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PS4 confirmed in a way

Scott Rohde of SCEA has confirmed that a successor to the PS3 is coming he didn't say when we can expect the system or even when Sony will begin to release system specs or a potential launch window. Sony may not be making any official announcements but there are plenty of rumors circulating on the internet. Some rumors point towards Sony launching the PS4/Orbis ahead of the next Xbox during holiday 2013 yet that seems unlikely given some of the news coming out of E3.

In an interview with Jack Tretton on GTTV E3 all access he came out and said Sony has never been first or the cheapest but they do aim to be the best, quiet bold words from Sony but given what the PS3 has to offer it's hard to argue with. The Sony press conference clearly showed that there’s plenty of life left in the PS3 yet with titles like Beyond: two souls and The Last of Us two brand new IP's that aren't scheduled to launch till 2013 along with another God of War.

All we know is that Sony is working on the PS4 and thanks to Scott Rohde we know that games are currently in development for the system, which give Sony the opportunity to have a phenomenal launch line up. The potential of the PS4 is all speculation at the moment but given the quality of Sony's first party studios which we can expect to see transfer over perfectly. Another thing to consider is who Sony has working on the PS4 we know that Guerrilla games is working on multiple projects Naughty Dog has 2 teams with one developing the Last of Us but what’s the other team working on? What about SuckerPunch who recently tweeted saying they where hard at work of a new project could it be Infamous 3 a new game will it be current or next gen so many un answered questions.

Next generation consoles are on their way and will blow us all away especially if Unreal 4 can run on these systems. Don't worry though there is plenty to play between now and their inevitable launch with another crowded holiday season coming up with Resident evil 6, Assassins creed 3, Hitman Absolution and Call of Duty Black Ops to name a few. Then you have spring 2013 packed full with nearly every game announced at E3 with the promise of DMC, Dead Space 3, Splinter cell Blacklist, Metal Gear Rising and the E3 2012 no show BioShock infinite.

The next year in gaming will be an interesting one to say the least both Sony and Microsoft still heavily support their current system so when will they begin to shift focus and bring their new consoles into light. Something else to consider is what 3rd parties are involved especially after Ubisoft revealed Watch Dogs one of the best games shown at E3 2012 it looked spectacular with its open world cyberpunk setting with interesting connectivity uses. To further the impact of Ubisoft's new IP although it was running on a PC in the conference it has been confirmed that we can expect to see Watch Dogs on Console too.

Ubisoft's surprise E3 reveal


Red Dead Redemption 2 Needs 60FPS Update Before GTA 6 Arrives

Bawal from Tech4Gamers writes "Red Dead Redemption 2 is still incredibly popular today, and it's a shame it hasn't received a 60FPS upgrade for consoles yet."

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ocelot0710h ago

Kind of wonder why they can't release a patch for 60fps. I don't expect a native ps5 just a patch to allow the original PS4 version run at 60 on ps5. They did it for the red dead redemption remaster.

isarai1h ago

It needs far more than 60fps, better resolution, fix the trash checkerboard rendering that somehow makes 1440p look worse than 1080p, fix the input lag, and fix the wack HDR implementation.

sagapo1h ago

Yeah, the HDR is terrible, made me wonder why the dev’s even bothered.

anast22m ago

The game looks great on my PS5 and PC monitor. You might need to update your gear.

Rutaprkl1h ago

Rockstar's gonna do jack s*** about it


Canceled Cyberpunk 2077 Expansion Titled 'The Moon' Has Leaked Online

Files from an alleged canceled expansion for CD Projekt's Cyberpunk 2077, titled The Moon, have leaked online.

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shinoff218320h ago

Spent so much time having to fix the original game they didn't make it to this.


Hands-on with Arranger: A Role-Puzzling Adventure | SideQuesting preview

Sliding right into our D(rea)Ms with the new game from Furniture & Mattress

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