into ff13 then couldn't beat one of the bosses that u capture or whatever and gave up then and i refuse to restart it! ninja gaiden 2 on xbox and ps3 gave up with lol! only game i ever went back too i think was ninja gaiden on the old xbox after 9 months of being stuck i restarted and then managed to get past the bit i was stuck on for so long. lol

Peaceful_Jelly4777d ago

I understand people not finishing games like FFXIII or Elder Scroll but come on on! Games these days are soooo easy and short compared to prior gens. Games like Batman:AA, Uncharted, GeoW are easily beatable in like a day and they even have ultra casual difficulties.

theonlylolking4777d ago

They need to release AAA games in the summer.

MidnytRain4777d ago

You'd think someone would've done this by now. It seems that business patterns overule common sense. They think, "Well, the big games sell well in the fall, so we need to do like they do."

xX-StolenSoul-Xx4776d ago

I guess, but usually during the summer i buy games i never bought during that year and usually just play those.

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