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'Difficulty' in Gaming

The value of games lies in the gamers sense of accomplishment over challenges. This is the reason why games like Dark Souls, Demon's Souls, Spelunky and Super Meat Boy are so successful. These games do not hold our proverbial hands; gradually, they teach crucial mechanics to the player that are continually presented throughout the game. Then, when the gamer uses these mechanics correctly and effectively, the game rewards the player; not only than with in-game items, but also with a snese of pride. There's no better feeling than defeating Great Grey Wolf Sif after attempting it four or five times, or finally beating a level in Super Meat Boy.

While some gamers enjoy challenging games more than others, these games do not alienate gamers that want a casual experience because casual experiences don't exist; just different experiences. Maybe the gamer likes side-scrolling platformer experiences over third-person RPG's. So someone might come across a game like Dark Souls and claim it's too difficult. Then they try out a game like Super Meat Boy and absolutely love it, even though it's arguably very difficult. The main difference in challenge between these two games is pacing. Dark Souls presents a much slower trial-error reward system, while Super Meat Boy's is fast and intense. People aren't afraid of a challenge; they crave it. But it has to be the right challenge; everyone has their tastes and they need something that is worthwhile to them.

The reasons we, as gamers, play videogames seem to be many and incredibly dependent on the individual. One gamer might say that they play games because they love getting lost in its' world. Another might say they play videogames because they love to save princesses and destroy monsters. But when it comes down to it, gamers take pride in their videogame accomplishments. When the gamer saves that princess, they are proud that they defeated the evil dragon and jumped the river of lava to do so. And when the gamer gets lost in the captivating virtual world, they're getting involved through the activities within that world that reward the player for their time. If all it took to save that princess was a walk through the park, then the gamer wouldn't waste his time saving her. And no matter how beautiful a gaming world might be, if there's nothing to do in that world then the gamer won't stay for very long.

Gamers need to be engaged when they're playing games. The best kind of videogames present new and exciting challenges over the time spent with them. As we play these games, we take pride in our accomplishments and triumphs. The challenge of videogames is what brings us back to those games over and over. Whether the challenge lies in endurance and patience, or wit and cunning; great videogames are challenging. Those that lack challenge are simply not worth playing.

Valenka4218d ago

Very well said, sir. While I don't enjoy a game that holds my hand through and through, I found myself unable to even get into Demon's Souls because of its infamous difficulty and I haven't given Dark Souls a go yet.

But I definitely agree with you on the accomplishments point. I don't feel accomplished when a game basically guides me through a task or mission. Even with open world RPGs for instance like Oblivion or Skyrim--I refuse to use the objective markers, that way I can figure out where to go and what to do based on what I hear from NPCs and what I base on my surroundings.

TopDudeMan4217d ago

I think certain games lend themselves to those features you mentioned. I couldn't play oblivion or skyrim without quest markers because the game is simply too big to keep track of them all. Realistically, I'd get lost.

However if it were a game like dark souls, I definitely wouldn't want an arrow or a map, because the levels actually aren't that big and you always know where you're going- because the quests are as simple as "Kill this boss" and "ring this bell", so there isn't really much room for confusion, there.

sasith778904210d ago

true but dark souls has the appitite as skyrim

Hufandpuf4217d ago

Fan of Morrowind, I wonder.

sasith778904210d ago

this all true.take mass efect 3 , it is one of the most hardest games ever .next time devolpers make games they should include a helping hand in a game that is hard like skyrim

4200d ago

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Netflix's BioShock Film Still In Development But With A Reduced Budget

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Jin_Sakai1d 2h ago

Might as well just cancel it.

porkChop1d 1h ago

It's 10 years too late for a BioShock film. The world of Rapture would have been perfect for a film. It's actually a good candidate for proper utilization of 3D, for increased depth rather than bullshit popping out of the screen. It could really show off the underwater city that way. But BioShock as a brand is so irrelevant these days that a film just doesn't make sense. Especially considering it would need a big budget and top notch effects to really take advantage of the IP.

gold_drake1d 1h ago

i agree on the bigger budget. all the cgi they'd need for the background.

but i think it would work better as a show. a movie would be too short to establish the story

TheNamelessOne1d ago

Netflix greenlights anything, so that shows me very little faith in the project. Enough to just crap something out as they're, more and more, known to do.

badkolo39m ago

its where b movies go to live, its run by democrats , dont expect anything good from netflix

Knightofelemia1d ago (Edited 1d ago )

I'll laugh if it turns out to be better then the Borderlands movie

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gold_drake11h ago

that merch tho.

ridiculous the numbers they pull in, which makes it even worse when i think about the low budget broken games they make. or have made recently

-Foxtrot2h ago

We’re never getting an amazing mainline Pokémon game again are we

phoenixwing2h ago

Of course not. That's why I have tem tem because even if it's not the greatest I at least know the indie dev was trying

ZeekQuattro2h ago

Great plug for Tem Tem right there. It's not the greatest but at least they tried.... 🤣

phoenixwing32m ago

@zeek that's right it's as good or better than a pokemon game but they didn't have access to pokemon game money. So it's more of a stain on pokemon company to be in the same ballpark as them

Inverno24m ago

It's time we admit that they were never really that amazing to begin with. The games have never quite reach the same level of awesomeness as the anime. Look at the last few seasons we got to wrap up Ash's adventure, and the new series. 4 lazy Switch games and a remake which was so low effort that you wouldn't be able to tell it's a remake if your weren't told beforehand. The concept of Pokemon will always be awesome, but man the games absolutely suck.