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"Black Friday" Writing Contest

To kick off the Holiday Season, the first contest on N4G involves writing. Read the contest details below on what to do and how to enter. The upcoming contests for December will run for 24 days and will be a combination of gaming knowledge and a bit of luck if more than one person gets the right answer each day.


Those entering the contest should submit a story, poem, or similar written piece of work with the title of "Black Friday". The writing should include at least one video game character or video game setting and should be related to video games in some manner.

A single user may submit up to three (3) different entries for the contest if they so choose. A user may only win one prize.

All entries must be sent to the account posting this contest, ChrisKriN4Gle. Users may link to an external document if need be, but N4G is not responsible for any issues in retrieving the document in question (we will communicate any issues to the author, though).

Entries will need to be submitted by November 27, 2019 (Anywhere On Earth).

Entries will be reviewed and winners selected by the N4G staff. Entries will be reviewed based on the quality of the writing and the creativity of the writing.

Entries must be unique pieces of writing created specifically for this contest and not otherwise previously published.

Three winners will be selected from the submissions with an award based on place. Type of cash prize will vary depending on the location of the winner and our ability to pay out the prize in the manner desired.

3rd place: $50
2nd place: $100
1st place: $200

Please see additional contest rules and details at

darthv721662d ago

Best of luck to all who participate. I hope we can read some good pieces.

UltraNova1661d ago

Its going to be fun, I love N4G user generated content like this.

Great idea Christopher and co.

1662d ago
phoenixwing1661d ago

if you're a contributer on here does that mean you're disqualified?

Christopher1661d ago

No. Only those who are employed by or receive some form of remuneration from HAVA or its relating companies are disqualified from winning.

phoenixwing1661d ago

thanks for the info christopher

Brave_Losers_Unite1661d ago


The name is Bond.. Chris Bond

IamTylerDurden11660d ago

Does it have to be about Black Friday or can it just be holiday themes?

XVision841661d ago

So there is no submission length limit? Stories vary greatly in word count and I doubt you guys should want a long story with all the submissions coming in

XVision841661d ago

Would* not should lol my bad.

Also how flexible can we be in terms of swear words?

1655d ago
Christopher1661d ago

No length limit.

No requirement for swearing, but if it does win it might be posted with a notice of the offensiveness/vulgarity of the content.

rainslacker1661d ago (Edited 1661d ago )

No length limit? Sounds like I can guys reading for a few hours then.:-D

Have my unpublished novels. Just a few name changes to game characters, a few setting changes to scenes in games, and I'm good to go.

Lucky for you, I edited it down to 3000 pages, mostly by removing the duplicate dialogue i had talking about knitting and how to cook various types of stews

You're in for a real treat!!!

Christopher1661d ago

Guess who's not winning because we couldn't finish reading their story in time? :(

Better luck next time Mme. Scudery (I hope someone gets that reference).

rainslacker1660d ago (Edited 1660d ago )

LOL. Or...maybe I win because you don't have time to read all the others.:)

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1660d ago
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Black Myth Wukong "Non-Pay-to-Win" Microtransactions and DLC Might Be Incoming According to Game FAQ

Black Myth Wukong has no confirmed DLC or microtransactions for now, but Game Science wants gamers to be open to the idea of it.


Dragon Age: The Veilguard – Meet Your Companions

Xbox Games Showcase 2024 brought us the reveal of your companions in Dragon Age: The Veilguard - learn more about them inside.

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Christopher4h ago(Edited 4h ago)

Another franchise going Xbox only or are they being cheeky?

Edit: Looks like it is just Microsoft being Microsoft. Xbox videos only show Xbox PC, studio specific show all.

kenpachi4h ago

It's on PlayStation they try make a world premiere look exclusive to them

Christopher4h ago(Edited 4h ago)

I mean, they specified PS5 for the new DOOM game, not this one. Just seems very weird.

-Foxtrot4h ago

Chris they didn’t even do it for Doom

It just said Xbox and PC

The one they posted on their social media pages mentioned the PS5

1h ago
LordoftheCritics1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

This new Fortnite season looks funky.

Gonna be a love it or hate it kinda situation

monkey60247m ago

I'm dissapointed with the tone they've taken with this but I'm going to wait for a gameplay reveal before I completely poo poo it.

H939m ago

Dragon Age goes .... Fortnite, well I won't say I was expecting good news, but I was still underwhelmed

staticall19m ago

Look how they massacred my boy.

It's Suicide Squad all over again. And it has purple too.

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Starfield Creation Kit launches, and the microtransactions begin

As of June 9, 2024, the Starfield Creation Kit and the new “Creations” store will be live, requiring players to purchase a premium currency for custom content.

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bababooiy3h ago

"requiring players to purchase a premium currency for custom content"
This is all you need to know.

XiNatsuDragnel3h ago

Yep yep nope unofficial mod support over this