
Rated 12: Games Retail, CitizenCard and the Legally-Enforceable PEGI Ratings in the UK

Yesterday, the UK Government made the decision for the pan-European PEGI ratings system to become law. The process, which will now grant further powers to to the PEGI ratings (Pan European Game Information), will make them the sole classification for video games, phasing out the British Board of Film Classification logos (BBFC), which traditionally have been used for titles containing extremely violent or sexual content. Moreover, the PEGI age-12 rating is now legally enforceable and retail workers that fail to adhere to it could face fines and even prison.

Martin Watts from BNBGAMING caught up with Andrew Chevis, CEO at CitizenCard, the UK government-approved, PASS-accredited ID scheme to find out his views on the new system, how younger customers might be affected and what this means for video game retailers.

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fossilfern4521d ago

Good this is a step in the right direct but to be honest it still wont stop stupid kids as their parents will end up buying the game for them.

justpassinggas4521d ago

I'd say the "stupid" title would then belong to the parents. If parents don't want their kids to become hooligans and chavs, they should do more parenting, which includes being knowledgeable about what they buy for their kids.

Dan504521d ago

If games can still be banned whats the use of having a rating system?


Nintendo pulls drink driving game from digital store due to PEGI 3+ rating

PEGI is currently investigating the issue.

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gold_drake337d ago

to be honest, the whole age rating system needs a big overhaul. people are not as sensitive as some of these make us out to be ha.

Profchaos336d ago (Edited 336d ago )

Most of the ratings boards these days allow self examination and primarily work on a honour system.

Since the rise of streaming there's way to much content for governing bodies to shift through themselves so it's become standard practice in many places to rate it yourself on where you feel it fits into the scale so this is not the only thing that extorts the system but just one that got caught.

However back in my day you'd be selling a game on its rating being super high like doom but guess times have changed


The Video Standards Council is now the Games Rating Authority

The Video Standards Council, which administrates the PEGI age rating for video games, has rebranded to the Games Rating Authority (GRA).

The name change was attributed to further clarifying the ratings board's position to parents and the games industry.

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Dan50482d ago

But the VSC originally had to do with movies....


Looks Like XCOM: Chimera Squad Is Coming to PS4

The chances of XCOM: Chimera Squad making its way to PlayStation 4 in the near future appear to be very high as the PEGI ratings board has just finalised an appropriate age grading for a console port. - PushSquare

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