
15 Big Reveals That Could Happen at the Rumored PlayStation Showcase

There's a good chance that we'll end up seeing several of these rumoured announcement, if a showcase does indeed happen.

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Lightning77122d ago

Percentage time

SP Ghost 2: 50% chance. Maybe, depends on if the game is a 2025 game then yes, if it's a 2026 game then no. Unless they show something really early.

Asobo Astro bot: 100% guaranteed it's been rumored heavily. Release date this year.

Bend Studios New ip: 80% most likely. Its been 5 years they're gonna show a trailer in engine with a 2025 release date

Blue Point New ip: 60% possible. It's been almost 4 years. They could be another year off from showing something. I wouldn't be too surprised if they didn't show up quite yet.

FireSprite VR: 80% most likely new games being announced.

Fire Walk's Concord: 100% guaranteed. 2024 release in depth gameplay and all.

GG: 90% highly likely. Horizon Zero Dawn remake. Plus Horizon LS game also announced (my prediction)

Haven Studios Fairgame$: 90% highly likely gameplay trailer with a release date of possible early 2025.

Housemarque New ip: 40% chance hardly likely. I think they're still some ways away Returnal released in 2021 3 years is too short to show something.

Insomniac Wolverine: 40% chance hardly likely. They could easily do a mock up gameplay from what we've seen from leak but they're not gonna be pressured to so. The game is leaked to release in 2026. They might hold off until next year.

Media Molecule: 90% highly likely. Said to be a new IP will be shown and announced this year.

Naughty Dog New IP 40% hardly likely. Druckmann has been teasing and teasing for a year now I dont think he's ready to show off the game or announce what it is. It's still a little ways off.

Santa Monica New ip: 70% chance likely. Think Cory Barlog will tease something officially for a late 2025 release. Don't be gameplay but a tease and a name at the end of Sony's showcase as the one more thing.

Cacabunga122d ago (Edited 122d ago )

I honestly just want to be reassured by seeing single player games from 1st party studios. I’m a bit worried after all this long very unusual quiet period from PlayStation

Sony Bend game is gaas 😣

YourMommySpoils121d ago

Your post alone without the showcase got me excited. Thanks.

OtterX122d ago

I really wish Sony would take a hybrid approach w the new Astrobot game. Give us one that can be played flat on PS5 or on PSVR2!

Sonic1881122d ago (Edited 122d ago )

Let's not forget about the second and third party exclusives that we still don't know anything about.

Abear21121d ago

Skate / GTA6 still most wanted imo

purple101121d ago (Edited 121d ago )

wow you covered all studios. impressive, also there have been doing deals recently and having success, such as stellar blade, Helldivers, etc. so there might be some we are not privy to.

also, Capcom, pragmata, where are youuuuuu
also, quantic dream we haven't heard from for a while, they're heavily associated with playstation but currently working on starwars

lastly, Polyphony digital is the only other studio you missed, but we all know it takes them bloody ages between games, so GT8 is still a few years away, they still busy running e-sport live events off the back of GT7

Hotpot121d ago

About GG, I don’t think they’ll remake 1st Horizon just yet when the last game end on a hella big cliffhanger, if there’s a Horizon title there it’s definitely the last of trilogy

Cacabunga121d ago (Edited 121d ago )

I’m hoping to see a new killzone before a new horizon.
And please no remake of first one, only a performance patch is enough

Lightning77121d ago (Edited 121d ago )

I believe it's been rumored they're remastering the first one. I also forgot to mention Horizon Leggo game rumored.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 121d ago
Goodguy01122d ago

Really want to see what SP has cooking as I am running through ghost on PC atm. And it's about time the ff9 remake gets revealed.

Cacabunga122d ago

They just released FF7. Give them some time. I think if we see something from SE it will be Kingdom Hearts 4..

MrBaskerville121d ago

They could do FFIx next year, or this holiday. There was less than a year between FFXVI and Rebirth.

anast122d ago

This is the new gaming event. It's going to hit hard.

122d ago
Demetrius122d ago

I'm ready to see an improvement in graphics too and even smoother gameplay, ps studios always push hardware 💪🏾

purple101121d ago

yep this is round two of games, they're going to be ps5 only, that makes development more streamlined, surely,

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Metal Gear Solid Delta’s Snake “walks funny” for a very good reason

Konami's Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater replicates Naked Snake's "funny" walk, but why does he walk like that?

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InUrFoxHole8d ago

That's the walk after you get fucked by $700 pro. No stand. No hard drive. No Vaseline

mandf8d ago (Edited 8d ago )

Stay on topic

It has a hard drive it doesn’t have a disc drive troll

InUrFoxHole8d ago

Lol true. I was laughing too damn hard as I was typing

Gamingsince19818d ago

What you said made you laugh ? .......I think that says more about you than the fact you are too poor to afford one.

InUrFoxHole8d ago

Lol you big mad. You'll get over it 🤣 🤣 🤣

MetalGearsofWar8d ago

I wonder what you think about yearly phone releases.

InUrFoxHole8d ago

I get a new phone every 5-7 yrs

garos827d ago

i can afford 1 and probably 2 without sweating for the months expenses and payments. still wont buy this blatant cash grab by sony and thats coming from a sony fan and actual console and physical game collector. so p*ss off trying to shame someone if they can or cant afford this pathetic "pro" machine

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 7d ago
Gamingsince19818d ago

Yes I'm mad ......🙄 I hate being able to afford things grrrr it's so hard having lots of spare income grrrr I'm so angry 🙄 I only game on PC considering I run my own pc shop but yeah I'm mad about ps5

InUrFoxHole8d ago

Wow that great man. Hope your shop does well. Enjoy your pro. Lmao

gold_drake8d ago

ugh get a grip and stay on topic. or go on reddit.

InUrFoxHole7d ago

Gold drake no like jks at sony's expense? Imagine that

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 7d ago
WolfSeed8d ago

I can accept the upper body stiffness. However, the grounded foot glides.


I remember them talking about the research that went into this game when it came out back in the day. Man this game was my favorite back then, my dad commented on how snake would walk and he said it was like when they did maneuvers training out in the field.

Alos888d ago

He's not just walking, he's peace walking


MGSD: Snake Eater is a doggedly faithful remake - but new controls have new consequences | Eurogamer

How far is too far for a remake - and how safe is too safe? For Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater, a sumptuous Unreal…

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M3talDiamond23d ago

I wish all remakes were faithful thats the whole point of a remake day 1 buy for me

neutralgamer199223d ago

Yes, but stuff like loading screens shouldn’t be an issue resolving in 2024

RhinoGamer8823d ago

Shame more improvements were not made. I will buy it, but I am not paying more than $39.99.

Elda23d ago

Not happening. It's a AAA full game, it'll be $70.

23d ago
Trilithon23d ago

too many developers on N4G defending shitty games cause they just wanna keep their jobs. go work at a bar.

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Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater Stays Loyal To The Mission - Gamespot

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