
The House of the Dead 4 (PSN) Review - JPS

"After a rather robust lineup, the Move has now dissolved into a pointless gimmick. Sure some games use it in a token sense, but very few games really make use of it. Seeing this obvious market, Sega has started releasing The House of the Dead games on the Playstation 3. After getting The House of the Dead III last month, we’re finally seeing a console release for The House of the Dead 4. Having come out during the decline of the golden arcade era, is this a forgotten classic or should it have just been forgotten?" - JPS

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kasasensei4441d ago

Honestly, for the price of hotd4, you can get a retail copy of hotd overkill which is 9000 hundred times better!

admiralvic4441d ago

Eh couldn't that be true of anything? I got Batman Arkham City + Robin DLC from bestbuy last week for the same price as HOTD 4. Not like it makes HOTD 4 any better or worse...


Top Ten Arcade Games of All Time

"While arcades have seen an unfortunate decline in usage over the past years, many of the games have had a profound impact on gaming culture. Here is a quick list of ten of the most influential arcade games."-Amanda from Leviathyn.com.

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April 2012 PSN Top Sellers: I Am Alive Survives The Competition

+ Posted by Morgan Haro // Community Manager, PlayStation Network:

April was a close race for the top spot: PSN exclusive Journey continued to see major play, with fighting game par excellence SkullGirls and emotionally exhausting survival epic The Walking Dead Episode 1 following close behind. But it was Ubisoft’s harrowing tale of one man’s survival amidst catastrophe that claimed the top spot — I Am Alive was this month’s most-downloaded PSN game.

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El33tonline Review: The House of the Dead 4 (PS3 via PSN)

Warren at El33tonline writes:

"Before the age of armchair gaming, massive multiplayer meet-ups and 3D handheld gaming, ordinary folk would gather in arcades, their pockets heavily burdened with game tokens while queuing in line for their favourite game. There would always be at least one shooting game with those bright coloured plastic guns promising a few fleeting moments to absolutely annihilate hordes of monsters, zombies or general bad guys.

Sega brings back those fond memories, drags all that action into your room of living and trades those plastic guns for the PlayStation Move controller in The House of the Dead 4."

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