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Backlog Gamer Introduction

The life of a gamer can be a frivelous one. Thanks to advances in software and a gaming industry with a net profit surpassing the movie industry by a healthy margin year by year, we have much more on our plates then twenty years ago when games were more a distraction than anything else.

If you look back, video games have gone from a simple ball going back and forth between two paddles to sprawling worlds with mythose and magic. For some, video games are a simple pasttime to enjoy once or twice a week and are satisfied with that. Other people have the desire to play some form of game every single day. There are plenty of people who are fortunate enough to make a living doing nothing but playing games and writting about them. Having a fulltime job where you are encouraged to play games is a luxury many of us do not have. Finding the perfect harmony of family, personal, game, and work is no easy task. Sure, for those who simply go to school and then go home to play games may not understand. A large number of gamers out in the world have to find that balance of life. Easier said than done.

The combination of the earlier mentioned dilemma for the "Hardcore Limited" gamer and the developing competitive market for games and consoles creates a problem for many of you... "The backlog." Yes, the infamous backlog. These days there are so many worthy and amazing titles most of us are forced to choose which ones deserve our money and time. When we are forced to choose, we are likely to miss out on great titles until farther down the road when we stumple upon them or others tell us about them.

Many people take different approaches to The Backlog. Some are collectors who want to own those old games they loved but whether they know it or not, never intend to play them again. Then there are those who know a game is good and decide to wait until it is on sale to pick it up, but guess what, once you pick it up there are newer, more exciting games to grab your time so you shrug and set that old game on the shelf not realizing you may never return to it and give that game the six to twenty hours it may need to be beaten. And finally there are some who are just completely unaware of a game until years later. It is very easy to fall into all three of these catergories. In fact, I am one of those lucky/unlucky few.

I'm going to be kicking off this series very shortly but wanted to give a rhyme and reason as to what will be going on here so please, feel free to comment and follow along as I explore what is out there and I deem worthy to grab my time.

MrMister4087d ago

This is going to be an ongoing series?

Might I ask...why?

Blog says: "I'm going to be kicking off this series very shortly but wanted to give a rhyme and reason as to what will be going on here so please, feel free to comment and follow along as I explore what is out there and I deem worthy to grab my time."

Can you please explain to me why it would be worth OUR time? I mean, I know blogs are open for users to make, but why would this be interesting enough for a continuing series? Maybe this would be of more interest to the forums users?

Nicaragua4083d ago

This is not a particularly interesting topic. You should just make your point in one blog because i can guarantee that nobody is going to be sat on the edge of their seat waiting for the next installment.


PS5 Pro: Developers share how they’re using new tech to enhance their games

Details on the growing list of titles taking advantage of the console’s larger GPU, advanced raytracing, and AI-driven upscaling

Read Full Story >>
shadowT3h ago

"Furthermore, Gran Turismo 7 will feature experimental support for 8K/60fps output"

The PS5 without 8K logo with 8K support, the PS5 with 8K logo without 8K support.. ;)

RaidenBlack2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

"sliders" .... /s

Sonic18812h ago

This is good to know especially for the gamers that's interested in the PS5 Pro

Sonic18812h ago(Edited 2h ago)


"We have also used the additional power of PS5 Pro to improve the visuals and effects in the 60fps Performance mode, where we have upped the output resolution to 4K"

Third party developers learning how to use PSSR technology 🤔

VersusDMC1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

Stated 120 fps for REvillage but vague allusions of increased performance for RE4. Hopefully there's a 4k PSSR 60fps for RE4 as that is a game i will replay yearly.

Still alot of PSSR 4k 60fps though for a lot of games.

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Lunar Remastered Collection - Announce Trailer

Embark on thrilling adventures within the enchanting worlds of LUNAR: Silver Star Story Complete and LUNAR 2: Eternal Blue Complete! These two cherished JRPGs have delighted gamers for generations. Now, in this definitive remastered edition, experience enhanced graphics, audio, and quality-of-life improvements that make the journey even more magical!

Knightofelemia1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

I am so all over this I still have my Saturn copies. I just wish Namco would give me the Xenosaga trilogy as a remaster. I also wish the Ar Tonelico games also got a remaster.

Lionsguard53m ago

This is the only game where I still have the original PS1 discs for and I had always wished for a modern remake/remaster.

Chocoburger29m ago

Yesterday people here complained about remasters but this is a cool remaster to see. I own them on PS1, but glad that these games can be supported again on modern hardware (of course those can be easily emulated if that's your style).

TheColbertinator9m ago

Best news today. These games were amazing on the Saturn

darthv727m ago

I haven't played this series since the sega CD.


Alan Wake 2 - Lake House Expansion | PS5 Games

Dive into a harrowing survival horror experience with the latest expansion for Alan Wake 2, set in an eerie new location on the shores of Cauldron Lake. Within the Federal Bureau of Control's research station, the Lake House, a catastrophic event has occurred, where reckless experiments have caused reality to collide with the Dark Place.

RaidenBlack2h ago

The trailer initially tricked me into thinking it was Control 2 announcement.

darthv725m ago

So... the leaked pic showing supposed State of play stuff was only part right. Last of us part 1 had the ps+ symbol on it... and now it's coming to ps+.

Alan Wake 2 had the same symbol, but so far it's not coming to ps+.... not yet. Maybe for November or December.