
Overwatch 2 ditches another PvE game mode

Blizzard Entertainment has recently announced the discontinuation of the Hero Mastery Gauntlet mode in Overwatch 2.

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LG_Fox_Brazil121d ago

They will probably focus 100% on the pvp because if Marvel Rivals steals their spot it will be very hard to recover it

jeromeface120d ago

Marvels IP roster is much more interesting than overwatch's... and I'm willing to bet a better developer than actvision/blizzard. If Rivals has a PvE mode its over.


Overwatch 2 Season 12 lets you "permanently avoid" players you don't like

Overwatch 2 Season 12 introduces an update to the Avoid List that lets you "permanently avoid" certain players.

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blackblades31d ago

Whaaa, permanent avoid. Goodbye all the trolls and idle MF ruining matches for people

Sciurus_vulgaris31d ago

Does Overwatch have a tier based ranking system? I could see some spiteful players simply avoiding players who are better than themselves.

blackblades31d ago

There is a limit to how many though. 1st it was avoid 3 players for like 7 days now thats permanent. Whole avoiding others for a week then you'll have to we add them and its like 15 slots I remember

jambola31d ago

too little too late
should have done this in the first place instead of of 2 players for a short time

blackblades31d ago

Its not to late, when people are still playing it.

isarai31d ago

You mean like a block list? 🤔

blackblades31d ago

Na, there is a block list but that just basically a mute for them but still able to play with them. Avoid is just avoiding but they did say you'll still end up playing with them if queue time is long which is never long these days

isarai31d ago

Ive never once experienced a block function that only muted them, then again i haven't really played pvp mp regularly since bf1. But every time I have blocked someone i never matchmake with them again.

just_looken31d ago

Hey now this is the 2020's not some fancy 6/7th gen console what is next a party system without a monthly fee

This is a different system because modern gaming


Director's Take: Opening up the conversation on 5v5 and 6v6

Blizzard Entertainment writes: "Let’s kick off the discussion on 6v6, why the team went to 5v5, and where we go from here."

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Overwatch 2 6v6 will be discussed for the first time in years

For the first time in years, Overwatch 2 may be considering bringing back the original 6v6 format that it abandoned in 2022. If this were to happen, what changes would need to be made to make it work?

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vTuro2485d ago (Edited 85d ago )

What ultimately killed the game for me is not the cancer-tier monetization or broken promises, it's 5v5. As a former tank player the game got insanely boring to me so I quit. If they bring back 6v6 then I might be willing to cope with all the garbage and give the game another go. If I'd keep playing is another question ofc.

It's kinda funny tho, if they go back to 6v6 then what even will still be left from the original promise? Besides the cancerous monetization change I mean. 2 gamemodes? Lol.


I don't play this shit and don't care about Blizzard (they shouldn't exist), but Paladins is 5v5 and it works fine.

redrum0684d ago

Bringing back 6v6 would be good, it's what I miss the most from OW 1.