
CRank: 7Score: 14620

I just don't understand

What the heading says is how I feel right now. Maybe I'm not that drawn to my consoles as others are, or that I don't have that need to create a towering wall of text defending a company that cares more about profit than words. Yes, I'm talking about fan boys. It's an ongoing issue and I have no idea why this keeps coming up. Well, it has been brought up countless times and will continue to do so in the future. Even when the apes will rule the earth.

I often find myself alienated from these topics or comments about how a system is better than the other in some small way. I don't know. It's just that I look at those comments and I think to myself "Wow. How can a person be so passionate about a machine that they would curse and slander another persons' opinion about said machine?" Well, it happens all too often and it does get out of hand a lot these days.

People, it's just an entertainment machine. It can't love you back like your girlfriend/boyfriend, or wife/husband. This can be said about any gaming console, so what I'm talking about covers all generations. Do you really think Cliffy B starts off his day with thoughts of how wonderful the XBOX 360 is? Or Hideo Kojima with the PS3?

I'm not trying to put you guys down, but it seems a bit too much when there's cussing, non-factual proof, and even more so now, racism. Perhaps I'm ranting on about a topic that shouldn't even be brought up. Just had to get this out of my head.

kickaski5603d ago

Tribalism is a hell of an instinct.

Drakol5603d ago

some people never evolve ;)

Gue15602d ago

We don't have fanboys here... A fanboy is someone that is very obsessed with something, so much that he defends the company to the death. Most people here don't even have time to play games because they are here 24/7 arguing and not playing games.

What we have here are a just a bunch of immature people that don't respect the opinion of anybody.

An example of a fanboy is Bloodmask. That guy dies for Microsoft.

We need to stop the fanboy BS and start talking about what we really need around here. And that's respect and stronger rules on the comment section. This site is the only one with such a big amount of rabid trolls on the entire net. This is not something general, but a problem of N4G itself. We're being bashed by a lot of sites because of this.

This is the nature of a site were anybody can submit their BS as articles.

Drakol5601d ago

has become the "4Chan" of the gaming news sites? That I would agree to ;)

All that we can do as gamers, be it casual or hard core, is to give structural feedback to what ever article we comment on and ignore the BS that goes on. Don't approve the trash articles, and take away the bubbles of those who act immature.

That's all we really can do. It's really up to the admins to change things around here.


Europe software sales | May 2024 | EA FC 24 #1, Ghost of Tsushima #4, Hellblade 2 missed 'Top 100'

"This is GSD figures, which tracks all digital game sales from most major publishers (Nintendo data is absent), and physical game sales in all major European markets."

"The No.1 selling game in May this year was EA Sports FC 24, followed by Grand Theft Auto 5. F1 2024 races in at No.3. The PC release of Ghost of Tsushima: Director's Cut sends the PlayStation game up to No.4."

"11.6 million PC and console games were sold across European markets in May. Compared with the same five week period in 2023, that's a drop of nearly 17%."

"Hellblade 2, System Shock Remake, and the Rogue Prince of Persia all missing out on the Top 100."

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Einhander19728h ago

I need an xbox fan to explain to me how Hellblade didn't even enter the top 100 since Game Pass doesn't effect sales and you guys are all just using the service as a trial to buy the games later.... /s (for sigh)

Also tell me again how 3.5 M sales first month for FF was bad...

If Microsoft didn't buy the developer this could have been a multiplatform game and if they wanted they still could have got it day 1 on Game Pass.

If I worked at Ninja Theory I'd be sprucing up my resume right about now.

MNRC234h ago

Why are you more concerned about Microsoft’s financials than Microsoft?


Review: Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance | Console Creatures

Console Creatures writes, "Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance adds a lot to an already packed title from Atlus."

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Toxicity is about to get a buff in XDefiant, as dev confirms lobby voice chat is in the works

In response to a player’s question, Rubin said it’s “very likely” you’ll be able to voice chat with the enemy team in the future—they’re “just not sure when [it will arrive] at the moment.” “It’s on the list,” he continued, so you can rest assured that the game’s development team is working on bringing it into every match you jump into.