
The Top Ten Best Nintendo Wii Games Of All Time

Zavvi.com: "Judging by its increasingly slim release schedule – and the fact that Nintendo are hopefully set to launch the Wii U at the end of this year – it’s fair to say that Nintendo’s Wii console is approaching the end of its natural life..."

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mike1up4521d ago

No offense, but bad list. Technically, Twilight Princess, and Pikmin 2 are Gamecube games.

10. Bit.Trip.Runner
9. Muramasa The Demon Blade
8. Metroid Other M
7. Donkey Kong Country Returns
6. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
5. New Super Mario Bros. Wii
4. Super Mario Galaxy
3. Xenoblade Chronicles
2. Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword
1. Super Mario Galaxy 2

I came up with that list in less than 60 seconds.

guitarded774520d ago

There's not a huge difference between your list and the authors, so the list can't be too bad... even though I like yours better. Sometimes I regret selling my Wii (insert joke here). But I figure I can play all the Wii games again when I get a Wii U. Really want to play Xenoblade Chronicles.

Maxned4520d ago

Pretty good list...

Am I the only one that likes SMG1 better than SMG2?

Al804521d ago

It may not be very hardcore friendly, that list... But it was voted for by a team consisting of many different age groups of men and women, so I think the results are quite interesting. I would like to have seen Sin & Punishment 2 at the top, but hey ho

Y_51504521d ago

No Super Smash Bros. Brawl or New Super Mario Bros. Wii? Not even Epic Yarn this list I cannot agree with, but I do agree on the number one choice.

mike1up4520d ago

Damn, I forgot about Brawl too.

*gives himself a smack*

MySwordIsHeavenly4520d ago

Wario Ware: Smooth Moves...

It's not on the list. WHY?!?!?!?!

MySwordIsHeavenly4520d ago

Wii Sports is fun, but it was never revolutionary for those of us looking for 1:1 gaming. I was certainly let down the first time I played it. :/

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Barlos198d ago (Edited 198d ago )

My top 3 are Mario 3, Mario World and Mario 64. Mario Odyssey is also excellent, and I enjoyed Sunshine but didn't care for the Galaxy series.


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autobotdan368d ago

Best JRPG series of the last 5 years imo

repsahj368d ago

I agree 100%. My top JRPG so far, together with Baldurs Gate 3 and FF16.

autobotdan368d ago (Edited 368d ago )

There is no together at the top. There is only one top jrpg series. Xenoblade Chronicles series is alone at the top

raWfodog368d ago (Edited 368d ago )

I like the Xenoblades series but my ‘top’ series would be either the Trails series or Persona series. Just too many good games for me to just pick one series though, so I say play them all lol.

autobotdan368d ago

You are hereby excommunicated the church of Xenoblade Chronocology

CappyBlack367d ago

I'm not huge into JRPGs, but my favorite is easily the Persona series. It's all opinion though. Xenoblade is a great series.

repsahj368d ago

XC4 for Switch 2 for the win!! So excited!

phoenixwing368d ago

Also they might port over xenoblade x to the switch 2