CRank: 5Score: 13630

Are we being lied to? (Again?)

Ah E3, that special time of year when boys and girls gather around the interwebs to have their eyes and ears filled with the wonderful and magical sounds and sights of limbs exploding off into space and animated boobs that jiggle in real time physics calculations.

Yes, its that time where new games are unveiled like the glorious dawn of a new spring day, titles that sound foreign and strange. It is almost an overload of the senses, and it is wonderful.

Yet as I see certain articles appear on this and many other sites that my nerdy little fingers take me too, I cannot help but wonder if we are being maliciously and dubiously tricked again. Or is it our fault that we buy into the same lies and mistruths over and over.

Case and point; The Dark Sorcerer. "The Dark Sorcerer Uses ONLY 4 gb ram!!!" Titles exclaim...ok....SO WHAT!!! It's a tech demo for crying out loud, if it used 1 gb or 64gb on a super pc what would it matter? You don't honestly believe that the ps4 or any $400- $500 machine will EVER produce in game, gameplay visuals like that do you?

If you think this is actually a possibility in ps4 gameplay

Allow me to temper your expectations with this;

An actual screenshot from Killzone Shadowfall. Now while it certainly looks good, and I cannot wait to play the game, it is approximately 2 generations behind the texture quality and particle effects shown in The Dark Sorcerer.

Heck, those candles alone in the intro of The Dark Sorcerer appear to have more detail than an entire scene in Killzone Shadowfall, and that's just the candles.

My point is this, it is GREAT to be excited about a new generation of gaming wonders, and I most certainly am...but we need to set realistic goals and be grounded in the fundamentals of reality.

I'd also like to link a video from e3 of yesteryear, 2005 to be exact, 8 long years ago and a Sony ( video from which I have still NEVER seen close to this quality of gameplay visuals on my ps3 since 2006 to the present day playing The Last of Us currently.

Ah, fellow gamers, will we ever learn? The Dark Sorcerer demo is neat, it fills our eyes and hearts with hope and dreams, with the bright possibility of a new and wondrous tomorrow, but even the title, "The Dark Sorcerer" should be a clue in and of itself, that we are being deceived yet again, by the magic spell of a lie.

dedicatedtogamers4050d ago (Edited 4050d ago )

I think a better metric would be to compare "Uncanny valley" with Heavy Rain, and with the exception of a few mediocre-looking textures here and there, Heavy Rain did indeed match the graphics of Uncanny Valley.

Will the next QD game have graphics like Dark Sorcerer? Yeah, probably, because their games are basically interactive CGIs. But you're right, we shouldn't use Dark Sorcerer as a metric for PS4 performance on every single title, not until we see some real gameplay from real games.

cunnilumpkin4050d ago (Edited 4050d ago )

heavy rain???

that looks mediocre at best

dedicatedtogamers4050d ago

Have you actually played Heavy Rain and seen it in motion?

Aery4049d ago

You want your 2 minute of notoriety.
Well, here for you.
I just read you blog and yes, don't worry, we are all aware there will be no game with the same quality as dark sorcerer.
We know that, and in the meanwhile we (I) already happy of the (graphics) quality of Killzone SF and Infamous Second Son.

HammadTheBeast4049d ago

3 things:

One, it looks like you picked out the worst looking KZ screenshot and posted it. Here's a better one:


Are you honestly going to compare a single in-engine scene using 4 gb of RAM to a whole game level running on similar specs?

And three:

Qrphe4049d ago

You've just lost any credibility you had left, let's move on everyone.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4049d ago
pixelsword4049d ago (Edited 4049d ago )

Graphics like Dark Sorcerer is entirely possible within three years of the PS4's life.

God of War Ascension and III are basically on the heels of what that demo has shown. Facial and hand animation are the last hurdles to the beginning of true realism, and QD thinks that the hurdle is finally past them.

FamilyGuy4048d ago (Edited 4048d ago )

LOL, this dude is CRAZY!

The dark Sorcerer in %100 IN ENGINE running in REAL TIME. There's a video a guy took with a hidden camera showing a behind the curtains look of it running at E3. It was being manipulated IN REAL TIME. EN-effing-JOY

Why are you comparing this to Killzone when both Killzone and inFamous second Son are OPEN WORLD GAMES?

Do you understand that open world games will and can never have as high a quality in visuals as a game that has you traveling in corridors or small areas and rooms?

The engine that developed this tech demo isn't even fully optimized yet and this engine is currently being used to develop a next gen title for the PS4.
The game their making should actually LOOK BETTER than this tech demo.

You can call me a dreamer or fooled all you want but I watched him interacting with the room in real time, something that CANNOT be done with a CGI video (which is what the MotorStorm trailer was).

I fully expect high quality devs such as QD and Naughty Dog to make a game that resembles this in the future. Everything we've seen so far is open world games or vast landscapes, any closed quarters game will be able to utilize much higher visuals like what we see here.

Capcom is already doing something similar with Deep Down. I'll keep salt handy for when you're eating crow later. You're 100% wrong on this buddy.


Visuals = real

Only thing you should be arguing is the animations as a game wouldn't have this many, not for gameplay anyway, the cutscenes or whatever will still be full human motion capture.

cunnilumpkin4048d ago

ps3 NEVER achieved the level of visuals in this e3 trailer from 2005, and it never will

never seen a game look close to that fidelity on ps3

it is the same case with this bunk-completely fake, cgi

you ARE my whole point of making this blog

YOU are the reason I wrote this, but you are so hopelessly delusional, that it cannot connect in your skull


you and everyone that thinks like you were supposed to benefit from this call to reality

enjoy life in your hopelessly deluded bubble of pretend

ignorance is bliss they say

isarai4048d ago


Did you even watch the video? he is manipulating in real time, you can't fake real time manipulation

colonel1794048d ago

Forget about the Motorstorm trailer. It was confirmed long ago to be CG. What I want is to have the gameplay of the trailer, even if it doesn't have those graphics.

Quantic Dream has confirmed that the demo is real time gameplay. I am skeptical, because as you said, there is so much detail going on there, that it has to be running at a super computer or something, but definitely not a PS4. The same with Square Enix's luminous engine demo.

We have come very very far from the games that were shown during the reveal of the PS3. I used to think that Uncharted 1 look so amazing and nothing couldn't top it, and you can see that I was so wrong! Even the gameplay from inFamous Second Son is much better and the graphics are better than The Last of Us. The improvement of graphics from The Last of Us to games like Killzone 4 and inFamous are really big. Can you imagine what we'll see when we get to the last game announced for the PS4 7 years from now?

However, I also want animations and AI to improve. It's great to see jaw-dropping graphics, but ultimately, gameplay is more important. Granted, games like Uncharted, the last of us, etc would not exist without the graphics, and good graphics also allow better representation of the animations, but developers need to find innovative and clever ideas to portrait game.

Long time ago, we had the typical start menu, now we have games that start right away and you are already playing without even having to have a menu. Dead Space was the first game (i think) to have menus in real time without pausing the game and inside the gameplay. Those kind of things are what I'm looking for in the next generation. Not only graphics.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4048d ago
Godmars2904050d ago

And what's your point exactly?

One piece of evidence to whatever it is you're trying to present is a tech demo attempting to push the hardware its on, while the other is a first generation of the games made on the same hardware. Should people honestly expect graphic similarities from a medieval dark magic cut scene and a gameplay moment from a futuristic shooter?

lex-10204050d ago

When you're comparing graphics you need to understand the difference between prerendered CGI and actual in game graphics. A prerendered CGI (Dark Sorcerer) uses already rendered graphics and will always look better because it is less taxing on the processor (the game isn't trying to load lots of things going on it's only trying to load the cut scene). In game graphics are trying to render at that same moment, while trying to render everything else, and trying to load everything else going on (physics, enemies, ai, ect.) You can't really say the Dark Sorcerer won't look that good because Killzone doesn't look that good. That's like saying Battlefield 4 won't be amazing because COD ghost will suck.

cunnilumpkin4050d ago (Edited 4050d ago )

while you may recognize that this trailer is 100% cgi and nothing on ps4 will ever compare, many people do not, and really, if that's the case, and it is, why bother showing the cgi tech demo at all, there will never, EVER be a game on ps4 that looks even close to that EVER.

yet there are people in comments sections on youtube and here and everywhere saying "is that real gameplay" one guy responds, "yes, its in game, read the beginning.

It is dubious and false to even show this video and have a caption that says "the following is a prototype and running in real time on ps4" what would that lead an uneducated, non-hardcore gamer that is not aware of the constant lies of this industry to believe. Well, probably that the ps4 will deliver gameplay that looks like this fake cgi.

I'm saying temper your expectations, Deep Down as well is 100% out of the question for the ps4 to ever achieve that quality, its fake and they tried to pass it off as gameplay with those fake, after effects ui (hud)

that screen of killzone shadowfall looks good, but not a huge leap over current gen, all launch titles will be in that realm of graphical fidelity, not a bad thing, just nowhere near deep down or dark sorcerer

as time goes on devs will get better with the hardware and we will see many improvements

but there will never be a ps4 game that looks even close to dark sorcerer or deep down

this little write up is solely to convey that to all the people running around believing that next gen graphics are going to look like that.

that's all

Godmars2904050d ago

And yet you likely have 0% concern that Kinect is required on XB1, has no launch titles which showcase it past something for parties, but still has crazed defenders.

And then there's the XB1 and cloud computing. MS has only talked about it, have yet to show so much as a target render or tech demo in which to present potential benefits, and yet anyone questioning it doesn't know what they're talking about. There are certainly no instances of over-raised expectations there.

4048d ago
loulou4047d ago

godmars lol

not once in his post or blog does he mention the anti-christ. yet you're so desperate, you have to talk about m$ clearly trying to call him a fanboy. lol you're pathetic. and have just made yourself look an idiot. facepalm

Chaostar4050d ago (Edited 4050d ago )

"while you may recognize that this trailer is 100% cgi and nothing on ps4 will ever compare"

You sound angry and bitter, relax, nobody expects games to look that good, at least not the first wave. However your statement quoted above is false, the demo is actually running in real time, it says so right at the beginning of the video.

"The following footage is a prototype running in real time on PS4. It is a concept only and is not taken from a software title currently in development"

If you're still in doubt check this out:

Bottom line is that nobody has the expectations you're trying to "temper".

cunnilumpkin4050d ago

"relax, nobody expects games to look that good, at least not the first wave."

kind of contradicting yourself, first wave, last wave, no ps4 or xbox one game will ever look anywhere close to that cgi in an actual game ever

you're proving my point, you think that because this trailer of pre-baked, cgi footage was created that somehow, maybe, someday a ps4 game will look like that, but it is never ever ever ever going to happen

i'm not bitter at all, I cannot wait for ps4 and will most likely buy one in the first year its out, but I am also a realistic person and know nothing will ever look like that cgi ever

Chaostar4050d ago

Clearly there's nothing I can say that will make you even the little bit more optimistic about future graphics, at least on a console anyway. Hey, I'm a PC gamer too but I can also enjoy the convenience and features of console gaming without the dramatics.

Anyway all I want to point out is that either you believe that The Dark Sorcerer is CGI despite the video evidence I provided you in my last comment OR you have mistaken the meaning of CGI for something else entirely. So, whether games look like that on console in the future or not, you're bending facts to suit your agenda.

4048d ago Replies(1)
FamilyGuy4048d ago

You know what is going to be amazing is when the PS4 comes out and someone convinces QD to release the tech demo to the public so we can mess about with it.

They're already going to release it for some people to play around with.

FamilyGuy4048d ago (Edited 4048d ago )

It's pretty clear that you don't even know what CGI is.

You keep referring the The Dark Sorcerer as CGI when that is IMPOSSIBLE. CGI is a computer generated VIDEO, like a Pixar movie or those extra pretty videos that progress the storyline in most Final Fantasy games.

You CANNOT adjust the camera angle, lighting effects, character animations or anything else in a video.

Just because no PC devs have bothered to try something of such high quality doesn't make it fake.
Just because in 2005 we saw some videos of games being passed off as in-game doesn't make this fake.

You should note all the flack devs got for "bullshots" and faked videos from the beginning of this gen. The respectable ones that have already proven themselves would never do something to cause a controversy like that again.

Your entire argument is based on past events, past events that literally changed the industry standards because devs know we won't put up with faked videos anymore.

You are DEFINING "ignorance" and look at you, there's no bliss to be found. Just a man stuck in a bubble from what PC Devs have shown him, PC Devs who cater to the least common denominator rather than push available hardware to its absolute limit that would restrict/alienate lower level specs. This pushing of limitation are what make high quality console games shine.

It's not even going to be long before QD releases this tech demo to play with, I'll be looking for you when that time comes.

Imalwaysright4047d ago

Don't bother. You already posted the video and proved him wrong. Now he is just acting out of pride.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4047d ago
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