CRank: 5Score: 11990

Preview of Dark Void based on the demo

So I downloaded the demo of Dark Void and I just had to write a preview of it because we need to stop the hype train now.

Someone once wrote that you don't say bad things about the game based on the demo, because it's like telling the new parents that their kid is ugly. I disagree because the demo should be a taste of what the game will be.

First off the story. In the demo there isn't really any, but I think it might be an average one based on the characters in the demo.

The graphics are pretty nice, you can see far which is good because you  will be flying much in the game. The graphics still disappointed me because it is this flying, soaring trough the skies game so I thought there would be some nice graphics to really feel the speed. Well there's not.

Music was good and high quality, it actually was one of the things the game does right. But the voice acting is pretty much terrible. The characters sound so forced and unnatural it is just awful.

The gameplay in this type of game will be of course great and have some awesome controls. Not in this game. When you face your first enemies destroying them will be easy when they are far away, but when they come close and I really mean close it is almost impossible to get them in your sight. You can see them but you can't just hit them.

The controls are good basic until it comes to making manouvers in the sky. If you want to throw yourself to certain direction you need to push down R2+L2 and then use the analog to decide the direction. It might seem easy but when you fly with the boost on and want to make a manouver it is just awful. I don't get it why does it have to be made so hard when the game doesnt even use the L2 and R2 buttons in different actions, they could have added the sideways manouvers to the triggers but no.

Shooting is pretty much just glued on. Enemies are generic robots with two different guns. One gun shoots big blasts and other one is somekind of laser machine gun. You have a machine gun which is in the demo the weapon to use. Gun sounds are very generic and they completely lack power.

When you get close to the enemies you can hit them. This happens using the O button and that is pretty much it. The move is alwasy the same until the enemy dies when the animation changes little but that's it. When you are close you can just beat your enemies down this is the fastest easiest way, little like knifing everyone in the Killzone 2 on easiest.

I would give this game  7.0 but if you really like to fly go ahead and a 0.5 to the score. The game seems to try new things but they have not been thought trough. This game really has been already done earlier and better, it is called "Warhawk".
If you own  a PS3 and wan't to fly and shoot people in crazy dog fights just buy Warhawk. You'll save money and yourself from a disappointment.

If you feel like I'm absolutely wrong, comment.

Cajun Chicken5368d ago

Yeah, I have to admit. I was really looking forward to this game all last year, but it just feels somewhat empty and not as vivid as an alien world should be, I'm not sure how Mass Effect a game which came out in 2007; also made with the Unreal Engine 3 can look better than Dark Void.
The QTEs just feel pointless and it doesn't actually feel like you're doing anything in relation to the character animation, hijacking a space ship doesn't seem fun, but more of a chore and your jetpack actually does more damage when shooting them. The flying is okay, but doesn't feel breakneck speed. I really like the soundtrack though, I also think that the developers should consider the option of Sixaxis as that could be cool. There is a bit of promise with the whole upgrading tech points though, I'm curious what kind of firepower you could get.

I'll be giving it a rent in the future. But consider this die hard supporter of Dark Void, not such a hardcore supporter.

lh_swe5367d ago

I felt myself struggling with the controls way too much while fighting the alien ships and the game doesn't seem like it'll have a good enough story to engage from beginning to end and make me forget about its flaws.

mcnablejr5366d ago (Edited 5366d ago )

edit. didnt mean to reply to above comment.

5355d ago
Johandevries5364d ago

Hey man - great writing.
I received a review copy today and played through the first level. Although the air combat seemed to be a bit dull, I really like the ground combat. Using cover nicely and such, the graphics (PS3) are not fantastic but the world is nice. It's maybe a bit too linear but that will change, I think.

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