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Gaming. What business strategies make it sell?

Oom|6007d ago |Blog Post|2|

 I wanted so say how I think the Wii may have a mind control device in it. How else would people want to buy multiple wiis? You dont need 6 wqiis yet everyone reports buying 6 at one time!
 Im telling you its mind control! There are clearly better consoles on the market yet people say "Wii is better then ps3 lolz"  <---- What the hell is that? It's gotta be mind control! Keep an eye on the wii! Its not as sweet as it looks.

Next I want to talk about the 360. There are plenty of ways to get the rrod. Its very sad but as long as you avoid these actions it will be fine

Destruction methods of the Xbox 360

  • Turn it on.
  • Not turn it on
  • Think negative thoughts about Bill Gates
  • Play Gears of War for more than 5 minutes -WARNING- Explosion may cause heavy collateral damage
  • Get a speck of dust inside, on the case, or within 500 feet of it.
  • Place the console near a black hole - the console will absorb
  • the black hole and collapse into a singularity that will annihilate the
  • universe
  • Hack the software and install Windows Vista on it
  • Hack the software and install Windows XP on it
  • Hack the software and install anything at all on it
  • Hack some other, completely unrelated product
  • Open the box
  • Be related to someone who knows a guy that used to live near someone who used to use Linux
  • Perform an exorcism on it -WARNING- will release an evil Demon Lord, known only as "???? ?????", that will destroy the planet
  • Think about considering looking in the general direction of a picture of a PS3 or Wii
  • Attempt to kill Bill Gates with it by hooking it up to a
  • battery, turning on Gears of War, and then boxing it and shipping it to
  • him
  • Turn it off, unplug it, place it in a sealed container, throw
  • the container into a black hole, create a rift in space-time and place
  • the black hole into a dimension where time, space, energy, and matter
  • don't exist. It will still explode.
  • Move the console, including from the store to your car, and taking it out of the packaging.
  • Look at a penguin.
  • thinking about getting a ps3
Now that I think about it why do people buy something that explodes? I theorize that the 360 must also have a mind control chip but just not as powerful ass the wii and it must explode because the chip is a nuclear core!

So avoid all that and your ok.

No I want to talk about the ps3. That thing is like a huge shiny cinderblock, However the shinyness makes it sexy. The only problem is the cell processor isnt that good for controlling minds. So this is why wii sells so much because of the stronger chip of evil, However the ps3 did manage to capture a significant audience by tuning into gamers with the delta brainwave which has a population of 13 million thus giving the PS3 its fanbase. The 360 has a similar way of mind capture only with alfa brainwaves which gathers an army of 17 million.

:Lastly i will talk about the fanboys. You all need to calm or at least argue properly because it's not about the games or the specs or how many devs like the console. If you have been reading you will now know it all about mind control. Thats how soulja boy sells his music and thats how the wii is selling. Because it has a powerful mind control chip that overpowers the cell processor and the nuclear core of the 360.

I hope this has been informative and if you bought any of this I advise you to see a shrink. Lol.

bigman73876007d ago (Edited 6007d ago )

None of the consoles are controlling my mi.............Must play Uncharted...Must play Uncharted...Must play Uncharted

Truplaya6007d ago

My 360 survived being moved form my car, and even survived getting taken out of the box! It has survived 18 months of being played, getting dust on it and all sorts; just so it can control my mind.

I am of course talking about acheivements, which may be the biggest reason the xbox360 has such a large attach rate when compared to the PS3 and Wii. The noise of acheiving something as momentous as 'complete level one on easy' gets addictive and is not to be scoffed at.


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