
PS3 sales "continue to lag" Xbox, price cut "likely" by E3 says Pachter

E3 is right around the corner in June, and while Nintendo's Wii U is likely to grab the spotlight with no next-gen announcements planned from Microsoft and Sony, Nintendo's rivals could apply some pressure to the market with hardware price cuts. In fact, Wedbush Securities analyst Michael Pachter sees a PS3 price drop as a likely outcome at E3.

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NYC_Gamer4552d ago

I expect the kinect 250gb bundle to receive the price cut

GribbleGrunger4552d ago

to sum up this article for those who can't be bothered to read it:

'consoles sell according to the software available'

Razmossis4552d ago

Stopped reading at "says Pachter".

guitarded774552d ago (Edited 4552d ago )

@ Razmossis

Yeah, Patcher is a waste of life, but I too think both consoles will see a price drop at E3. Sony needs to break the $200 magic price mark. There's just something about that $200 mark that brings consumers running... even though it's only a $50 difference. MS should offer the 320gb at the $200 price point, and both Sony and MS need to have motion control system packages under the Wii U's price point. Nintendo's new console will be the must have holiday gift and in short supply, so if Sony and MS have a better priced console and readily available it will give them both monster sales this holiday.

brish4552d ago

I always find it odd how the xbox outselling the ps3 in the USA every year is news but the ps3 outselling the xbox globally every year isn't news.



KonaBro4552d ago

Brish I wouldn't use VGChartz to back up anything considering most people will just laugh at you.

As for Pachter, he's just being an idiot as usual. Sony isn't trying to beat Microsoft in sales. They could easily do that by dropping the PS3 to a price that no one could ignore. However, Sony is trying to make money and since they are the only console to make money at a higher prices then the other two consoles, I find it highly unlikely the PS3 drops in price in this year. If it does, it will be towards the end of the year in time for the holidays.

sikbeta4552d ago

PS3 will not catch up to X360 in sales...

thorstein4552d ago

Not to mention that this is just a pseudonym for "IndustryGamers" a site whose writers know nothing about the Industry or Gaming. They are just trolling for hits on their irrelevant site.

GribbleGrunger4552d ago


i think you'll find that 'catching up' eventually leads to 'being caught'

brish4552d ago

Opinion: Why PlayStation 3 Will Outsell Xbox 360

pixelsword4552d ago

Worldwide or US?

These articles always leave out the info that contradicts their central theme.

Edward754552d ago

@ Brish , do you live in the United States? If so that is why it matters. Prices for systems are different here then elsewhere, and if you do live in the US what products and how many that sell in different countries has little affect on here. Flip the script and say you lived in Japan... Why talk about 360 worldwide sales? It makes sense.

rhcpfan4552d ago


lol@"ign" and "opinion"

room4144552d ago

Why do articles about U.S. sales always have misleading titles?

NeoBasch4552d ago (Edited 4552d ago )

This is what I don't get. Why do people assume N4G only applies to America. N4G is a news feed for games. Period. That includes the UK, Japan, and any other nation with significant news in gaming.

MmaFan-Qc4552d ago

what Pachter say....is always futile.

DeadlyFire4551d ago

Well I was kinda already expecting that. Typically when a new generation is announced old generation cuts prices back. I could have predicted this in 2010.

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 4551d ago
Drekken4552d ago

Its just time for a $199.00 PS3. I don't care which model... its just time.

Hellsvacancy4552d ago

I think im gonna need another PS3 before too long, my slim takes a little while to load games, i price-cut would be handy

torchic4552d ago

I want $199 so that I can sell my black slim and get the white slim :D

then get the "Great Wave" PS3 skin oh yessss :)

Fylus4552d ago

Definitely. My Slim is sort of in a malfunctioning stage... It won't read disks after it gets too hot and it keeps corrupting my hard drive. I could definitely cough up 200$ for an all out brand new system:) It needs to happen before DUST 514 comes out though

Consoldtobots4552d ago (Edited 4552d ago )

call me crazy but if you go to gamestop.com you see the PS3 for $199 and the 360 for $139.

morkendo234552d ago (Edited 4552d ago )

U can buy 60gb ps3 @ pawnshop for 149.00 now
here in seattle.
bought second one saturday.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4552d ago
MastaMold4552d ago

The PS3 has been in 2nd place in worldwide sales for most of this year again US does not equal the world when will people understand this, oh yea and the PS3 has sold 60+ million in 5 years it took the 360 6 years to pass those numbers it looks like the PS3 has sold way faster dont you think

OC_MurphysLaw4552d ago

When will people understand that an article speaking about NPD preview reports and US sales is not meant to represent the world? When will people stop feeling the need to "defend" their console everytime a sales related article comes up? When will people understand articles like this aren't about who is in first, second or third but about expectations on price cuts in the U.S.?

Dee_914552d ago (Edited 4552d ago )

Whats so hard about saying sales lag in US flourish worldwide ?
I think if they made it known people would understand :) however they dont......
just to answer one of your questions.

duplissi4552d ago

ill just leave this here...

as of nov 2011:
If you average out worldwide units sold per month of each console, the numbers favor Sony. Over its lifetime of 72 months on the market, Xbox 360 is averaging about 800,000 units sold per month. Over 60 months on the market, PlayStation 3 is averaging 925,000 units sold per month.

Based solely on averages, if you were to remove Xbox 360's year head start, 57.6 million units sold becomes 48 million units sold. If you were to give PlayStation 3 12 more months to sell, paralleling Xbox 360's lifecycle, PS3's 55.5 million units becomes 66.6 million units sold.

Hicken4552d ago


Now, let's see someone call that a lie, or minimize its importance. It's only a matter of time.

mr_badhand4552d ago

Every year its the same thing. PS3 will outsell the 360.

How many price drops?
How many models?
How many bundles?

Maybe its time to let this issue die and move on. People keep bringing up the 360's headstart but it is what it is, a headstart.
If this issue is so important to some here then maybe we should be mad at Sony for not releasing a year earlier.

Muffins12234552d ago

Yes but usa makes up msot of the world market and is the largest market soooo it is almost the World sales when it makes up for 75 percent of the gaming inustry

Anon19744552d ago (Edited 4552d ago )

mr_badhand said "Every year its the same thing. PS3 will outsell the 360."

And every year except last year and that one year they tied, the PS3 has. What's your point?
I don't understand why this is even an issue for debate. Since the 360 had any competition, head 2 head it's been outsold. By the Wii and by the PS3.

And even though the 360 clings to it's small lead from it's time when it was sold unchallenged, we know it doesn't matter because research has shown that when it comes to consoles out in the wild, there are more active PS3's out there than there are 360's. This is what matters to the industry. It's not the slight lead Microsoft's console still clings to on paper, it's the amount of consoles out in the wild and what's moving the most software. That's what makes the industry thrive - software, nor hardware. And from the developers themselves we know that with the exception of Call of Duty - revenue generated between the PS3 and 360 are neck and neck. So in this great pissing match, as far as the industry is concerned - so far it's pretty much a tie.

Drake1174552d ago

Lol i would like to see some facts and numbers about the number of ps3s and 360s "out in the wild". Right now its giving me a picture in my head of xbox 360s and ps3s in the middle of the jungle spear fishing.

banner4552d ago

If you have to take the advantage that one console had and say, take that away and give it to the other console..... You sir look stupid!

All this moving the numbers around is stupid... As of today, ms has sold more consoles world wide. Ms is still ahead of sony by a few million some 6 yrs later some of you just have to get over it, cause new consoles will be here soon.

4551d ago
baodeus4551d ago (Edited 4551d ago )

@duplissi and Hiken

"IF" you were to remove Xbox 360's year head start, or "IF" you were to give PlayStation 3 12 more months to sell,

Why ask IF when there is no IF, you already know the result. What is the total current console sold now, as in what is the current state of gaming consoles, in REALITY, no IF?

Here is some food for thought:

You (ps3) and me (x360) join a race. You arrived late and you remained last. So instead of asking why you lost, you said "if" you were early, you could have won.

1. Well why didn't you show up early like i did?

2. Do you ever think or would admit that it is your fault for coming late to the race and lost? Should I be blamed for you being late?

3. I'll admit, you ran faster than I'm. Everyone know You and You were their favorite while I was a nobody. I join in as a rookie which you didn't even notice since you left me in the dust from the previous race. You still take me lightly this time around, running high on your ego, so you take your time thinking you could beat me, but now you just trailing behind. Who fault is it? It is me or you?

4. Haven't you learn anything from the Tortoise and the Hare story?

5. With that said, we both lost to that old veteran runner; he was late too like you. What a shocker.

kreate4551d ago


i do like ur comment.

But between microsoft and sony, microsoft is the more ego-driven company.

Microsoft doesnt even care about sony. They're more worried about apple and google.

SilentNegotiator4551d ago (Edited 4551d ago )


So it's okay to ignore the Ps3's general sales just because? Oh, well, so long as we're ONLY discussing NPD, we can say that the ps3 is "lagging" behind the 360 and SEVERELY needs a pricecut.

"When will people learn that we can ignore the ps3's general success and delude ourselves by sticking our heads in the sand with NPD sales charts? If Pachter, a supposed professional, wants to talk as if a limited scope shows he entire picture, why can't he without you evil pstree fanbois getting all over him??"

You're more than happy to ignore how the ps3 is REALLY doing in favor of NPD numbers, though. You KNOW that if the tables were reversed, you would NEVER let a portion of sales that show the ps3 favor be treated like the whole.

Trenta274551d ago

That may have been the case before, but not anymore. PS3 sales have pretty much stalled, Sony is losing billions and cutting jobs, and they are having trouble keeping people with the console. I love my PS3, but my Xbox beats him.

baodeus4550d ago (Edited 4550d ago )


I agree with you that MS is pretty arrogant too, and that is why they are late and losing in the mobile/search market against Apple and Google; Although those are entirely different markets.

I think eventually, OS, which is MS strength, might also become obsolete.

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 4550d ago
donniebaseball4552d ago

Seems like MS is in the driver's seat. If they drop price, Sony has no choice.

CarlitoBrigante4552d ago

Pachter never learns, Sony won't announce any pricecut in E3 if history learns us anything. Because right after E3 its summer and its a really calm season to buy new consoles.

I expect Sony to give a pricecut around september, like they did in 2009 and 2011.

Rhythmattic4552d ago (Edited 4552d ago )

With hands flailing...

Its a kinect joke....

Sgt_Slaughter4552d ago (Edited 4552d ago )

*Shakes head back and forth with a facepalm*

Dee_914552d ago

so if sony drop the price ms will do nothing ?

4552d ago
BitbyDeath4552d ago

@DK286K, don't know where you're from but MS dropped the price in Australia last year after Sony did.

Sony actually had their console cheaper than MS for a few weeks down here.

Dee_914552d ago (Edited 4552d ago )

@ bitby I guess he means in the US because ofcourse thats the only place that matter /s

The xbox 360 price dropped back in 2010 and in 2009. ps3 dropped its price in what .. august of 2011?
My original point is its doesnt matter what either one do, they will drop their prices when ever they want.Ofcourse xbox will be the first to drop its price because it was the first to come out. It doesnt take a rocket scientist to realize that.

Megaton4552d ago

Sony can't break the network effect that the 360 has, especially in America. That's why they keep trailing and that's why the 360 is having its best hardware sales of this entire generation when it's delivering the worst game lineup of damn near any console ever made. Hardly any exclusive games worth a crap since 2010, yet hardware is flying off the shelves. Sony likes to talk about "momentum", but Microsoft actually has it.

KonaBro4552d ago

Yes and that momentum has kept them in 2nd place even though they launched first.

mobhit4552d ago (Edited 4552d ago )

...Yet another person with one too many bubbles and has no idea what they're talking about.

May I remind you that Nintendo is still in the lead. Microsoft hasn't won anything unless they bypass Nintendo.

I think Sony will cut the PS3 price soon but at a time where people least expect it.

Megaton4552d ago

I love how you guys turn on and off Nintendo's existence like a light switch based on whether or not you're talking about Microsoft's sales.

Nowhere in my post did I say they "won" anything. They're simply not going to be overtaken by Sony. They will always stay a slim margin ahead. Sony almost had them a couple years ago when the gap was down to around 500k, but now it's back in the millions and continuing to grow. You guys can only deny reality for so long. Frankly, I didn't think you'd still be doing it for this long.

Sony's price cuts have had zero effect on Microsoft's hardware sales. They've proven that not only do their competition's price cuts not make a dent in their units moved, but neither does delivering nothing but terrible Kinect games. It's an anomaly how they manage to keep shifting so many units while doing so many other things wrong. A real testament to the network effect and over-aggressive advertising.

Drake1174552d ago

Kinect is what has been selling xboxes the last few year...its not an anomaly at all. Yes the hardcore gamer hates kinect and laughs at its lineup of games but the average gamer, families, or any one else buying video games loves the damn thing.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4552d ago
otherZinc4551d ago

I agree!

That above comment is the current comment of the year!

Spot on.

If SONY is beating 360 in "Worldwide" sales by "their (SONY'S) numbers"; why did SONY have a "Worldwide" price cut this past year?

SONY's numbers are shipped & they need to get rid of that stock thats sitting in warehouses around the world.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4551d ago
Cocozero4552d ago

Its incredible that MS managed to be the No.1 console last year without cutting price. In fact the 360 hasn't had a price cut in about 3 years now only new models so they must be raking in the $$$.

If they are smart they would cut the price of the 360 right before the launch of Halo 4 for another mega sales boost.

CGI-Quality4552d ago (Edited 4552d ago )

The 360 didn't sell the most to consumers last year. They shipped more, but the way I understand it, the PS3 sold more to consumers. Only source to go by in such a case is VG Chartz. Take that for what you will, but I don't know a more credible source.

OT: Perhaps he means the US / UK, because everywhere else, the PS3 sells more than the Wii and 360 weekly.

OC_MurphysLaw4552d ago (Edited 4552d ago )

The only source to go by is what the companies themselves report...not VG Chartz...not NPD's ...but what Sony, Nintendo and MS have to say end of story. Their financial reports are the only true source. FULL STOP

edit: @CGI-Quality..."but I dont' know a more credible source"? How about the companies themselves and what they reported:



room4144552d ago

dlacy doesn't understand the difference between shipped and sold to consumer apparently

k-dillinger4552d ago

umm well how is that possible ps3 fiscal cycle just ended on march 31 for 2011 so how did they outsell them last year when numbers for Sony weren't in yet jeez talk about stretching there numbers

Wolfbiker4552d ago (Edited 4552d ago )

I cant believe there are people missing out on all these great ps3 exlusives.

xPhearR3dx4552d ago

Different people have different taste. Wii killed it this gen in sales, but for me personally, I'm not missing anything by not owning one.

Rhythmattic4552d ago

I understand what you are saying, but as much as WII sux, there are GAMES we are missing out on...

But for the fun of it...

Its a matter of "whats more important" to you as a gamer....

Zelda OR Halo

Mario OR Killzone

Easy really... Nontendo

antz11044552d ago (Edited 4552d ago )

...or they could multiplat and have both? Yeah, theres that too. EDIT: And by that I mean own multiple consoles, lol.

Wolfbiker4552d ago

Nobody buys a console for multiplats....maybe multiplayer but not multiplats....that's mental.

SuperLupe4552d ago (Edited 4552d ago )

Dude I have a PS3 and I didnt care for 99% of the PS3 exclusives that came out last year except for UC3. I mean Twisted Metal came out not too long ago and I still have to even read a review or watch a gameplay trailer for it.

I dont give a damn if a game is exclusive or not, as long as it appeals me thats where I'll go.

Its pretty clear that its the same for tens of millions of gamers (360 anw Wii only owners) and dont forget the millions of PS3 owners who dont buy PS3 exclusives but only play FIFA/Madden/COD.

Theres a reason why so many multiplats sell better on the PS3 than PS3 exclusives.

mr_badhand4552d ago

Amen, exclusives are important but what is the point if they're not appealing.

Wii has the MOST exclusives out of all three systems, yet most of them are not what I would like to play.

Quality not quantity.

Imalwaysright4551d ago

If you really believe i what youre saying then why the hell are you buying consoles? Just build yourself a PC. Seriously buying consoles for multiplatforms is idiotic at most and i say this being mostly a console gamer. BTW i hope that you dont have a 360 as it would be a redundant piece of hardware to have and a waste of money,

AusRogo4552d ago

It might not sell more, but by god does the machine have some of the best exclusives! Proud owner since 07, and its still goin

mobhit4552d ago

Yep. I have nearly every PS3 exclusive in my library. I have all three uncharted games, all three Resistance games and both Little Big Planets.

So many exclusives to play....

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State of Play is back tomorrow, September 24! Tune in live for news and updates on more than 20 upcoming PS5 and PS VR2 games from studios around the world.

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Sonic18812d ago

Hopefully not a lot of remasters

Eonjay2d ago

Agreed, but if I could pick one game to remaster first it would be Killzone 2. If you had to pick one which would it be?

Mr_cheese2d ago

I know it's not the same but I'd love a reboot of resistance or warhawk

u-bEttA-rUn2d ago

If they announce Kill Zone 2 remake or resistance 2 that multiplayer would be crazy. But Warhawk I would cry like a 2 year old 😂😂😂 give me bloody roar

ravens522d ago

God of War 1-3, Ascension, Ghost of Sparta and Chains of Olympus all in One.

RaiderNation2d ago

I love Killzone, but I would prefer a complete reboot of the franchise, using the newest version of the Decima engine, rather than simply a remaster of part 2.

SimpleDad2d ago

Sony will not do Killzone 2 or any Killzone because they don't have plans for it in the future... No TV shows, no sequel, no Lego game, no multiplayer...

This is dead for Herman... Only Aloy.
And that's sad.

Zero hype for tomorrow.

Kingrizzy902d ago

legacy of kane, resistance, or just something totally new that hasnt been already done

Cacabunga2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Hopefully zero gaas, will show that they’re starting to reason!!!
And yeah the remaster trend must also stop.
PS5 exclusives or nothing go home

A new Killzone, Uncharted, Tsushima, inFamous, Resistance, Wolverine or something original single player.

CobraKai2d ago

Killzone 1. In think that needs a retelling

Profchaos1d 23h ago

I either want something from the infamous franchise or the cheeky answer is being lemmings back as that's now Sony

DarXyde1d 19h ago

Killzone 2 I think falls into remake territory.

I'll take a Warhawk remake or even a remaster but that's it, really.

Any remasters for a last generation game on a backwards compatible console is just insulting.

fr0sty1d 12h ago

If they do any online only live service stuff, give us MAG or Warhawk, games that actually perfected that formula.

Kurt Russell1d 11h ago

Wipeout Fusion
Kill Zone

Eonjay1d 5h ago


Wow. And it looks like you are the winner. Completely was not expecting that.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 1d 5h ago
IAMRealHooman2d ago

only remasters, even remasters of games that aren't even out yet

DodoDojo2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Wrong, there will also be a 2 minute snippet of Lego Horizon.

bloop2d ago

If they don't show something from a couple of their big studios after the absolute disaster they've had with Concord then I'll lose all hope. This generation has been a complete letdown so far and there's very little to look forward to at the moment.

RaidenBlack2d ago

Pretty sure : RE9, Days Gone Remaster, HZD Remaster, 1 last SH2 trailer, Wolverine trailer, Until Dawn trailer
Maybe(s) : GoT 2 announcement, DS2 (but already happening@ TGS), Pragmata, TLOU2 or SpiderMan 2 PC announcement,
Wishlist : Santa Monica & Naughty Dog's new project tease, Marathon gameplay trailer
Don't Want : Any AC Shadows trailer, Any more remasters other than the ones leaked

Eonjay2d ago

You really think that other remaster is Days Gone? And my God what happened to Pragmata?!?

seanpitt232d ago

It’s 30 minutes, I think you’re being optimistic there, don’t have high expectations, I know mine are the lowest they have ever been since what i have witnessed these past 4 years!

crazyCoconuts2d ago

Agreed w/ Sean. Keep expectations low.

Juiceup1d 17h ago

jfc what is this trash lineup Sony please

Rainbowcookie1d 4h ago

Injustice 3 I'm calling it 😃

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1d 4h ago
Christopher2d ago

Only 5 remasters. They had to cut back to squeeze in 1 new announcement. They will have another SoP next month to cover the other 12 remasters.

-Foxtrot2d ago

*monkey paw curls*

Horizon Zero Dawn Remastered

Gravity Rush 1 & 2 Remastered

Until Dawn Remastered

DarXyde1d 18h ago (Edited 1d 18h ago )

In the case of Gravity Rush, a remaster of a remaster that plays on PS5 now would be bizarre. Then again, so does Horizon.

This only makes sense if it means a PC release, but they still closed the studio and releasing this would be very poor taste.

potatoseal2d ago

I'm presonally looking forward to a Days Gone one. Would love any excuse to play that game again. I loved it

darthv721d 21h ago

Why wait for an excuse... just go play it now.

CobraKai2d ago

Im thinking showcasing Pro versions of existing games.

neutralgamer19922d ago (Edited 1d 23h ago )

They could do a lot right by simply announcing a blood-borne remastered so many people have been waiting for it and they should not only bring it to PlayStation 5 but also PC

If they are all intent on doing a lot of remasters, how about doing some of the remasters from the games during the PlayStation 2 and three generation instead of PlayStation 4 games?

Can we get infamous collection? Can we please get Socom from the PlayStation 2 generation? Uncharted trilogy God of war trilogy twisted metal collection, kill zone trilogy, resistance trilogy some of these games they can simply just unlock online multiplayer. They’re only one need to do a lot of work and people would enjoy them

But instead, let’s just remastered the last of us horizon zero down the God of war 2018 this PlayStation Sony executive bosses are some of the most idiotic in the past 10 years

PlayStation has such a long history. They can simply do a lot of fun service and get so much positive PR but they keep making the same mistake again and again and again.

Rimeskeem1d 21h ago

I would honestly prefer remasters/remakes/reboots of games than GaaS they have tried to push.

TheEroica1d 20h ago

Release the remastered games on the sheep!

JackBNimble1d 17h ago

Hahaha... I was going to make the same joke.
That's all they have


Concord Remaster here we come!

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 1d 4h ago
RaidenBlack1d 8h ago (Edited 1d 8h ago )

Lol, but like most I was expecting a 'Playstation showcase' but looking at how brief the Pro reveal was ... I am guessing these short State of Plays á la N.Direct style is how Sony is going to continue.
The next big PS showcase is gonna be the PS6 event. Till then all will be SoPs.

2d ago Replies(2)
Relientk772d ago

Hopefully there's good games, but we'll see. Going in with low hype, and I hope to be pleasantly surprised.

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Microsoft Reportedly Spends $1 Billion Annually To Get Third-Party Games On Game Pass

Uncover the spending behind Xbox's Game Pass subscription. Discover how Microsoft invests a billion dollars annually in securing third-party games for the service.

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Obscure_Observer5d ago


Now that you´re releasing games and making big money from every gaming platform, you should double that amount and give us even more day one third party games!

Jin_Sakai5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

You’re delusional beyond belief. Businesses wise it doesn’t make sense and sooner or later they’ll be raising prices again to cover that billion they’re blowing every year.

outsider16244d ago

Lucky for xbox that papa microsoft is rich.

purple1015d ago (Edited 5d ago )

As someone else said earlier today, they are past the growth stage, it’s been stagnent for last 3 years, they are now in the money making stage, prepare to be goosed for as many dollars as possible for the least amount of content. It may not be bad now, (actually it is) but it will be soon (even worse) this year you got hellblade and starfirld and a load of other games that could be bought in bargain bins for about $5-30 and for that you pay them monthly

To add I honestly don’t know how you put up with the barrage of Xbox negativity (which is deserved). I put it down to:

A) you are being paid
B) you may have a problem thinking clearly
C) prefer rooting for the underdog, that’s a legit thing too. English people do it by default

Profchaos4d ago (Edited 4d ago )

Yeah Aussies also love an underdog as long as that underdog isn't Xbox as they were too of the game with the 360 then lost their minds

Chevalier4d ago

3 straight years of missing Gamepass targets. Some people are just blinded by their own idiocy. Will be interesting to see if COD does anything this fall

CosmicTurtle4d ago (Edited 4d ago )

He is a troll. Designed to stoke people up on here. We know this.

It’s quite funny.

Popsicle4d ago (Edited 4d ago )

Yet people still allow the troll to derail an entire topic. I don’t understand how moderation allows it.

I literally just skip the comment. This may be the best comment obscure ever made. I don’t know because I didn’t read it. I have read to many thread derailing post from this person to ever devote any time to reading another.

I wish everyone would ignore the trolls so we can have a genuine discussion. Stop feeding it and it will go away. Even just hitting the disagree button feeds it. Thats what it wants. This is the last post I will ever post about obscure because I am feeding them now.

Legit question to Mods. After such a long history of being a troll, how has this poster not been banned?

Profchaos4d ago

Is he though or does he just blindly love Xbox in the same way Sega fans loved the Dreamcast even though it was clearly dead they thought it could be redeemed

Ok yeah he's saracstic and does troll but I enjoy seeing what he comes out with it would be boring here if we never had conflicting opinions

Sonic18814d ago (Edited 4d ago )

Are you insane? You want them to double the amount when the Xbox is already struggling and losing money 🤔

Hofstaderman4d ago

Correction....XBOX is already dead.

Obscure_Observer4d ago

"Are you insane? You want them to double the amount when the Xbox is already struggling and losing money"

As long we get the games I couldn´t care less about a trillion dollar company losing money. That´s their business to worry about. I only care about the games.

And "struggling and losing money"? Really?

"Microsoft reports Xbox’s revenue is up 61% in Q4 FY24 thanks to Activision"


61% more revenue and BO6 is not even out yet.

MS will make a sh!t ton of money with that game alone in all platforms. So 2 Billion yearly invested in their *core* business is nothing!

So yeah, I want them to double the investments on Gamepass. Period.

Sonic18814d ago (Edited 4d ago )

"So yeah, I want them to double the investments on Gamepass. Period."

That ain't going to happen. Just because you want it 😂

fr0sty4d ago (Edited 4d ago )

They'll do that, after creating 4 more higher-priced tiers and making the one that currently includes everything only contain games that have been on the market for 4 years.

"Gamepass Ultra to the MAX: Now only $299 per year!"

MrNinosan3d ago

Already $240/year, so we're there within a year, without new tiers.

jznrpg2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

It will be 29.99$ a month eventually 360 a year

Profchaos4d ago (Edited 4d ago )

They are trying to get a return on abk and Bethesda they won't double day one we're lucky we are still getting them now that day one has been removed from base tiers

They want to make money not give it away

OlderGamer174d ago

Sorry O_O, I tought you where loosing it, but i now come to the conclusion that you realy lost it.
The coping from you is not on a stellarr level....

Flakegriffin4d ago (Edited 4d ago )

Homie got 77 dislike and his brain rot will still help him think that he’s right.

4d ago
+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2d ago
MrDead5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

I like how they twist cannibalising game sales into "invests".

No lifetime sales with MS, they'll F-up gaming the same as streaming services have done to the movie industry and it's workforce.

Fishy Fingers4d ago (Edited 4d ago )

Out of interest do you think those 3rd parties signing the deal are unhappy with the severence and have a gun to their head?

Bro probably has a PS+ sub and has library full of Epic launcher free games.

TheNamelessOne4d ago


Pretty much. There's a lot of hate on this site for Gamepass, but put games on the different tiers of the PS subscription, and whenever they get that free day one release, it's an entirely different tune. No talk about how this choice is killing devs.

DarXyde4d ago

Do we think they're unhappy?


They literally need to be paid up front to put games on the service. It's become a way to gain a foothold on the platform.

Do you think Atlus would launch on Game Pass otherwise?

MrDead4d ago

"Out of interest do you think those 3rd parties signing the deal are unhappy with the severence and have a gun to their head?"

I think you mean severance... and I've noticed you don't know what it means either, MS aren't firing the third-parties they're purchasing from.

"Bro probably has a PS+ sub and has library full of Epic launcher free games."

I'm not a console gamer, but yes I do have Epic with a library full of free games... but guess what Epic rotating free games every week doesn't do. It doesn't destroy lifetime sales and cut workers out of residuals. Then you bring up PS+ a service that also doesn't destroy lifetime sales as their model allows for new releases to earn.

DivineHand1254d ago

There are pros and cons to everything. Streaming services like Netflix is no different than cable tv except it is on demand. Services like Netflix has made it so that more studios can get a share in the profit where they can reach more consumers worldwide compared to the old days where the masses will only watch a few new titles per month.

The only negative about streaming services is that it no longer makes any sense to sell DVDs and Blu-rays though it can be argued that those persons may have moved on to building digital libraries for the sake of convenience.

The reason Xbox is doing so poorly is because they are not doing enough to be competitive. Their output of AA and AAA exclusive titles are extremely low compared to the competition and they haven't had a game of the year nominee in years.

Releasing their games the same date on PC is also hurting their console and it would have been more strategic for them to delay those releases by a year similar to what Sony does to maximize profits.

Gamepass alone is not to blame for Xbox's current position because it can be argued that if the service didn't exist and they had the same gaming output as they have now, they would be in an even worst spot.

MrDead4d ago

"Streaming services like Netflix is no different than cable tv except it is on demand."

It's nothing like cable. My comment isn't a guess lifetime sale of films has shrunk to a point it's almost gone and so has the revenue it generated, that is money from competing TV networks, cable/satellite and physical media sales.

Lack of revenue transparency with streaming has meant workers job security and pay has massively diminished, earnings from residuals is almost gone for example the writer for Squid Games because of streaming gets no royalties despite series earning $900 million for Netflix, before streaming he would have royalties form lifetime sales.
Or another example Willow the series was pulled and is no longer watchable here's why: “Willow” was one of nearly 50 titles that Disney+ pulled from its streaming library in May. Other titles included the series “The Mysterious Benedict Society” and the feature film “The One and Only Ivan.” Disney CFO Christine McCarthy explained that Disney was expecting to take a write-down in the June quarter of $1.5 billion-$1.8 billion by removing content from its streaming platforms. By writing down the value of the content assets, Disney can remove that from its balance sheet and reduce its tax bill." Also when you pull a show you no longer need to pay residuals to the workers.

Have you also noticed the drop in quality on sfx or thought some older films look so much better then they do now? This is because the industry now relies on cheap labour for sfx outsourcing abroad, more green screen instead of location shooting and a lot less real extras bring life to a scene.

Streaming in gaming is going to be far worse as we've seen with MS consolidating a massive part of the industry to try and make the service sustainable, lifetime sales being cannibalised by gamespass and a work force that has no unions like SAG is already paying the price.

All streaming does is remove income transparency, cuts the workers from the money and sets flat rates and removes consumer ownership... but CEO's and shareholders will still be ok as they benefit from the industry consolidation.

Huey_My_D_Long4d ago

MrDead is absolutely on fire with the post.

Nothing else I have to add other than that.

DivineHand1254d ago

@MrDead like I said pros and cons. Some of those issues can alleviated with alleviated with regulatory intervention to give more transparency to the industry but unlikely anytime soon with all the lobbying going on.

The issue with the squid game's writer can be attributed to the terms and conditions he agreed to. It happens often in business as no one really knows how popular something will be until you catch that lightning in a bottle. I remember reading about how Nintendo hardly made anything off Pokemon Go dispite Niantic making Billions.

I don't blame streaming services for studios finding was to reduce the cost of making films. That stuff would have happened regardless because of the greed of these corporations. We see that same cost reduction happening in every industry from food to Aerospace.

shadowT4d ago ShowReplies(2)
CrimsonGuardVII4d ago

@badz148 its not, it just straight lied.

gold_drake4d ago (Edited 4d ago )

we know this, we have known this since last year.

this is not new or news.

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