
Why The Mass Effect Series Is Still The Best Western RPG Trilogy

The Mass Effect trilogy shines as one of the only Western RPGs to give an immersive and unforgettable experience.

Terry_B122d ago

Your Opinion is wrong. (Witcher ftw)

Sonic1881122d ago (Edited 122d ago )

The Witcher trilogy is my favorite but I know everything is subjective.

thorstein122d ago

Balder's Gate trilogy is the best.

shinoff2183121d ago

There's much better wrpg series. Mass effect dumbed down after the first one. Seemed a but different going from the 1st to the second, not in a good way.

Knightofelemia121d ago (Edited 121d ago )

My favorite trilogy will be the Ar Tonelico trilogy, Xenosaga trilogy followed by the ME trilogy.

Nittdarko121d ago

How can it be the best trilogy when the 3rd one is terrible and the only thing it had going for it was the multiplayer?
Considering all 3 witcher games are better
Considering all 3 Dragon age games are better
Considering all 3 Baldur's gate games are better

Weird choice

ChasterMies121d ago

Witcher 1 looks like ass. Until we see a transfer, there is no getting around it.

Are Dragon Age games and Baldur’s Gate games a continuation of the same story or at least the same character? Even still, need some connection to make a trilogy. Lord of the Rings is a trilogy. Star Wars is a trilogy. James Bond 1-3 is not a trilogy. It’s just more movies with James Bond.

banger88121d ago

Origins was good. Really good. DAII was absolute shite, and Inquisition wasn't much better.

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The Best Video Game Trilogies of All Time

They say good things come in threes. That would explain why these trilogies are amongst the best in the industry.

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Knightofelemia225d ago

I like the Ezio trilogy and the ME trilogy but I also love the Xenosaga trilogy and Ar Tonelico trilogy.

darthv72225d ago

My personal favorites would be the GoW trilogy (both Gears & God), the original halo trilogy, Streets of Rage trilogy, Super Star Wars trilogy, Metroid Prime trilogy

Rebel_Scum224d ago

hmm SoR as a trilogy is not that good. 1 & 2 were great but 3 was the drizzling shits.

jznrpg224d ago (Edited 224d ago )

Xenosaga! I’d say games like Suikoden or Ys but they went beyond three games.

Puty224d ago

Resident Evil og trilogy, Silent Hill ...

Charlieboy333224d ago

How can you make a list like this and not have Uncharted?

AlphaKennyTime224d ago (Edited 224d ago )

I want to say it's because it has more than 3 games by the same dev team, but they included GTA so I don't know. You make a fair point.

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The Music of Mass Effect: The Top Ten Songs from The Trilogy

The Best Music in the Mass Effect Series! With the recent announcement of the Mass Effect trilogy remaster, it seems like a good time to look back on the well-loved sci-fi RPG from game developers BioWare.

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Pre-Orders Appear To Surface For The Mass Effect Trilogy Remaster

Fraser Gilbert of PureXbox writes, "There's been a lot of talk about the potential of a Mass Effect Trilogy remaster over the past few months, and now some customers have seemingly been able to pre-order it at major UK retailer GAME."

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Double_O_Revan1508d ago

I don't doubt it's coming, but what I'm hesitant about is what level of care is being put into this Remaster. Will it even include all the DLC. Wouldn't surprise me coming from EA. I love Mass Effect and have wanted to replay the trilogy again lately. However, I've been struggling on deciding whether I should hold off and wait to see if they were really gonna release a Remaster or just play the PC versions with all the fan mods.

RaidenBlack1508d ago

C&C Remaster is a good indication. But then again its EA.
And it's rumored to contain all the DLCs. Maybe the better ending for ME3?

toxic-inferno1507d ago

Not only that, but one rumour (probably unfounded) suggested that the first game would be more of a remake than remaster, and that each game would have significant improvements.

monkey6021507d ago

I actually preferred the first game to the the rest. Played more like an RPG and I liked that more.

Nitrox1507d ago (Edited 1507d ago )

I hope it would be a complete edition as well. Also, that it’s remastered for next gen and not this one.

eg. 60fps with RTX and 4K textures should be doable on a game this old without hitting the performance ceiling of the new consoles.

I wouldn’t put it past EA though to do just the bare minimum for a quick cash grab. Hoping they prove us wrong...

Dark_Overlord1507d ago

Are they even going to be able to put the DLC on ME1?

https://web.archive.org/web... https://twitter.com/ryan__w...

'Source Code' to me suggests all versions

Dirtnapstor1507d ago (Edited 1507d ago )

It’s a good series. I never really fully invested myself when the three came out individually, but I ended up buying the bundle for the PS3 dirt cheap. Feels just right playing it retro. Not sure I’d reinvest.
Should I go for Andromeda at this point?

Double_O_Revan1507d ago

HELL NO! Andromeda was terrible. I tried but I just couldn't force myself to finish that game. You'd be wise to start the original trilogy again. I too bought the series and all the DLC on PS3 for cheap years ago. But lately I've been really itching to start my 3rd run of the series.

derektweed11506d ago

You could probably get Andromeda for dirt cheap. It's a lot better, performance and animation-wise than it was at launch. There are still some bugs that occur from time to time, but for me at least, nothing game breaking. The story is a bit weak but the combat is still quite satisfying.

If you have nothing else to play and can get it dirt cheap, have time to play. I'd say why not, go for it. I played it and completed it and it was ok, not terrible. (my opinion of course)

Mithan1506d ago (Edited 1506d ago )

I am not worried about the DLC, it will be included, which will make things a lot nicer too.

What I am worried about is that they do a proper texture remaster and not just repack things. These games are over 10 years old and can easily see some huge graphics upgrades, however I would be happy with high resolution textures being applied to all characters and landscapes and maybe extra grass effects and such for ME1, which had very baren landscapes. New lighting for ME1 would also be huge, but I doubt they go that far. I doubt we see the end of elevator music though, but I would love that as well. The loading is the main reason I don't replay ME1.

This was my favorite series, I have replayed the games about 10 times each. I hope they redo them and don't screw them up.

However, it is EA... so we will see.

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porkChop1507d ago

Why wait until the end of the gen? Might as well just push the trilogy to next gen and take advantage of raytracing, and use the SSDs to fix UE3's texture streaming issues.

ClayRules20121507d ago

Oh my, that would be a dream...to see it fully taken advantage of on next gen hardware to rid the loading times/and just really enhance it to really do it proper justice. That’d be something else to see.

Yui_Suzumiya1506d ago

No loading? But then I'll miss the elevator from the first game 😅

rainslacker1506d ago

But with SSD we wouldn't get to take those long elevator rides which made the elevator ride famous in the first place.

porkChop1506d ago

I didn't mind the elevator in the citadel. But the one on the Normandy was SO slow for just one floor.

rainslacker1506d ago

Really depended on what kind of transfer rate you had. I first played ME1 on PC, with raided SSD...ironically the same desktop I still have....and it wasn't that bad.

On the PS3 it seemed like forever though. Hated when I hit the wrong floor, or forgot I needed to do something else on the floor I was just on.

kayoss1507d ago

Awww... that’s cute. EA trying to make money.

dumahim1507d ago

Really. Shame on a company trying to make money.

rainslacker1506d ago

I'd prefer this over anything they've released this gen. Jedi Fallen order was decent enough, albeit short, but can't think of any other EA game this gen that I've been interested in.

ClayRules20121507d ago

Hahaha, love this excitement! I just genuinely hope it’s done with real care and love. Here’s hoping!!

ActualWhiteMan1507d ago

Same! One of my favorite series of all time.... before Andromeda of course.

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