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Why PS3 is actually in 2nd place (sales)

Put in it's simplest form it's the one year head start MS had. Now I'm sure this has been discussed before but I still constantly see comments geared to put down the PS3 based on sales alone so I thought I'd reiterate.

The months following the launch of the Xbox 360 MS began digging in with shady marketing (see ) However for all their arrogance and childish posturing there's one simple fact that they seem to want to ignore:

Take away ANY one of the Xbox's years of sales and the PS3 would be well ahead.

To be honest it should be the way that sales are compared, it's incredibly unfair to judge them side by side as most of the media seem to do.

Lately the Xbox has seen a great increase in sales but let's face it there's two massive and probably short term sales spikes at play here... Slim re-design and another Halo game.

Come November there is an incredible amount of pressure on Kinect to sell consoles. Should it fail then the PS3 is CERTAIN to take the sales crown well before the launch of next gen devices. The review embargo on Kinect is a massive sign that this will be the case and with a laundry list of upcoming triple A exclusive titles on the PS3, I'm hoping we can finally put the misunderstanding of PS3 sales figures behind us all.

Play games NOT marketing/sales.

TheBalloMan5084d ago

everyone thinks that the xbox is much better than the ps3, and the ps3 has advantages - but everyone forgets that a console sells best on launch, and a whole year ahead is kind of a suckish way to compare things - it's simply too unfair! Forget a year - I'll bet the PS3 could overtake the xbox easily if the handicap was gone, and catch up in less than six months!!!

Red_Orange_Juice5083d ago

PS3 is selling better per year/month/week/day.

end of discussion

-Alpha5082d ago (Edited 5082d ago )

No, this is a big case of having your cake and eating it too. You can say that the PS3 sells BETTER compared to the 360 so long as you have the stats to back it up. But to say that in actuality the PS3 is in second? That requires ignoring the 360's headstart, and there is no justifiable reason to do that other than to selfishly tip the favor to Sony.

The fact still remains that the PS3 is 3rd, so no, you can't say that the PS3 is actually in 2nd because in actuality, it is not.

It's incredibly manipulative and shows people only care about tallying who is "winning". That's the only reason why people do this-- to show some sense of superiority.

If product X comes out before product Y why would you disqualify all the sales product X makes before product Y comes out? How is that fair for product X? You ignore the fact that people buying the 360 before the PS3 released don't just disappear after the PS3 is released. They are an install base and they have no reason to be overlooked other then petty jealousy in these stupid sales wars.

It's incredibly selfish to act as if the sales of a console don't matter just because the other console didn't release yet. You have to look at the total sales of a console and as that stands, the 360 has sold more than the PS3. This may hurt some of you, but this is the actual fact, and this, by definition, makes the 360 come in 2nd, not PS3.

I wonder how many of you would be so compassionate if this was turned around and the PS3 came out before the 360. Better question-- why do you care? How does this hurt you?

And I also wonder why many of you will toss out the sales of Move once Kinect comes out to give it that "fairness".

It's not fair to disqualify a product's sales just because the other company didn't release its product yet.

Peckham-Pouncer5082d ago

I can see my little opinion has riled a lot of people up but never thought you would respond without truly thinking it through.

My point is that total sales for a console should not be ignored but when comparing them side by you should compare both consoles first years then their second with totals. One console will have an extra year on market but the other won't have any figures yet to compare them by. I'm not saying move the goal post in favour of Sony just to wait until they have their same year figures to compare totals. The finish line should also be moved, is it fair to say xbox won if it sells 3 more consoles when next gen arrives but in the year after it sells none and ps3 sold 20 (daft numbers i know)? A year after the gen ends both consoles would have been on the market the same amount of time so sales would be more accurate.

Let me put it this way; if I started a 100m sprint at the 50m mark there's a good chance even I could beat Usain Bolt.

The only manipulation that has been done here is by microsoft, rushing a broken product to market so they can claim they are 'winning' in order to pretend like they are a viable platform for developers. It sickens me that it worked and shows the sorry state of the gaming industry.

5082d ago
PostApocalyptic5082d ago

All you have to do is look at the yearly trends in sales. They are dropping for the 360 and rising for the PS3. Each year it gets better for the PS3.

commodore645084d ago (Edited 5084d ago )

Dude... really?

Are you for real?
You preach "Play games NOT marketing/sales", but then speculate about how
"PS3 is CERTAIN to take the sales crown well before the launch of next gen devices"

Are you crying about how it's not fair that ps3 sales are compared to 360 sales?
Is it deleterious to your ego?
Can't sleep at night?
is it.. not fair?

Jesus dude..
wtf is wrong with you?

The-Tentacle5084d ago (Edited 5084d ago )

you sound far more hurt than he does.

The Maxx5084d ago (Edited 5084d ago )

Nintendo and the Wii didn't seem to care much about the 1 year head start. They managed to surpass the 360 in overall sales.

Why is the 1 year MS head start affecting Sony but not Nintendo? I will tell you. Because consumers purchase what they feel is best worth their money. Consumers don't usually buy what they don't want. The 1 year 360 head start should not be looked at as a negative on MS, but as a negative on Sony for waiting so long to launch their system. If you start the race late, then expect to be in last. Nintendo didn't have an issue with MS's 1 year head start and they outsold MS and Sony almost combined.

All the Sony supporters will try and say anything to justify why the PS3 is in 3rd place. But what it all comes down to is simply there is not enough demand for the PS3 as there is the Nintendo Wii or 360. People vote with their wallets what they feel best suits their wants and needs.

Sony is in 3rd place like it or not. Next time Sony....release your console the same time as your competitors do. If you want to start the race in last, then expect to finish in last.

goflyakite5084d ago

You contradict yourself a lot in that post.

Just letting you know.

The Maxx5083d ago

Please explain where the contradiction is. I have re-read my comment several times and it seems pretty straight least anyone with the ability to understand straight forward English with a touch of common sense and a dash of intelligence.

goflyakite5083d ago

The fact that one of your arguments is "If you want to start the race in last, then expect to finish in last." and another is "Nintendo and the Wii didn't seem to care much about the 1 year head start. They managed to surpass the 360 in overall sales.". FYI, the Wii was the last to be released.

Your whole post just didn't add up. Which is too bad because it looks like you put a lot of work into it.

The Maxx5083d ago (Edited 5083d ago )

You need to seriously READ that quote again.

"If you want to start the race in last, then expect to finish in last"

"expecting" to finish in last doesn't mean you "WILL" finish in last. It means that IF you start in last, there is a higher "expectation" that you will finish in last than finishing in first since you are increasing the odds against you making it harder to take the lead. Taking the lead is not impossible, but expectations are lower considering that you started later. Again, "expecting" is a "foresight" and does NOT mean guaranteed. There is NO contradiction in my statement.

Like I said.

"at least anyone with the ability to understand straight forward English with a touch of common sense and a dash of intelligence."

Clearly you don't understand straight forward English or have a touch of common sense with a dash of intelligence.

goflyakite5083d ago

The fact is you proved yourself wrong in your original post. Your two arguments are opposites. Keep in mind that the Wii was released last and then read these two statements:

"Nintendo and the Wii didn't seem to care much about the 1 year head start. They managed to surpass the 360 in overall sales."
"If you want to start the race in last, then expect to finish in last."

Nice try at insulting my intelligence but coming from you it doesn't mean much.

jerethdagryphon5083d ago

@ the maxx

sorry but if game a launches in 2010 and game be launches in 2011 and both are measured at 2015
its un ballenced

if you were to take say 48 months of game sales, from launch to 48 months for xbox and 48 months for ps3 thats fair because lead time is negated
comparing total numbers when something has had a longer market presence is bull

total numbers works fine for most things but if unballenced by market presence it skews things

CimmerianDrake5082d ago

The Wii was also launched at the LOWEST price and marketed for families. If you're a parent looking for some family friendly entertainment that fits your budget, what are you going to spend? $250? $300? $600? That answers your question about the Wii.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5082d ago
ubiquitious5083d ago

Great comment Maxx. Don't worry it all makes sense don't worry about this clown.

coolbeans5084d ago

You're basically at the level of 'delusional' if you think you're allowed to discount 1 extra year of 360 sales. Who's to say if 360 started the same year as Wii/PS3 if it still kept a killer app like Gears of War?

goflyakite5084d ago

Not to mention the 360 had one year with no competition.

But I'll let the fanboys think what they want.

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