
Thousands sign anti-GFWL Dark Souls PC petition


Thousands have signed an anti-Games for Windows Live Dark Souls PC petition.
The PC version, due out on 24th August, was announced to support GFWL last night at a Namco Bandai press event in Las Vegas, and it didn't take long for gamers to express their concern about the controversial digital platform.

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NYC_Gamer4546d ago

They should have used Steamworks in the first place.....GFWL is buggy plus its not available in every country.....

Saladfax4546d ago

It's very odd. In reading a lot of other chatter, I've heard quite a few people disliking Steamworks. Maybe it was just a vocal minority, but...

I dunno. I've never *ever* encountered a problem when using Steam, offline, online, or whatever else.

Hellsvacancy4546d ago (Edited 4546d ago )

Im sorry, but us console gamers had no choice but to use the crappy online service that was given to us in Dark Souls, why should it be any different for PC gamers?

Its not as if your NOT gettin Dark Souls, you made a petition askin for it

*WE WANT DARK SOULS ON PC* so you get it, but then its *WE WANT STEAM NOT GFWL*

What a big bunch of cry babies

I much preferred the online for Demons Souls, god knows why they changed it for Dark Souls, maybe i should of started a petition way back then askin them to change it back

Daggerjack4546d ago

I feel bad for the developers. most of the people who wanted this game on PC are gonna pirate the shit out of it!

h311rais3r4546d ago

Don't make assumptions about the pc crowd. RPGs always outsell their console counter parts.

OhReginald4546d ago

I think daggerjack is talking about that steam fanboys will pirate dark souls because its a GFWL digital game and not a steamworks digital game.

Daggerjack4546d ago

That's why i said "most". I have a Gaming PC aswell. i know it's gonna happen. shit, most of the forums i go to are already talking about pirating it!

NYC_Gamer4546d ago (Edited 4546d ago )

@ OhReginald

I'm one of the huge Steam fans but will still buy the game regardless....won't have to deal with GFWL since i'm sticking with the sp mode..kinda of sucks since never got to do co-op since my xbl is free but GFWL isn't safe for save files and etc.

Captain Qwark 94546d ago

that couldnt be farther from the truth, just a few that come to mind.....

dragon age series
mass effect series

all sold better on xbox than pc....

if anything they sell better on xbox than pc unless its a completely unknown rpg or something a little more under the radar like the witcher 2 which will likely have more sales on pc

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4546d ago
OhReginald4546d ago

I dont think a petition can change this. At this point its already a done deal.

keabrown794546d ago (Edited 4546d ago )

I actually want GFWL as it allows achievement points!

aquamala4546d ago (Edited 4546d ago )

good thing I don't have to play this on a console! you know it will have higher resolution, better frame rate, better textures, game starts and loads faster. can't wait for the best version of the game.

edit: I did have Dark Souls on PS3, but traded it in once I heard about it will be on PC!

Mythicninja4546d ago (Edited 4546d ago )

Disagree = console fanboy

neogeo4546d ago (Edited 4546d ago )

But da power of da cell!!

It's 150 years ahead of any gaming pc. Sony said we will get 120fps in 1080p..I'm just waiting for the true power.........still waiting...

GamingTruth4545d ago (Edited 4545d ago )

im not the games still look like cg to me

i know you love your fellow pc brothers agrees with you

oh yeah and your also still waiting to play even haze from 2007 on pc arent you and any other ps3 exclusive cause pc cant play them pc cant handle the games

aquamala4545d ago (Edited 4545d ago )

^^^ someone that still think PS3 is a powerful machine! I have a PS3 too but to me it's a budget gaming platform.

lmao power of the cell! and the enormous, umm, 256MB of video ram!

GamingTruth4545d ago

you really think the rsx matters, man your in a lost world

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phoenixwing184d ago (Edited 184d ago )

i understand the authors frustration i'm not the best at parrying in games. not that i can't complete a game that requires it but it is a definite harder thing for me than other kinds of techniques in games. which might be the main reason it's so heavily added in games nowadays. want to make your game challenging without having to do a lot of work? just add a parry boss. (what i mean by parry boss is a boss you have to beat by parrying such that their attacks will kill you otherwise)

Dudeson183d ago (Edited 183d ago )

I always think it's fine as long as such games also have the roll/dodge panic button. But I understand the will to parry, it seems so cinematic in a fight when you pull it off.

114d ago