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Where has the good old adventure games gone?

I remember spending hours after hours with Monkey Island, i remember playing Sam & Max for days! I remember playing Day of the Tentacle, Loom, Kings Quest, Robin Hood (yea i actually did), Simon the Sorcerer, Full Throttle, Maniac Mansion, Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis. So where have this genre gone? I dont think its the consumers that changed its just that the stereotypical gamer is the 14-16 year old kid who loves violence! And thats what sells, FPS games have never been hotter, video game violence has never been goryer or bloodier. So what happened to taking care of the core gamers? The ones that played games before these kids where more than a twinkle in theyre mothers eye? I think theres a market for every type of game. I think that old school adventure games will make a comeback. You see it with Monkey Island remakes, thats a beautiful thing since Monkey Island 1 and 2 are my top favourite adventure games of all time! None above!! But when you see the overwealming respons those games get why cant other game companys get onto this bandwagon and ride out some more classics? Yea yea, maybe alot of the remakes will suck ass but atleast theres a chance that some of them might still work right? I demand more adventure games in the liking of the old school ones i named. I know theres alot more gamers like me and those are the ones i wanna hear from. So all my fellow old school adventure gamers stand up and lets unite against what is becoming gaming equals FPS games! Lets take back our adventure games, with theyre lame humour, theyre brain numming puzzles, with theyre ability to drag you into theyre world! We dont want so much of the fast paced action packed games we get nowadays, we wanna relax and use your brains abit more! Common!!!

Ronny Stensen
[email protected]

Game-ur5180d ago

They are still being mad, what's missing is the quality; another problem is there are about a million strictly puzzle games on the net, which deflate the fan base.

The good news is that Japan style adventure games are becoming popular on the DS, like the Ace attorney series.
My all time favorite are Grime Fandango, Fullthrottle and Gabriel Knight.
P.S: don’t miss the Whispered World, looks great.


yea i miss the point and click adventure games! but yeeeea Grim Fandango, Full Throttle and Gabriel Knight is king! im gonna check out Whispered world!

thor5180d ago

I'd say Heavy Rain fits into the category of "Adventure Game". ALso I don't think the market for them is as large as you think - yes the Monkey Island remakes got a lot of praise, but this is from nostalgia from old adventure game fans. That said, I too would like to see more adventure games.


no as i wrote its not a giant fan base, its just that the nostalgic gamers like myself is beeing overlooked


Japanese & Western Fanbases Have a Very Conflicting Opinion on the Palworld vs Nintendo Lawsuit

TNS: "Palworld developer's readiness to take on Nintendo's lawsuit is met with a mixed response -- mostly from the Japanese side of the player base."

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TheNamelessOne1d 9h ago

My opinion it it's another BS lawsuit on Nintendo's part.

Vits22h ago

Well, the good news is that this shows Japanese Twitter users are just as dumb as Western ones. It’s not a copyright-based lawsuit; if it were, things wouldn’t be as dire and concerning as they are. Nintendo is suing them for patent infringement, which should be a huge red flag for anyone who enjoys gaming, as Nintendo holds numerous patents over game mechanics that could significantly impact the market if they start enforcing them.

Seriously, they hold patents for features like fast travel and summoning companions or creatures to help you battle enemies. That’s the level of nonsense we’re dealing with here. So even if you’re a huge Nintendo b*tch, if you care about gaming at all, you shouldn’t be happy - let alone support them in this situation.

FinalFantasyFanatic3h ago

I honestly hope this lawsuit just gets thrown out of court, having a patent on game mechanics just shouldn't be a thing, especially when those mechanics are present in many games. If this goes through, imagine the hell on earth we'd go through as everyone starts tossing lawsuits around like missiles.

northpaws2h ago

Sure, they are suing for patent, but it all started because pocketpair copy pokemon designs, otherwise Nintendo couldn't care less.

JunonZanon56m ago

Nintendo is only suing because Palworld has been massively sucessful.

NotoriousWhiz14m ago

Nintendo decided that the Palworld developers needed to be sued. Realized they had no case for copyright infringement so went into their bag of tricks (patents) to see what they could stick em with.

XiNatsuDragnel21h ago

No offense to japanese but supporting nintendo here is dumb.

northpaws2h ago

I do think Nintendo needs to chill on some smaller projects, but in this case, it is a company purposely copying pokemon designs and promoting it as Pokemon with guns, then sell it for money and even try to sell merchandises (according to the articles), I don't think that is acceptable.

And sure, disagree with me, so you can act like you fight for the small guys and feel awesome or whatever.

Lionsguard2h ago

Oh look another one who just THINKS they know what the issue is without actually reading into what is actually happening. Maybe read and come back so you can actually be up to speed on what the lawsuit is even about.

porkChop19m ago

This lawsuit is really putting into perspective just how little people actually read the news. They just read headlines and fill in the rest with their own assumptions. This is why short form content is becoming so popular. People only have the mental capacity to digest bite sized pieces of information.

The_Blue1h ago

That's some simple minded logic

NotoriousWhiz13m ago

"it is a company purposely copying pokemon designs and promoting it as Pokemon with guns"

This entire statement is false.

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