
Battlefield 2042 Sharknado Easter Egg Is Crazy and It's Real! Here's How to Do It

DICE has snuck in a Battlefield 2042 Sharknado Easter egg in the game's most recent patch, and seeing it in action is all kinds of crazy.


Vince Zampella: Battlefield "Absolutely Can" Outsell Call of Duty; BF2042 Was Not a "Failure"

Battlefield franchise boss thinks Battlefield "absolutely can" outsell Call of Duty, but says they're not targeting that with the next entry.

TheNamelessOne9d ago

Feel like if that were true, we would have seen it during the BF3/4 era. Just focus first on releasing a Battlefield that's actually feature complete, well put together, that people actually want to play right out of the gate. Hoping Zampella can make this happen.

JEECE8d ago

The best opportunity was BF1 vs. Infinite Warfare. I've never actually seen a worldwide sales comparison so I'm not convinced BF1 didn't eventually win, but I do know COD sold better in the US at launch, because it was the NPD #1 that year, while BF was #2.

SonyStyled8d ago

The best opportunity was with BC2 and BF3. BF4 dropped the ball with a short campaign and bugged multiplayer at launch

Cacabunga8d ago

Release a decent game and let the mouth to eat do the rest.. you choose to release another BF4 then blame yourselves for it

JEECE8d ago


Definitely not BC2. I love the Bad Company games (even though everyone always pretends the first one didn't exist), but even though BC2 has achieved great respect in hindsight, at the time it came out a lot of casuals who bought COD every year either didn't know of Battlefield's existence or saw it as a knockoff of COD. Plus coming out in spring 2010 it was competing against MW2 (the original one) which came out the prior fall.

ChronoJoe8d ago

I mean, the title of the game doesn't have a lot to do with how it sells. The next game is not going to change things but Zampella course change the course of the series towards something that's more on track with that those big player numbers.

With that said, battlefield fans might not want that. To acquire the wider audience they would probably need to betray a lot of the series design principles. Call of Duty is as popular as it is because it is as simple as it is.

-Foxtrot9d ago

"BF2042 Was Not a "Failure"

Suuuuuuure thing little buddy...

excaliburps8d ago

In his defense, BF2042 did turn things around eventually though still falls short of franchise expectations if you based it on BF4, BF3, BF1.

trez10828d ago

Hated it at lunch, came back a two years after and it was an absolute blast. Not sure how it did sales wise to be called failure or success but BF2042 is a pretty good game .

ElaBosak8d ago

In what way was it a failure exactly?

Outside_ofthe_Box8d ago

Microsoft would just buy EA if that happens.

8bitAssassin8d ago (Edited 8d ago )

We don't need more games ruined. It's like that company puts water on their bread before they eat it.

Inverno8d ago

Here we go again with rubbing mouths. BF has been a flop consistently since BF4, and I mean flop as in disappointing to the fan base due to the technical issues each has had and the gameplay changes needlessly made. Shut up and make a good BF before hyping up another potential disappointment.

Fishy Fingers8d ago (Edited 8d ago )

Bro gave one pretty decent interview and answered the questions he was asked. Not really his fault if people want to cherry pick quotes for "content".

Stick to reading source https://www.ign.com/article...

X-238d ago

I don't mind them claiming BF2042 wasn't a failure so long as they learned from it and use that experience moving forward into the new game, it was terrible at launch but towards the end it got a bit better. I don't want to see the same thing play out with the new BF though because the ones who are still interested in the franchise have been pretty vocal with what they want and don't want from Battlefield.

ElaBosak8d ago

Learn what exactly? The game was great.

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Battlefield 2042 "Letter of Commendation" Given to Players Who Complete Season 7 Battle Pass

DICE has sent out a Battlefield 2042 "Letter of Commendation" to players who complete the Season 7 Battle Pass, which is the game's last one.

Tankbusta4074d ago

Damn does that grant me the keys to any city???