
Top 10 Video Games that Deserve Reboots

WM writes: There are many games that are fondly remembered as classics, despite their ancient graphics or quirky stories. With the rise of indie games and downloadable distribution, there's more than one way for these vintage experiences to make a comeback. In light of this new reality, we got our geek on and hammered out a list of the ones we want to see get the revival treatment as soon as possible!

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RXL4434d ago

The oddworld series is one of my favorite series of all time..

GREAT story and game play and fun while giving a message that wasn't heavy handed smacked into your face..

imagine an Oddworld game receiving the Rayman Treatment of visuals?

Visually orgasmic..

NukaCola4434d ago (Edited 4434d ago )

Ready for this?!

Oddworld Abe's Oddysee is coming to PS3 this year in HD remastered with a brand new engine but still a 2.5D epic title. If it does well they will do Exoddus HD as well.

Stranger HD was put on PS3 and coming to Vita.
Munch's Oddysee HD is coming to PS3 and Vita in a couple months.

Just Add Water is working with Oddworld to finish the Quintolgy as well with Squeek and they even wanted to put time into doing Hand of Odd as well.

They plan on putting their full attention in ensuring Oddworld will live and be fully envisioned.

To this day the original 2 titles have been my favorite games of all time. To this day no game could compare. Perfect Gameplay, Perfect story, the best level design and visuals not only for their time but for any time.

New guys will see Oddysee HD will completely blow them away. A little polish to give that 2.5D more life like TRINE or Shadow Complex did, but so much more. Oddworld is a series that shouldn't be miss and since I am pretty much one of the biggest oddball slap happy Oddworld fanboys around...I am gonna be one happy schmuck. *farts*

No prob man. If you have any Oddworld questions ask me. I don't work for them so you're getting no insight but I am in touch with Lorne and Larry(New and Current Pres) and I keep up to date with what they have for the series. Also Lorne is now the Pres and Pilot Creator for something called Oddmobb which I hear related to Oddworld and social media or something but not totally sure. I do know Oddworld is coming back 10x stronger than before and I expect some really huge things coming up. I am hoping for E3 reveals.

RXL4434d ago

for this information you've blessed upon me.

i shall name my first born...NukaCola

Sidewinder-4434d ago

Great list right here.

A new Dune game. Yes I want!

MWH4434d ago (Edited 4434d ago )

great list indeed, also put it Ecstatca, Little Big Adventure and Alone in the Dark.


System Shock Remake Review - Gaming Respawn

Gaming Respawn reviews System Shock

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Playstation Country - System Shock – Playstation 5 Review

Michael Kitchin writes, "As someone who really likes the original, this new take on System Shock doesn't stray too far from the source. Nightdive have updated the visuals and made things just a little more friendly for new players. Visually, it's very atmospheric and polished. The interface can initially be tricky to read but combat feels punchy and can be tactical. The conveniences are welcome but it still has one foot in the clunky possibility space of 90's PC gaming. Rather than entirely sand off the things that appeal to me about System Shock, it refines them in a way I really admire."

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System Shock returns, remade for Xbox and PlayStation

System Shock returns to Xbox and PlayStation with a faithful recreation of the classic, adding new features, ending and 4K 60FPS visuals

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mastershredder28d ago

It was remade last year for PC , Now released and OPTIMIZED and PORTED for/to Xbox and PS5, not “remade” just for consoles.

“it follows a critically acclaimed release on PC back in 2023” that’s because it’s the same work/game. it’s not following/follow up or a continuation. Author Sounds like they are taking a stab at an article and don’t know the product-line lineage and release history/ hierarchy they are attempting to inform you about.

More appropriately: System Shock was first rereleased in 2023 on PC, System shock is now available on PS5 and Xbox.