Oh great profit ABizzel1


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Nintendoom: Part 4: Changing the Future

And now the wrap up. We have a console in place with solid specs and a great price of $249. We have a handheld with more than acceptable specs and a great price at $149. And with backing from Disney, those specs. could be pushed a bit further without taking too much of a loss or increasing the price for the consumer, and fund more developers which ultimately means more games. So what’s the final change to make sure Nintendo gets back into the running and competition.

Changing Nintendo Corp.

Unfortunately I don’t really see Nintendo being willing to change as quick and as much as they need to in a single console generation, which is exactly why a “buyout” from Disney is needed. Disney is going to have to be the one to go in and fix everything wrong with Nintendo’s backwards thinking.

A foundation for a comparable online service has to be laid. Miiverse is a wonderful addition, but a solid online network with online modes to games that scream for them (Mario Party, New Super Mario Bros., etc...) is something Disney is going to have to force upon Nintendo who utterly refuses to do anything worthwhile with online gaming outside of a handful of games.

Marketing and promotion is going to have to be completely Disney inspired, because Nintendo rarely attempts to promote the majority of their content, and Disney has the media outlets to do it.

Disney needs to implement a complete management overhaul. I’d hate for Disney to come in and fire everyone, but many employees need to be moved from senior and management positions into advisory positions. They have the wisdom and experience of what makes Nintendo, Nintendo. But they don’t have a clue how to reach the newer market, and that’s why there has to be a mix of old and new management for the sake of Nintendo’s future.

As I said earlier, Disney would also be key in making many older classic Nintendo IP’s see new life such as Earthbound, Super Mario RPG, F-Zero, and more. Nintendo has little to no concern for these IP’s, but Disney has a history of revisiting classics and delivering them to a new audience.

Disney would also be great in pushing Nintendo to create New IP. As much as we enjoy Mario, Link (Zelda is one of my favorite franchises), Pokemon, Metroid, Donkey Kong, Smash, Kirby, etc... It’s time for some new ideas and concepts like Splatoon and Pokken Fighter.

Expansions and Merchandising would be huge for Disney and Nintendo. Amiibo’s for Nintendo’s entire cast of characters and Disney’s all working with the console in games like Disney Infinity, Pokemon RPG, Super Smash Bros., Kingdom Hearts, and more is a toy goldmine.

There are so many benefits from Disney buying Nintendo that it makes little sense as to why it’s taken so long to happen. I believe Nintendo has another console left in them before a buyout would be considered from investors. However, I do feel that a buyout from Disney would help Nintendo adjust to the current market more than NIntendo could ever do on their own. A $249 entry price console is nice, but if it’s still missing 3rd party support by the masses, solely selling off Nintendo IP’s, and still lacks the online and multimedia support that the competition has then it’s all still meaningless. And unfortunately that’s where Nintendo currently stands. The Wii U is a good console, but it’s a incredibly difficult sale as a primary console to the majority of gamers, besides the fact that they arguably have the best software of the 3 for now. Having their niche / gimmick and their iconic IP’s has carried them very far, but it���s time for a restructure and the foundation needs laid again. Once again, I think the concept of the Wii U was the right idea, it just suffered from a serious lack of execution. I wouldn’t mind if Nintendo gave the Wii U concept another try for their next console, with some modifications to the hardware, major online and software improvements, a complete overhaul of Nintendo Corp., and hopefully a future buyout from Disney.

For Nintendo to succeed they have to have several contemporary idealist added to the Management Team.

Disney is the best thing yet to happen to Nintendo

Disney Star Wars Revenue ALONE

Nintendo 2014 Revenue is back down to GameCube numbers

Clean house Nintendo and get back into the race

RSKnight3354d ago

Just read all four parts, excellent. I agree 100%, I also been thinking for a few months now that a Disney buyout will be the best thing to happen to Nintendo.

ABizzel13354d ago

Thanks for reading it all, and I'm glad you agree. I have a Sony and Microsoft version coming up over the next few weeks, check back for those if you're interested.


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