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Ryzom and the Christmas Spirit

In keeping with the idea that we should be embracing the holiday spirit I have been doing some good deeds on Ryzom. The whole community is full of so many helpful individuals that I thought I would give back to it too. I have been forming teams to help the community’s newest members to complete difficult missions, like Arken, so that they do not have to go it alone. It has been  really rewarding experience and I am glad I have been doing it.


Xbox: Gaming Evolved Interview

Xbox discusses the brand licensing strategies connecting iconic video game franchises with the world’s most diverse fan base.

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How to Customize the PS5 Welcome Hub to Have Widgets Lined at the Bottom for Your Wallpaper

Guide on how to customize your PS5 Welcome Hub so the widgets you want to see are at the bottom giving a clear view of the wallpaper.


Games Media Personnel Debunk Claims of Concord's $400 Million Budget

The rumor of Concord's budget was at $400M has been debunked by games media personnel, as the game didn't even get above-the-line marketing.

_SilverHawk_12h ago(Edited 12h ago)

People will continue to make up absurd things about concord just like i predicted. I didn't believe that game costs anywhere close to half a billion dollars but people will continue to pile on because they were truly hurt by the production of this game that I thought was a good game. The developers had the audacity to make a good game semi-similar to other games with character models not seen before with gender pronouns.

isarai9h ago

Thought so, that was an absurd cost for ANY game let alone a MP only game

excaliburps6m ago

Yep, but you had people believing that crap. I mean, websites ran that. I don't think they believed it themselves, but the urge of Concord, bait and traffic seemed too good to pass up.

Vutaxofe6h ago

Doesn’t seem like a debunk to me. Chris Dring, a known sony fanboy gave his opinion.

His opinion is also incorrect - plenty of games cost more $400m or more.

Gamingsince198131m ago

It's an alt account, they will be gone before they reply most times

excaliburps6m ago

Yes, we should believe some anon user instead of the EIC of a respected financial gaming publication. LOL!

purple1013h ago

Films like Avatar cost 300 million

This is a game with 12 small levels and 16 characters
No way their small cut scenes added 300 mill to the price .

Chocoburger0m ago

Already said it yesterday that I didn't believe the fake narrative that it cost "half a billion". Written by morons, believed by morons that tried to argue with me about it.

This is what no journalist integrity looks like. Spout endless lies for attention, then don't retract statements after all fact.