
EDGE- David Hayter: My Favourite Game

EDGE- David Hayter needs little introduction among hardened gamers: he’s the man behind the Metal Gear Solid protagonist’s iconic, perpetually laryngitic rasp. He’s also said to be one of the few voice actors from the series to have finished the games he stars in. Hayter is much more than just a voice, though: when he’s not dabbling with videogames, he’s an accomplished actor (Guyver: Dark Hero), screenwriter (X-Men), and producer (Lost In Oz).

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Adam Jensen's and Solid Snake's Voice Actors Are Working on A Project

Elias Toufexis, voice actor of Adam Jensen, revealed that he is working with David Hayter, voice actor of solid snake, on a project.

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TheColbertinator1120d ago

I bet heavy smoking is involved

Fonsecap1120d ago

🤣🤣🤣, but... great voice actors, Toufexis voice of Adam Jensen is one of my favourites

bloodymeatballz1120d ago

Umm I am all for this… snake. Snake? Snaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaake!


Upcoming Metal Gear Anime? David Hayter Interview

exclusive interview with David Hayter, the voice of Solid Snake & Big Boss in the Metal Gear Solid series. Where he answered several questions related to his career, choosing another voice actor for Metal Gear Solid V The Phantom Pain, Metal Gear Movie. Finally, he hinted at an upcoming anime project that he will participate …


Metal Gear Solid cast has reunited for an unknown project

Solid Snake himself, David Hayter, promises details are coming soon

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Snookies121334d ago

MGS 1 Remake?? Please be the case...

Kilua1334d ago

Can guarantee you it is. It is a poorly kept secret that Bluepoint are working on the MGS 1 remake and this just adds even more credibility to it.

CobraKai1333d ago

If it’s Bluepoint then I’ll have faith they’ll keep the game true to the original, unlike Twin Snakes.

blackbeld1333d ago

If true day one buy for me ;)

Nyxus1334d ago

Sounds like just a reunion to me to be honest. This isn't the first time some of the cast got together and people got crazy. https://www.metalgearinform...

Don't get me wrong, I'd like it to be a remake or some other project like that, but I don't think people should get their hopes up too much over this.

StoneyYoshi1333d ago (Edited 1333d ago )

A 23 year reunion? Wouldn't that normally land on an even number? The link you provided would have been like a 20 year reunion from MGS1 release.

Nyxus1333d ago

What do you mean 23 years? It's not just voice actors from MGS1, but also from MGS3 (The Boss, young Ocelot). I think the date of the reunion is just random.

ginsunuva1328d ago (Edited 1328d ago )


Double_O_Revan1333d ago

I'm still hoping it'll be an original Metal Gear remake, not Solid.

Snookies121333d ago

Original Metal Gear were fun games, but Solid is where the story really took off. It's why so many people want to see it fully realized with modern technology. Twin Snakes was good, but it came far too early in my opinion.

DarXyde1333d ago

Or...a franchise reboot, beginning with Metal Gear.

Z5011332d ago

Wouldn't you rather see a remake of a game that hasn't already been remade?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1328d ago
Z5011334d ago

MGS1 has already been remade. Twin Snakes.
We're now hoping for remakes of remakes?

RazzerRedux1333d ago

I am. I can't speak for "we".

AnotherGamer1333d ago

Twin Snakes was just too goofy imo, even for a Metal Gear Solid game.

StoneyYoshi1333d ago

Wasn't it like the same exact game but with better graphics?

RPGer1333d ago

Can you elaborate, I think your statement is intresting. I mean MGS is goofy master, but you made it as if it MGS with Adam Sandler or Nintendo goofy overload.

andy851333d ago

There's a bit of a difference between a remake of a game 1 console generation ago like Twin Snakes than 4 generations. Look at the demons souls remake, that was only 10 years apart and look at the reactions from it. If the same developers make it, it would be amazing.

Orchard1333d ago

Remake the original. Twin Snakes was way too easy because it was the original level design, but with all the new MGS2 stuff added on (e.g. lockers, first person shooting, etc.).

OhReginald1333d ago

Twin snakes was garbage and did not live up to the greatness that was metal gear solid on ps1.

warriorcase1333d ago

While true it's still not widely accessible being only on the Gamecube and never ported. A remake would fix this.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1333d ago
jeromeface1333d ago

bluepoint remake has been rumored since kojima left konami

Hauntedasylum81333d ago (Edited 1333d ago )

Please be Metal Gear Solid Remake! To hear David Hayter speak for Snake again has been long overdue.

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