
3 Reasons Why There's No Need For Story in Fighting Games

Original Gamer: "There has been a growing movement in gaming calling for better story-telling in games, which I totally agree with. The problem is that these people are so focused on narratives they believe that it should be a part of every genre in some sort of fashion, with the exception being sports games. But like sports games, there are some genres that are simply not made to have a strong narrative and is one of them is the fighting game genre."

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NastyLeftHook04532d ago

story's in fighting games are the icing on the cake imp. i like to know why im fighting atleast.

armycore4531d ago

Icing on the cake? Then you must have enjoyed bad icing for most of your life since most fighting game stories are fairly lame.

SnakeCQC4531d ago

no need for such bad language over nothing

Kalowest4531d ago

You must have never played an Arc System Works fighting game. They have some of the best stories in a FG.

TekoIie4531d ago (Edited 4531d ago )

I have a similar opinion.

I watch porn for the music since the lyrics are amazing.


Hufandpuf4531d ago

LOLWTF what song is that!?

TekoIie4531d ago (Edited 4531d ago )

BRAAAAH!!!!! Its The Okey Cokey!!!!! I am ashamed of you for not recognising it in its sexual form >:(

KING854531d ago

LMAO! That made chuckle quite a bit.

GraveLord4531d ago

A game without a story is crap. For exampe, play Street Figher X Tekken, then play Mortal Kombat(2011). You notice a huge difference in not only features and gameplay, but story.

I usually prefer Japanese games, but when it comes to fighting games, I prefer Western.

BlackTar1874530d ago

i prefer SF games over MK games anyday of the week.

but i enjoy them both

smashcrashbash4531d ago (Edited 4531d ago )

It's that type of thinking is why games are becoming worse and worse. Why can't we have a proper story in a fighting game? Is there no need or they just don't want to make a story?

armycore4531d ago

It's about realizing what's important. In fighting games, it's the gameplay. That stands head and shoulders above everything else in the game. However, reviewers are treating fighting games like RPGs taking points off because it's a bad story. That's not important. Is it nice to have? Of course it is, but it's not needed.

The Fight Night series tried to add a storyline to their game. It wasn't bad but it wasn't needed because it was all about the gameplay in that game.

Just because gamers love a great story, doesn't mean that if a game doesn't have a great story, it should be shit on.

TekoIie4531d ago (Edited 4531d ago )

I think this person cant tell the difference between a storyline and backstory for characters... Would rather play as a character that has some form of back story compared to a dull soldier...

Snookies124531d ago

Blazblue was the only fighter in which I cared about the story... And it's really good at that, which surprised the hell out of me. Albeit it's super hard to actual understand what's going on... In any case, Blazblue does it right for a fighter, and Mortal Kombat kind of had something, but it wasn't all too serious. I think it's perfectly reasonable to want a story to a fighter either way.

Lucretia4531d ago

dude for real the story is so good

Hicken4531d ago

I was interested in BB because of the artwork. I honestly thought it was gonna be some sorta rpg. I didn't immediately trade it in because of Noel, who stole my heart, then told me being in love with her was a major violation. I've bought every entry in the series- sans the Vita version, but that's only a matter of time- because the story is excellent, ESPECIALLY for a fighter, as I don't play much in the way of fighting games, anyway.

Also, there was more Noel.

Lucretia4531d ago

tho i think Blazblue's story helps make the game

SnipeySnake4531d ago

Was just about to mention Blazblue. I definitely want story in my Blazblue games.

Tonester9254531d ago

I enjoyed the Fight Night Champions story. Would that be considered a fighting game?

Lucretia4531d ago

nah, not a fighting game, its a sports game. but still the story mode is good

armycore4531d ago

Funny enough, in the fighting game category of the AIAS awards, it is considered a fighting game.

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