
Legendo Launch Fortune Winds: Ancient Trader

Legendo Entertainment today contemplates whether the world is flat or – as some controversial scientists would lead us to believe – round, as it sets sail on the high seas with Fortune Winds: Ancient Trader. A turn-based strategy game inspired by nautical folklore, Fortune Winds: Ancient Trader is now available for Mac users around the globe on the Mac App Store, with a PC version is planned for release later in 2012.

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SBG Review | Fortune Winds: Ancient Traders: Explore the open seas

In Fortune Winds: Ancient Trader, Legendo tries to take the exploration and adventure of seafaring games and distill it into small concentrated doses. The team did a fairly good job, but probably distilled it a bit too much.

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Entertainment Focus Review - Fortune Winds: Ancient Trader

Fortune Winds: Ancient Trader is a great little strategy title that is aimed most at the casual player. While the AI players do a decent job the game is definitely most fun against real human opponents and it would have been nice to see an online multiplayer component. However for less than £10 fans of the genre will find hours of enjoyment here.

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Hit-Reset Review: Fortune Winds: Ancient Trader

Hit-Reset sets sail and embarks on a voyage of discovery with Fortune Winds: Ancient Trader

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