
Destructoid- Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition Review

Destructoid- If you're looking to buy Mortal Kombat for new game prices and you have to choose between the standard edition and the Komplete Edition, then the choice is clear. If you've already got the game, or are looking to grab it at price more in line with current industry standards, you'd be better served by waiting for the Komplete Edition to drop to at least $40. This is a superb game in a mildly disappointing new package.

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Snookies124534d ago

Haha, I'm just wondering when "Ultimate Mortal Kombat" will be coming out. XD


still waiting on the Super Ultimate Shits and Giggles Mortal Kombat U Mad Bro? Championship tournament Gold Edition

Snookies124534d ago

Nah, that's Capcom's fighting games lol! :D

NastyLeftHook04534d ago

this game is way better than a 7/10. its arguably the top 3 best fighting games ever made.

TheBlackSmoke4534d ago

Yeahhh man, fatality's are so coool bro.

Skateboard4534d ago

Nahhh man, you actually get content from this fighting game.

TheModernKamikaze4533d ago

It might only have four characters more but least is cheaper.


Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition Taken Off Stores, Online Shut Down

This weekend, news surfaced that Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition has been taken off of various stores, with online functionality also shut down.

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AriesBear1644d ago

Surprised it was still online.

Skuletor1644d ago

Physical wins again, RIP online mode though

chiefJohn1171644d ago (Edited 1644d ago )

??? What does that have to do with anything?

Skuletor1644d ago

Did you completely miss the part where it was taken off digital stores?

chiefJohn1171643d ago

You made it seem digital copies won't work or something

1643d ago
sprinterboy1643d ago

Exactly, digital is still available to download again if you bought it and sp modes.
Its not like anyone (000.01%) of people actually want a physical or digital copy of a 2011 game.

NonPartisanGamer1643d ago

Did you completely miss the part where online modes are shut down regardless of whether it was a physical or digital purchase?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1643d ago
zahdab1643d ago

you can still download it if you own it ...

Skuletor1643d ago

I already know, I own it on Steam and PS Vita digitally. But for anyone wanting to buy it now, they'd need a physical copy for PS3/360/PS Vita, or maybe an already existing Steam key, I guess

zahdab1643d ago

its not like physical copies stay in stores forever ... i don't really get your point then

Loktai1643d ago


Literally if you dont already own it, stores (And used sources like ebay) are your only option now.
If not for physical copies existing literally not a single person who doesnt own it would ever be able to buy it again.
Imagine if it were a digital only release (there are plenty of them). Gone, Lost to history.

This is exactly what publishers would love to become normal- Because believe me they'll release it on another platform in a couple more years as a retro title and you'll be re-buying it. All it will take is to include a new halfass mode or run at a different resolution and its a unique product.

sprinterboy1643d ago

You can still reinstall it and play offline from your digital copy.
Do you think anyone is moaning at no option to buy digital or physical in 2020 from 2011 title? No didn't think so.

Don't message back with the usual physical BS either, I've heard it all b4.

Skuletor1643d ago

"My physical copy got snapped or scratched, I'll just buy and download it digitally to play it again...oh wait, this is BS that's no longer an option" Some people buy games in their own time, not everyone has to buy stuff on day one.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1643d ago
AriesBear1644d ago

If you go back and play MK9 and MKX you'll realize how much of a fast and fierce fighter it really was. MK11 is so dumbed down, slow and simple that It lost that hardcore edge. I really miss MK9 and X.

CatCouch1643d ago

I hope this means there is a remaster or updated version coming.
I really liked the 2011 Mortal Kombat! I certainly hope it's not some attempt to erase the game.

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Injustice Ultimate Edition and Mortal Kombat Komplete are bundled for $5

Right now you can get two critically-acclaimed fighting games for just $5. Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition and Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition are bundled at Fanatical. The deal is only good for the next 16.5 hours.

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walken72062d ago

Shows that the bundle has ended.

BQ322062d ago

Lame, I was super excited to get this too and it ended before this story was posted.


Top 5 Fighting Games Under INR 200/5$ on Steam

Karan writes- "The modern fighting game scene has been plagued by saturation, microtransactions, terrible business models and a lack of creativity. Which is a shame, but also the perfect excuse for you to look back in time a bit, and experience some of the classics of the genre in all their glory. The steam sale is the perfect occasion for you to binge-purchase some true masterpieces — games that will help you rediscover your love of the genre, or make you a fan if you already weren’t one."

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