
Feed Me Oil Launches on Windows Phone 7

This week’s new Xbox LIVE enabled release sees the debut of prolific publisher Chillingo on the Windows Phone 7 format. The critically acclaimed Feed Me Oil is available from today, including the addition of Xbox LIVE Achievements and online leaderboards.

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Playstation Mobile Spotlight: Feed Me Oil, Hermit Crab in Space and MononokeSlashdown-A Darker Image

A Darker Image are big fans of the Playstation Mobile format. This is the first in a series of weekly columns that will look at some of the most interesting titles released. Some of my favorite games this year have been Playstation Mobile games and we hope to shine a light of this under promoted (and often unappreciated)format.

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Chillingo Announces Optimized Games For Samsung Galaxy S4

John Bedford (Modojo): Chillingo has announced this morning that a selection of its most popular games have been optimized in preparation for the upcoming May 3rd launch of the Samsung Galaxy S4.


Feed Me Oil Review (Empty Lifebar)

Puzzle games are great games to play in the sea of mindless action we usually play as gamers. Liquid manipulation games, however, fall into a category far more shameful than terrible Tetris ripoffs (Hatris anyone?). The object of these games never changes, take the water or in this case oil along a course to the end goal without spilling too much. This time it is Electronic Arts' chance to take a stab.

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